Kakuzō Okakura (01 | OdaKaku)





Age Difference

2 Years

Height Difference

2 inches (With Heels)
6 inches (No Heels)



Current Status

Romantic Partners


Terminated (After Oda's Death)


5 Adopted Children (Deceased)

You shouldn't be here. You're too much of a good person to stay in a place like this. Leave once you have the chance.

— Sakunosuke Oda

OdaKaku is the pairing between Kakuzo Okakura and Sakunosuke Oda. I will try to write everything better because it's a mess right now but hey hey

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Kakuzo was already a member of the Port Mafia when Oda joined. Initially, it was Kakuzo tending to Oda's injuries, no matter how minor they were, to prevent infection. He was exasperated with Oda's skill in killing and how he refused to stop. However; the day he did decide to stop thanks to the influence of Natsume Soseki, the two got along better, and Kakuzo could tell Oda's genuine change of heart. It's because of this change of heart that he decided to open himself up to Oda and actually befirend him, and ease him off some of the guilt he had carried from killing.

Oda assumed that Kakuzo stayed his friend because he pitied him. While that wasn't too far from the truth, Kakuzo could see that Oda, deep down, was a very changed man and made the conscious effort to be good, even go as far as to refuse killing altogether. He was drawn to that, and it was refreshing to have someone be that way despite being in the mafia. Kakuzo still attended to any minor injuries Oda had, and through his friendhsip with Oda, became acqainted with Osamu Dazai and Ango Sakaguchi, whom he happily befriended and accomodated. Had it not been for Kakuzo's docile and surprisingly genuine nature, Oda would not have seen him as a personal friend and a confidant.

Feelings were a gradual thing that developed between them, and it was Kakuzo who caught feelings first. Despite his best efforts to hide it out of professionalism in the picture, these feelings were not unknown to Oda, who well figured them out and acknowledged them. However; he was not going to reciprocate feelings that were not there, but he still kept Kakuzo around because he genuinely valued him.

They only became an item soon after Oda took in the five orphans, whom Kakuzo helped take care of due to Oda being in the field quite a lot. They quickly bonded this way and got much closer as a result, and being touched by Kakuzo's actions, Oda reciprocated his feelings due to a growing attachment. Their relationship further deepened after the five children started seeing Kakuzo as a familial figure to them as well.

Fast Forward because my braincells are struggling: Oda died because of Gide and Kaku doesn't want to admit that hurt him more than it should.


He gave me a sense of normalcy in his cesspool. He took in those five children, he managed to give them normal lives to the best of his ability, we technically had a family. Now, that's gone. . .

— Character Name

My braincells are dying so have this: They're actually rather sweet and becasue hey they trust each other a lot so physical affection and emotional transparency is like, very common with them and they don't hide much from each other at all. However shits kind of bad because Kaku sees himself weak enough to want to find someone who can help him escape the mafia, seeing Oda as his crutch and only hope. They are also very close because they ended up parenting the 5 kids so as you can see, they were pretty much married. Kaku genuinely enjoys teasing Oda because he founf out the latter can't understand some jokes so they're hecking wholesome.

they fought when Oda decided to face Gide, and Kaku knew he was gong to die. It was v sad for Kaku because he knew he was being kinda selfish since Oda was his one way ticket out the mafia and they were basically family at that point. however; he already knew he lost all he loved and he was going to lose it again and he was so upset that he couldnt do anything.

Oda though, fucking protects the hell out of kaku and still tries to keep him level headed despite everything. He figured the reason that kaku was such a mess around him was because he was never allowed to be emotionally vulnerable and the fact he could finally BE vulnerable with someone really tore down his walls and like, he appreciates it and he loves kaku but he had to tell kaku a lot of things to keep himself afloat and that despite everything, he can still be strong.


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Profile Base by Erandia
Edted by Glasses-Dog