
4 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info

Kindergarten teacher
May 10
The Empress


  • Generous
  • Nurturing
  • Patient
  • Persuasive


  • Dishonest
  • Manipulative
  • Spoiled
  • Vain

Character Stats

Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Patient Restless
Optimist Pessimist
Serious Trivial
Polite Sassy


The thing about Faith is people love her. Ask her coworkers at the school, ask the people she goes to church with, ask the people she goes out of her way to help – everyone has a good thing to say about her. She's so sweet, she's so kind, she's always there to lend a helping hand. She's got a welcoming and infectious laugh and a smile that lights up a room; she's the kind of dog that kids seem to know is inherently kind and understanding. The thing with Faith is a lot of people will refuse to hear anything bad about her. Sometimes people might start to gossip about her and they're shut down – her most loyal friends will shut that down and say they just don't understand her. That's the thing, they don't understand; if they took a few minutes to understand, they wouldn't be so quick to talk shit. But here's the thing: Faith has cultivated this...persona of a kind and caring dog and the truth is she's manipulated a lot of these people into a belief about her. She's learned to say just the right things to sound better than she is and a lot of her charity and niceness is a front. Oh, she'll do everything she talks about, she'll help people, but it's rarely ever out of the actual kindness of her heart. This is all with the intention of how it looks. She looks like a good person, so by some standard, she is a good person. More than that, when she helps people, she has leverage later of asking for help. Everything she tries to do is with ulterior motives while trying to be a good person.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus. Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam. In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis. Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies. Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.

Nulla eu blandit nisl. Quisque nec nulla eu lorem aliquet commodo. Vestibulum maximus laoreet lacus a sollicitudin. Nam vitae libero tempor, aliquet libero congue, tincidunt libero. Etiam elit neque, vehicula et interdum vitae, sodales et libero. Aliquam pulvinar vulputate sapien, id lacinia orci cursus eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel quam at ante blandit lacinia. Pellentesque eget arcu lacus.




Trivia & Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.
  • Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam.
  • In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis.
  • Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies.
  • Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.




[ boyfriend ]

This is the man she's chosen to love. Originally started as a "pet project", so to speak, Faith and Eden actually butted heads a lot more than people would think necessarily healthy. But they continued to butt heads until they were both tired and they both listened to the other. Faith loves Eden and knows there's a good man hiding away in him. He's never going to be a great man, she'll admit that, but she knows he can be good. She wants to help Eden realize all isn't lost and that he doesn't have to consider himself a lost cause...but he helped her recognize that he doesn't have to adhere to her standards of "goodness". Despite their rocky misunderstandings, the two have been good for each other in the long run of living together.



[ sister ]

Don't get her wrong – she adores her sister. Her sister has been there for her through thick and thin; her sister took care of her when no one else would. Faith remembers going to her with good grades and accomplishments from school and Kartini being the only one who cared about it. The problem is that Kartini is tired and Faith realizes she's pushed her sister in all the wrong ways. She wanted to do right by Kartini, she wanted to take care of her for once...but she was dumb. She insulted Kartini accidentally, she questioned Kartini's judgment, and ruined hard work with Kartini's boyfriend simply because Faith thought she had the right idea of things. She loves Kartini, but she's scared she messed up so badly that she'll never get to be back in her good graces and the thought breaks her heart.



[ brother in law ]

She doesn't like Logan, not a bit. She doesn't like how he gives into his urges, constantly drinking and doing drugs. She's seen the news about the playboy for years. The idea that he's dating Kartini irks her beyond reason. Her sister deserves better. Her sister deserves someone who will love and cherish her, not use her. To Faith, Logan is close to falling off the bandwagon and someone who has to lose everything, hit the very rock bottom of life, before he realizes what he has. It doesn't matter to Faith that Kartini says he has hit rock bottom and he deserves to feel loved and safe enough to start healing. Faith doesn't like Logan and the feeling is very mutual...and Faith also recognizes that it's cost her her relationship with her sister. Though she's grown as a person, the relationship between her and Logan will never be repaired.



[ brother ]

Faith doesn't remember much about her eldest sibling because by the time that she came along, Sincere had disappeared into the realms of gang activity and Faith was, more or less, to be a replacement child. The idea of him haunts her and she doesn't know what to do with it. Her parents more or less defied him, putting him on this pedestal – he was their best child, he was so smart, he was so skilled, he had everything, he was perfect. According to Kartini, he wasn't exactly that great, but he was a good brother until drugs started coming into play. Still, though, Faith feels like she can't live up to this fabled brother and despite it all, she's trying to find out what happened to him. Everyone says he died, but things just don't quite add up. She knows and Kartini knows, so she plans to find out what she can.

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