


4 years, 5 months ago


Name                                                                                    Levi
Age 22
Gender Male
Race Yōkai
Owner Leifeh

"Are you sure you're okay with that?"


There's a rumor that has been around for a very long time. It started within Japan's highschools and slowly made its way around the world. A rumor that is believed to be true. The rumor goes that if there is someone you truly wish revenge on you may be able to summon Levi. It's said that at a minute past midnight and only at exactly a minute past midnight you will be able to access a website that is otherwise non-existent during the daytime. It will at first only have a cat face in the middle of the screen seeing that cat means you can continue if you do not see the cat your want for revenge is not yet strong enough to summon him. However, if you are lucky enough to see the cat you are to click on it and a simple bar with an enter button with text above asking a seemingly simple question of "What is the name of the person you would like revenge on?" Type the name of the person you would like revenge on and type it in very carefully as you wouldn't want to make a mistake on the person's name as you only have a minute before the website shuts down, Then the next step is rather obvious you need to hit enter and then it will prompt you to upload a picture of the person you wish revenge on after that is done however, here is where the story takes many different directions. No one is quite sure what exactly happens after you upload the picture though people on the internet who have claimed to have met him say that he will come to them in a dream and ask them if they are sure of this choice. If this is what they truly desire then he will make the person they wish suffer until they can be consumed by his demon, whom many have described as cat looking in appearance but by doing that when their time comes for them to die the boy will come back for the requestors soul and his cat will devour it. The requestor will never know the joys of heaven or the burns of hell they will simply become food for his demon and the boy will ask if they are okay with that. If you answer yes it's said that your tormentor will indeed suffer and eventually disappear from your life completely however it's also said the requestor will wear the mark of the "cat demon" that will one day come to devour them. Though this cannot be proven as the only one who can see the mark is the requestor themselves and the ones who say they have these marks believe that it's a reminder that someday they are to become food from the very demon they requested help from. However, who's to truly say any of that is true? It's the internet, after all, there's no guarantee many aren't just lying of seeing him and yet there's a certain part of you that curious isn't there... That wonders if only to yourself "Is there anyone I want revenge on enough to sell my soul?"

To that I say, I wonder.. perhaps you need to check the website for curiosity's sake of course... though they do say curiosity killed the cat. I wonder if satisfaction really did bring it back? Guess there's only one way to find out.


Called                                                                                          Levi
DoB March, 13th
Role Vengeful Yokai
Origin Japan
Alignment Neutral evil
Flower Forget-me-nots
Color Sky Blue
Demeanor Very apathetic shows no hatred for those he condeems but shows no concern either

"Hmm...." He looks at the candy you're holding, it seems like he wants it.

  • Candy and sweets of most types
  • His cat Memo
  • When he can remember something
  • When others give him new candy or sweets to try
  • Sharp objects pointed at or near his face
  • Forgetting parts of who he use to be
  • When he can't find his target and gets lost
  • Spicy candy








Levi head trauma was not something Memo could fix, not completely anyway so though Levi is stitched up he has issues with remembering things and has become horrible at sense of direction and memory. Without the name and picture, Levi would forget who his target was which was why both he and Memo made the website in the first place and decided to go after people who wanted revenge, because of Levi's memory issues they needed names and pictures and the easiest way to get it was to take request from people who wanted another person dead. Levi also has PTSD and if anything sharp or pointy is pointed at his face he will go fucking ballistic and try to kill the person immediately as he will then see you as his attacker from before, it's the only time he shows any emotion that is not Apathy. He CAN speak but prefers not to and likes to use his hands and Expressions to convey what he's thinking however he can use a pen and paper if asked. He's also easily distracted and will look up at clouds or butterflies and have trouble focusing it's up to Memo to make sure he stays on track with the target as if a target were to give him candy he would probably forget what he was doing and take the candy without his cat Memo to remind him.


Designer Ougiam
Height 5'8
Build A bit Lanky but otherwise nicely built
Eyes heterochromia due to one eye being blind.
Skin Pale Tan almost fair
Hair Black
  • He has piercings on his ear that are hard to see.
  • He has eyes on his head that float more so then are imbedded.
  • Please draw him eating candy and with his cat unless requested otherwise.
  • He is apathetic more times then not so please draw him with that sort of expression unless requested otherwise.

