
  • Katrin Rissah

  • Nickname[s] Kat, Trinny, Kitkat
  • Alias[es] Red-Eyed Raccoon, Rirsan Katish
  • Age 11 Solar Sweeps / ~23 Years
  • Gender Female
  • Orientation Bisexual Biromantic (Male Preference)
  • Height 5'4
  • Blood Colour Red
  • Trolltag avariciousAmbition
  • Symbol Meaning A new day
  • Lusus Raccoon
  • Strife Specibus knifeKind
  • Occupation Thief, Receptionist at the Crown Clinic
  • Residency Lowblood district, Block 136

♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ Klavir Ievery


Katrin's obsession with money and getting rich has lead her into many a dangerous situation. She's prone to jumping into schemes without considering the consequences, and then panicking when things don't go how she expected. This turbulent lifestyle has made her an emotional wreck with an addiction to alcohol, but she doesn't want to confront her problems. She writes self-insert stories as a form of escapism, where she envisions herself to be a master thief and hero loved by all. She's incredibly dependent and outright parasitic towards her friends, but she prefers to bottle up her emotions to not worry them.


► Money
► Stealing
► Writing (self-insert fiction)
► Reading comics
► Alcohol
► Imagining get-rich-quick schemes
► Parkour


Katrin is typically a very quiet troll. She spends a lot of time in her own head, whether that be imagining some sort of fantastical idea, or hyper-analysing the current situation at hand. She doesn’t tend to verbalise her thoughts much, and finds starting conversations to be awkward and nerve-wracking. She’s terrible at small talk, and even worse at offering any words of encouragement or affection to her peers.

She has a very over-active imagination, and often finds herself caught up in her own fantasies. She likes to picture herself as a ‘protagonist’ type, who has all these zany schemes that work perfectly and everyone will think she’s the best ever. Of course, reality is never that simple, and more often than not her schemes end up failing spectacularly. She enjoys writing as a form of escapism, as fiction is a world where everything goes right for her and the bad guys can be defeated. While she does post her writing online, she’s very sensitive to criticism and is prone to giving up and going on extended hiatuses if people don’t like her work. This attitude also persists into her everyday life, where she’ll easily give up on something forever if it doesn’t work the first time.

She’s quite shy around other trolls, and becomes flustered very easily when around particularly kind or flirtatious people. She becomes panicky when around trolls who are very forward, which can result in her pulling out a knife on them if she feels too overwhelmed. When it comes to her relationships with others, she can be very parasitic and dependent on their kindness. She tends to gravitate towards trolls who pity her in some way, in hope that they’ll do favours for her and give her things for free. She relies heavily on other people to help her, and likes people who’ll take care of her so she doesn’t have to do it herself. However, it’s very rare that she’ll return this kindness, as she doesn’t think she’s capable of doing so. She feels very guilty about it, but rather than trying to fix her own issues she’d rather wallow in her own misery and hope someone will call it out to validate her guilt.

Katrin also hates the idea of burdening other people with her problems, and has a tendency to isolate herself from her friends and quadrants whenever she’s feeling down. She also has no issues lying to others so that they don’t pry into how she’s really feeling. She puts her close relationships on a pedestal, believing that they're too good for her and don’t deserve to have to deal with her issues. This isolation becomes a vicious circle for her, as once an extended amount of time passes she feels guilty for not talking to her friends enough and fears that they’ll be angry at her for disappearing, which only makes her avoid them more. She fully acknowledges that she’s at fault, constantly dwelling on her mistakes and refusing to believe the people she’s hurt are anything but a saint.

Katrin suffers from both depression and anxiety, and has been struggling with a long-time alcohol addiction. She seems to be also gravitating towards more risky and dangerous activities when she doesn’t know what else to do with herself. She would like to ‘get better’, but she doesn’t think she ever could.


Katrin initially believed that her psiionics was simply having Enhanced Reflexes, but after being (forcibly) recruited into Ullane's psiionic testing program she is now aware that she actually possesses Chronokinesis. In times of extreme danger, Katrin is able to slow down time in order to react much quicker than what is happening around her. She perceives it as everyone else moving slower while she can still move at a normal pace, but from an outsider's perspective her movements are so quick they cannot be properly discerned. Some may instead believe that she is teleporting.

However, due to her lack of understanding of her psiionics and inexperience using them (as well as her excessive alcohol consumption impairing her abilities), she struggles to use them to their full potential. While she can identify the conditions that are favourable for her psiionics, she cannot control when or how long they are active, as they currently only react on instinct. Excessive use of her psiionics also puts a strain on her mind and body, and she often suffers from headaches if she uses them too much in a short period of time. If she were to hone her psiionics to their full potential she would be able to stop time completely for a few moments, but overusing them at that point could dramatically cut her lifespan.


Katrin had an average childhood, though she often kept to herself in favour of reading whatever few books she could get her hands on. She enjoyed writing stories as well, and would write about her own self-insert as the main character in her favourite fictional universes. At one point she got into reading comic books, but she found them more difficult to obtain. These two hobbies would persist until her current age. She’s always had big dreams about being rich and successful just like the characters in the series she’d read, but didn’t know how to pursue it.

She started leaving her hive to visit the popular locations to meet new trolls when she was around seven and a half sweeps old. It was here she met her then-matesprit, Gerrel, who she immediately fell head over heels for. She also met Cirrin, the troll who introduced her to the art of thieving and scamming people out of their money, and also became her moirail. With them around, it felt like her dream of becoming rich and successful and loved was finally attainable. She took up pickpocketing, and once she started feeling more daring, began breaking into storefronts and other people’s hives.

This new-found love for stealing quickly took a turn for the worse when one night she broke into a cybernetics store belonging to Kybern, who happened to still be in the store at the time. He attacked her, badly grazing her arm when she narrowly avoided losing it to a bullet, and managed to get her cornered. He briefly attempted to force her into working for him as payback for having the nerve to cross him, but after some time she tried to avoid showing up for shifts, causing him to begin stalking her. He became infatuated by her, and wanted nothing more than to make her his kismesis. Katrin was rightfully terrified, and due to her endeavours to escape from his stalking, he made several attempts on her life. She fell into a depression, and began drinking to try and cope with her anxieties. At this point Katrin also met Maagni and, sensing some mutual animosity between them, pursued a kismesitude with him in order to get Kybern off her back. Their relationship was equally as turbulent due to their inexperience with how the quadrant was meant to function and Maagni’s anger issues, resulting in Katrin suffering serious burns from his psiionics on two separate occasions.

While this ordeal was happening, Katrin was becoming increasingly more distant from her other quadrants. Gerrel was often busy with his work and Katrin didn’t want to bother him, and she lost contact with Cirrin. She started to feel guilty about avoiding them and feared that they’d be angry at her for not telling them about her situation, which only resulted in her isolating herself from them even more. She ended her relationship with Maagni, and while they broke up on good terms, she felt guilty for using him as an attempt to keep Kybern away from her and thus cut contact with him. Time continued to pass, and while she was still dating Gerrel, she began doubting her own feelings for him. After all, it had been a sweep and she still couldn’t pluck up the courage to contact him again. She felt terrible for having these doubts, and fell further into her depression.

Around a sweep later, Katrin began to move on. Kybern was no longer going after her, and seemingly vanished off the face of the planet. She met Izuili, who took her under his wing as a mentor for pickpocketing, and she started operating under the alias of The Red-Eyed Raccoon. She also began working for a fashion designed named Barsho, who like her previous workplace she was forced into the job to repay a debt due to accidentally ruining his boutique’s reputation. Despite the initial hesitation and uneasiness, she felt comfortable working under a boss who didn’t try to kill her. She became closer to her next-door-neighbour Soroll, who she initially only saw when she was exchanging her recycling for food or if she needed medical attention. Things were going great…

… Until Gerrel returned from a sweep-long business trip, looking to make amends for his absence. Katrin thought she’d be able to quietly move on from him like her other relationships, but his return forced her to confront her conflicting feelings head-on. Feeling guilty and ashamed for doubting if she was still in love with him, she couldn’t bring herself to allow him back into her hive and tried to break up with him. This resulted in her getting roped into attending a party by her friends’ employer Viltau, which was really a guise to assist Gerrel in ‘winning her back’ with a grand romantic gesture. Katrin still felt too consumed by guilt over how poorly she treated him earlier, as well as how terrible of a matesprit she has been to him over the sweeps, and broke off their relationship for good. She ran, never to return into his life again.

Katrin spent over a perigee locked up in her own hive, avoiding all calls from friends and barely doing anything but drinking until she'd pass out. It wasn’t until Barsho checked in on her to make sure she hadn’t died that she started leaving her hive again. She’s become far more withdrawn than she used to, and spends more time wandering the streets hoping to get into trouble. While she’s met a few new trolls since then, and after her contract ended with Barsho she picked up a new job as a psiionic test subject and receptionist for the Crown Clinic, she knows she doesn’t deserve to feel good about herself anymore. But, there’s a part of her that still wants to believe she can be ‘better’ again...



► Her voiceclaim is Jodie Whittaker / Sam from Attack the Block.
► Her faceclaim is Sophie Nélisse.
► She has an English accent, specifically a South London one.
► She has scars covering her upper body and arms from various encounters. She has burn scars from her ex-kismesis, various scars from bullet wounds, and self-inflicted cuts on her left hip.
► She almost lost both arms thanks to multiple altercations with Kybern.
► She doesn't like wearing clothes that show off her arms and torso due to these scars.
► She washes her hair maybe once a perigee since she's too poor to afford shampoo. Or rather, she could afford shampoo if she didn't spend most of her money on alcohol.
► She owns ribbons in all her friends' blood colours that she wears to make it seem like she's being protected by highbloods.
► Her scarf was a gift from her ex-matesprit after her old one was torn to shreds. She gets mad if people point out how ratty it looks.
► She's left handed.


