Alexei Jamil



4 years, 5 months ago




"The present time has one advantage over every other – it is our own." Charles Caleb Colton


  • AGE  Classified, Appears Late 30's
  • D.O.B Classified
  • PRONOUNS He / Him
  • RACE  Classified, Assumed Human
  • HEIGHT 6'4"
  • OCCUPATION  Chronicler - General of Omicron Sector
  • ALIGNMENT Lawful Neutral
  • ORIENTATION Straight
  • VOICE Gravelly Nathan Drake
  • THEME  Dust Bowl Dance - Mumford and Sons


General Alexei Kronsolaire is the son and successor to his father, Nyestor Kronosolaire, one of the great golden busts that sits in the Academy's Hall of Honor. Not much is known of the family other than they hail from a world now swallowed in a causality, and that they have been a part of the Chroniclers for time immemoriam. Lex doesn't speak much to his childhood or rearing, but there are whispers among the ranks that Alexei had attended the Academy when still barely a child on recommendation alone. The man neither denies or confirms the rumors, but just chuckles when asked. Most of the General is shrouded in mystery, but those under his command do know a few things: The man loves to party, he's got an Elven "sister" from Jordland, and they can rely on him in a pinch. 

As General of Omicron Sector, Lex oversees Chronicler operations on Terra and several other planets, but has been forced to devote his attentions to The Wizard's tear between Terra and Jord, coordinating with the General overseeing Jordland on multiple facets of security and world integration. All Chroniclers on Terra technically answer to General Alexei, but few interface with the man directly (and some say its for the better). 



While he may be a General, Lex is usually to be found with a wry chuckle or smirk on his lips and easy laughter in the belly. He prefers to take things as they come, rolling with the punches, and wholly believes he'll always come out on top. Stress doesn't seem to be in the General's dictionary, though the oft-replaced bottles in his office bar would say otherwise. The man is a natural-born leader, an anchor for his team's morale, and always has a plan or the semblance of one. In fact, some may say Alexei makes decisions too easily. Still, even if a plan goes awry, the General isn't easily deterred and sees it through to the end, adapting and improvising with each new problem arising.

Just like his planning, Alexei plays his off the clock life fast and loose. Colleagues say he's impulsive, the type to approach any girl with a cute face and enough brain cells to hold a conversation and disappear for hours at a time - a frequently told story among the upper ranks is the time The Chroniclers had to send search and rescue after the General when he hadn't shown up to work in a week, only to find Lex and a few dozen men and women had formed a commune among the towering psychedelic fungi of the planet he'd taken vacation on. Disdainful whispers of favoritism follow the General as well, accusations that he only respect the colleagues he finds attractive, and saves  promotions for those who flirt back. Complaints have been levied against Lex, but he's skirted the consequences each time, getting by with charm and carefully chosen words.     

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