A Past Better Forgotten

When Levi was born and just a tiny baby, curled in a blanket of blue in his mother's arms, both his parents had such high hopes for him. They wanted the tiny baby in his mother's arms to be successful, they wanted him to always have a smile on his face but most of all they wanted him to always know happiness. They were a normal family nothing special or particular about them. Levi's mom and dad had met in college and fell in love, later getting married and having a child; Levi being their first and only child. They had some issues conceiving Levi but nothing that was unusual and the birth of their son went smoothly, it seemed like a normal start to a new chapter in the new parent's lives. Who would have thought that only seven months later police would arrive at Levi parents home to find a Levi the seven-month-old baby still clutched in his mother's rigor mortis set grip covered in blood and oddly silent but unharmed. Both his parents had been shot in the head his father twice and his mother once the shot killing her instantly. The killer later was found to be an ex-lover of Levi's mother who had obsessed over her since college and had been planning to kill his mom for years but had only recently decided to go through with it. Claiming the lives of both Levi's parents and almost Levi himself as a bullet hole was found near Levi's infant head which if it had been even a centimeter closer Levi would have died along with his parents that day. One could even be so bold as to say Levi had cheated death that day.

Levi's grandparents on his father's side were given full custody of him as his mother's parents had long since passed from a car accident a couple of years prior. Levi didn't mind growing up with his grandparents but after the death of his parents, he was never really the same, though to be fair what child would be after that? He had trouble making eye contact with anyone even his grandparents and his speech was delayed way behind other children to the point he didn't actually start learning to speak till he was already two years old and even then he had a bit of a slur and wasn't very good at speaking so he preferred not to and generally didn't no matter how much his grandparents tried to encourage him otherwise. He did start talking more when he was 5 though he still had a slur and had trouble pronouncing some words. However, he stopped talking at school completely after his first day of Grade school when a child walked right up to him after he nervously introduced himself and told him "You talk funny, you're so weird!" Though it could be attested to it was likely a simple case of child ignorance, calling someone weird and it was probably not meant to be taken personally, however despite that;

Levi never spoke in class again.

Not even as he got older did he speak a word which you can imagine meant he didn't make any friends. He wanted to really but the thought of being called weird for his speaking voice kept his mouth firmly closed and his eyes straight at the ground and that's how he spent most of his school days. Eyes down. Not speaking or drawing any attention to himself. It was lonely but at least he was safe from other student's thoughts this way. Safe from eyes judging him though as years went by his speech and Social skills didn't get better and it got to a point that even talking to a teacher made him nervous and full of anxiety and he couldn't make eye contact with anyone besides his grandparents. He was always scared. Stressed and he never relaxed, his grades were fine, average, and though he was smarter and could get better grades if he wanted he kept his grades average on purpose he didn't want to stick out. Head down, don't be noticed. He spent most of his life like this and it worked for him just fine, until the beginning year of High school he saw one of his classmates being bullied. It wasn't Levi's first time witnessing bullies and it wasn't the first time he had kept his head down and just kept walking thinking that someone else would help but since he had stayed after school to clean the classroom now there was only him and it was obvious the bullies were going too far. His classmate's glasses were broken and the boy's face was black and blue now the bully was pulling the kid's hair as another one rummaged through his classmate's wallet. He should have kept walking but he couldn't just do nothing. So he intervened.

He was beaten up that day but that wasn't the end of it, unfortunately, the real thing was only just beginning. The kid he had helped was very nice to Levi and very grateful and they hung out at school for a little bit Levi making his first real friend but...he moved schools only a couple weeks later leaving Levi to the wolves he had angered. They turned their sights on him and finally Levi was noticed by his classmates but not in the way he had hoped. It was a constant every day. His shoes being damaged or going missing, His desk vandalized if he left his things anywhere they would be vandalized by the time he got back like his backpack, his notebooks. his clothes. Water was dumped on him, he got his head dunked in a toilet almost daily. He had to start hiding before going home least a gang of boys ambush him while he was trying to go home and beat him senseless. It was getting harder and harder to hide the wounds from his grandparents and there was only so many meals Levi could skip, he didn't want his grandparents to worry about him but he also didn't have the confidence to tell the teachers what was going on and even if he did he didn't believe that they would believe him he had never spoken to him before after all. For years the bullying continued throughout high school and no one came to Levi's aid why would they? He was just a quiet kid in the back of the class, the one no one ever spoke to and he never spoke to them, he was a loner an outcast why should they care about him? It never got better it only got worse. It all came to a head when they stole his school clothes when he was in gym. Not all of his clothes no. They left his Blazer and shirt, they just stole his pants. Where were his pants? Levi didn't know, though he guessed probably ruined and Levi had learned a while ago it was better to just ignore them then give them any reaction and show them it had upset him, he had gotten good at keeping his face neutral. He took off his gym shirt and put on his blazer he just left his gym shorts on and put on his classroom shoes. He saw no point in going looking for something very likely already ruined beyond repair all he could do now was think of a way to tell his grandparents he would need yet another uniform replaced without letting on that he was being bullied. Gym class was the last class of the day for him but he couldn't even think about going home for at least another two hours. Levi had found that was the maximum amount of time they would wait for him on his route home. So instead he decided he would head to the park in the opposite direction to kill some time. He would sometimes go to the candy store if he still had some money on him after the bullies were finished with him and the candy would usually help soothe the wounds he was dealt that day. Levi really liked candy it helped him forget about his problems plus if it was a really bad day for him it would help him stop his tummy from grumbling later as he skipped dinner so his grandparents wouldn't see his wounds. but today he had kept his money in a secret compartment on his pants and with them gone there was no chance the money was still going to be there and he had a black eye still swollen from yesterday so he couldn't eat dinner again. His tummy grumbled angrily at the thought but Levi had learned to ignore it walking towards the park.