► She likes to sneak into her friends' homes when they're not around and take things, usually alcohol from their fridge or any spare change lying around.
► The threads on her sleeves and scarf are all loose and frayed as she picks at them when she's nervous.
► If she thinks someone is hitting on her and she doesn't like it, she'll tell them she still has a matesprit even though that's no longer the case.
► She has a tendency to develop crushes on people who treat her nicely, although she now won't act on them and instead try to avoid the person of her affections.
► She tends to blush very easily, especially when flustered or embarrassed. When she feels incredibly self-conscious about it, she'll pull her scarf up over her face in an attempt to hide it.
► She doesn't like being touched without warning.
► She had a habit of pulling out knives on people who startle her and have even stabbed people when she's gotten panicky, but she's trying to stop doing that.
► Her hands tends to shake when she has to work with anything small and finicky, as a result of remembering her time working for Kybern.
► She picks up her friends' habits and quirks if she's been around them long enough.
► She has a severe fear of firearms.

Hobbies and Favourite Things

► Her writing is posted online using the tag ambitiousAvarice, where she goes by the pen name Rirsan Katish. She's gained notoriety for writing horribly anatomically incorrect sex scenes and over the top romance plots.
► Her stories all have self-inserts as the main character, and she writes all her friends in her stories as well.
► Her kismesis taught her how to play piano. She doesn't have her own to practice, so she'll only play at his hive.
► She ended up learning how to parkour by complete accident, after realising that her tendencies to scale walls and jump over fences while fleeing in fear could come in handy.
► She doesn't have a particular preference for alcohol, she drinks whatever is cheap and/or easy to obtain.
► She's drunk mouthwash more than once, when she's been really desperate for a drink but didn't have any alcohol.
► She likes sweet food because she doesn't often get to buy snack foods. She's developed a particular love for caramel shortbread after being introduced to it by Aelynn.
► Her favourite superheroes are Wonder Woman, Black Widow, and Rocket Raccoon.
► She likes to try on the dresses at Barsho's boutique when he's not around. They make her feel rich.
► She's gotten her arm stuck in vending and claw machines trying to get free things on multiple occasions.


► She lives in the lowblood district of Block 136, in a small unit identical to every other hive in the area.
► She struggles to find the motivation to keep her hive tidy, and only cleans when guests happen to show up.
► Her pantry is usually stocked with cereal because one of her friends owns a factory as a side job. She'll often live off cereal for weeks.
► Her lusus tends to scavenge through bins in the area, so she's tied a bright red ribbon around it's neck in hope it'd deter people from attacking it.
► She knows the streets of Block 136's lowblood district like the back of her hand, as well as all the back alleys of the city proper.

♠ Klavir Ievery ♠

[ Kismesis - "Sharp Knives" ] Grumpy piano nerd who Katrin loves to bother. Their relationship is fairly red-tinted, as they care for one another just as much as they annoy each other.

Gerrel Mitius

[ Ex-Matesprit - "Gerrin" ] Katrin's first love. She deeply regrets how she hurt him and hopes he's doing better without her.

Cirrin Runfar

[ Ex-Moirail ] Katrin doesn't know what happened to him sweeps ago, and is too scared to find out.

Maagni Halvor

[ Ex-Kismesis - "Fireball Whiskey" ] They really weren't a good match, but Katrin still feels bad about stringing him along.

Kybern Zeylos

[ Enemy ] He seemed to have disappeared, but Katrin worries he'll come back one day.

Soroll Delfim

[ Neighbour / Friend - "Garbage Pail Kids" ] Katrin's next-door-neighbour who she's only recently befriended. He's a very reliable (albeit nervous) person.

Conroy Grospe

[ Friend - "Conroyolo & Risswag" ] A long-time friend. Katrin hasn't seen him in a while.

Kitaer Imolai

[ Friend - "Kitkat" ] Another friend Katrin hasn't seen in a while. He's scary, but his side job keeps her pantry well-stocked.

Ullane Wistim

[ Boss ] Once again, Katrin has ended up indebted to another troll. This time she's working as a test subject, which isn't as bad as it sounds.

Izuili Linuii

[ Mentor / Friend - "Dubious Duo" ] Katrin finds talking to him to be really awkward, but he's been a very helpful mentor.

Mauban Alaife

[ Friend - "Glutton for Punishment" ] Katrin's noticed that he's mean to everyone but her. She appreciates not being a bully target for once.

Thrixe Varzim

[ Friend ] Katrin models for his paintings in exchange for free lunch. She's not even bothered about him being an eldritch horror.

Suhari "Paznic" Mitaze

[ Friend ] Big scary weird psiionic hot hands guy. Katrin feels safe knowing someone like that is on her side.

Aelynn Nostam

[ Friend ] She gave Katrin a nickname, so Katrin assumes their friendship is official.

Eichio Maccau

[ Friend - "Tequila Mockingbird" ] He's a nice guy and a really good bartender. He can be a little pushy with the helpfulness, though.

Viltau Espino

[ Acquaintance - "Knife Party" ] Katrin is really not a fan of him, but that doesn't stop her visiting his hive to see her friends at work.

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