Doctor Avery Minyo


Basic Info


Avery Minyo






Sept. 22


Doctor Avery Minyo is a distinguished scientist in the field of toxicology. Their first degree was in poke-pharmaceuticals, followed by a Master's in toxicology and a thesis on increasing the accuracy of the move Toxic. They are most well-known for their contributions to the development of the Venoshock TM. While their excellence in the field is unquestionable, some have raised concerns about their methods and ethics. After disagreements with their sponsors resulted in their funding being cut during some experiments on the move Curse, they now turn to Team Rocket, hoping to find an institution that will support their research.

In person, Doctor Minyo alternates between overwhelming passion and cold disinterest. They have little use for activities that do not further their research. It is not uncommon for them to work overnight and into the next day. While they are ever on the look-out for interns and subjects, they have exacting standards of the people they work with. They are eccentric, a bit hot-headed, stubborn, and prone to vanity.

They stand at an impressive height of 6'2", and possess a number of piercings that some might find unprofessional. Their team consists of Vileplume, Toxicroak, Haunter, and Mareanie.

While they are still doing research on the potential of Curse as a Poison move, they are also dabbling in a number of other projects, including the poisoning of sleeping targets, the manufacture of aphrodisiacs, and various applications of hypnosis.