He was too concentrated on his stomach rumbling to notice someone walking quietly behind him bringing a pipe down on his head.

Memo will be here for you

The exact details of what happened after that are hazy for Levi. He remembers that really terrible things happened to him but as for what exactly they were he doesn't have a clear memory. The only thing he remembers vividly with extreme and vivid detail is his death. Which is ironically the one thing he wants to forget. He remembers it was an axe that did it. He remembered how high it raised and he remembers vividly that the person had told him he was going to chop off his head. It appears that the person holding the axe wasn't strong enough to keep it in place though as instead of hitting his Neck the axe went right through just behind his nose on the left side of his face cutting his face Open. Levi remembers the pain his blood gushing from his face that felt so hot almost boiling him and he remembered how he screamed. He disconnected from himself then tucking and hiding away in the safe darkness that was away from his body. Farther he had to get farther away. It hurt over there. He could hear himself scream yet he felt nothing come from his lips he was curled in a ball when he met Memo. Or well at the time he was only "The weird-looking cat." to Levi.

The cat said nothing to him and only stared at him as Levi looked at the cat and seeing how strange the cat looked Levi finally realized and asked out loud "Am I dead?" the cat said nothing only staring at the other with a cute tilt of its head. But Levi didn't need to get a response, he already knew the answer. At the realization that Levi was now dead, He felt...anger..no anger wasn't even close to what he felt, what he felt, was pure rage. "I'm dead, aren't I?" He asked again not needing an answer as he stood up. "I died he killed me." Levi's hands were balled so hard into fist his nails dug into his skin. He felt no pain only confirming what he already knew, That he was dead. Why..WHY?! "My life was terrible, My Death is terrible No I'm not ready to die yet I have not had even one moment of happiness!" he choked through his tears, "My grandparents told me my parents were watching over me." he cried into his hands. "They said they wanted me to be happy and yet they do this to me. Why..What did I do to deserve this!" He wailed. He wasn't sure how the cat got in his arms. Had he picked it up or had it come on his own? He couldn't remember but he remembered the words the cat said the words that almost sounded like it was coming from his head but he knew his inner voice and this was not it. "Then Shall I help you Live?" The cat said three red eyes aglow "We can become one. I you and you me. You shall live and get back at this world which has given you such a sad and rotten story. Become a part of me and I will grant your wish of life and someday perhaps even happiness. "

Who could say no to such an offer? when the world has been against you from the start who are you to question fate when it gives you a second chance at life. Even when it comes from a cat demon with a hunger for souls of sinners.


Since that day it has been just Levi and his cat who after realizing the cat could no longer talk to him after the pact was made was lovingly given the name Memo by Levi. Levi is alive...well sort of anyway. His body from before is dead and it had been buried a long time ago. Though if you ever ask how old Levi is he will answer "nineteen." because that was the age when he died and he doesn't think anything after that counts given he no longer ages due to the nature of his body. He is made of Spirits. Let me explain, every time that Memo eats a soul its processed in Memo and then given to Levi to make his body stronger and more human-like. Basically, his body is made of souls and if you were to cut him open there would be nothing but screaming spirts in the form of body parts however things like Saliva, Sperm, Sweat and digestion work like any normal human body due to this method and the more souls memo eats the more normal he looks. However, this does have a side effect of leaving ghostly eyes on Levi's head and the need to carry a backpack covered in Memos Mark so other spirts don't smell him. As well as the fact Levi and Memo are always hungry however Levi has found that eating candy can satiate his hunger perhaps it a mental thing before and though that's likely it's that and that he seems so happy eating it Memo can't help but feel satisfied as well. They have become very close over the years and are now practically inseparable as they do their job together!




[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.