08. Saheera Byn (1. Hux & Saheera)



4 years, 6 months ago


[ ship name ]

"this is a quote and it's gonna be good"
whomst are you

[ ship name ]
[ Armitage x Saheera ]
Status In a Relationship
Height Difference 8 inches
[Hux: 6'1" | 185.4cm
Saheera: 5'5" | 165.1cm]

Nicknames { Armitage: Huxie | Red }
{ Saheera: M'Lady | Heera }
Children Not Applicable

[ ship name ], also known as [ other ship name ], is the pairing between General Armitage Hux and Saheera Byn.

Contents [ ]


Saheera and Armitage met shortly after she joined the First Order. She didn't outrank him but cooperated with him in various missions she conducted for both the First Order and Supreme Leader Snoke. There wasn't a whole lot of interactions between them except whenever Saheera was asserting her dominance over people. Their first real interaction together was when she was doing just that. Though neither remember what it was about, she threatened his life over it and nearly choked him through the use of the Force. She was trying to prove a point and made it successfully. Since then, there had been some heated interactions between them.

One day of a rather heated argument, and a few dead Stormtroopers later, they decided to start a relationship. Just to blow off steam more than anything, neither really showed any care towards each other. They used one another, for better or for worse. They were like this for about a year before Saheera started acting out. She grew more violent and temperamental towards him, trying to push him away at every chance. She eventually told him that he was all she could think of and that she hated it. Because she was trained to believe relying on people was a weakness and weaknesses led to vulnerability. She also added that she couldn't live with the idea of him not being with her either. So, they decided to try being in a relationship to see where it would go.

It benefited them and was terrifying for those around them. As Saheera was usually the one to reinforce his commands. He also gave her more leeway in terms of the dead Stormtroopers as well. More relationship info here.


"quotes are great did you know that"
whomst are you

Saheera and Armitage have a difficult and strange relationship. Before deciding to start a relationship, they were very formal with one another. Only talking when they had to and nothing else. After they started seeing each other, they were very coy with one another. Trying to be witty and show off who was in charge at every opportunity -- unfortunately it usually ended with Saheera winning most of the time. They also started displaying small amounts of affection towards one another. More so after they decided to make something out of their relationship.

They admitted a lot about one another that they hadn't shared with others. Such as Saheera's guilt about killing her sister when she was younger and the abuse Armitage suffered at his father's hands. Being honest with one another was something they found refreshing. It was something they did since starting to know one another. They're more prone to being affectionate to one another through small actions or when they're in private. In public, they show a respect and acknowledgement towards each other, less likely to argue and so on. When it's just them, displays of affection and romantic gestures are pretty common.


Future is to be determined


Unable to have children


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Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne