Warlord Kolzos



4 years, 5 months ago




Adult ✦ Male ✦ Merfolk

"Pray that you drown before I get to you."


Kolzos is one of the many characters I have been working on in a world called Terram. It is a world that I hope to make many comics of in the future, including one for Kolzos himself! He is a character that I have come to deeply enjoy writing, and it would be no understatement to say that he is my favorite character that I have made yet! Between his personality, his thought process, to how he interacts with others, it has just been a blast to write him. His expressions are, by far, my favorite to draw as well.


Art of Kolzos always will make me stupidly happy and I am not joking when I say that I will probably look at it every day for a month or even longer. Kolzos is an exceptionally skilled fighter, while he prefers hand to hand combat, he will also use weapons. He is one of the strongest fighters in the story I'm working on and has quite a few tricks up his sleeve. Staring into his third eye when it is fully open will give you severe brainfog, and if he wants, he can even erase specific memories, however due to this, he will often have it closed. All of his teeth are sharp, but his canines are a little longer than the others. His pupils don't fully dilate into a circle like a cat's would. He has a grey, pointy tongue as well, it isn't super long though.

  • Exploring
  • Singing
  • Battling
  • Cooking
  • Learning
  • Summer Heat
  • Bad Food
  • Silence
  • Being Alone
  • Lying


Kolzos is a Terramian (Human-Mythical Hybrid) that comes from a place known as Dark Waters. It is basically the deep sea, pitch black, with light coming from creatures only, it is also below freezing in temperature. Dark Waters is full of terrifying sea creatures, and Leviathans of staggering sizes that kill and eat everything in their path. Only Merfolk Terramians lived within Dark Waters, though to say "lived" would be kind, as they survived off of scavenging or hunting weak prey, usually eating things like Yeti Crab, which do not taste good at all. Many creatures in Dark Waters are also venomous or poisonous, making it difficult to get food, not counting how sparce life is or Leviathans happening upon clans.

Kolzos did not come from a clan, however, and he survived in Dark Waters on his own as a child with limited knowledge on surviving, just barely getting by to stay alive. It wasn't until he became an adult that he decided to take up the quest of getting his people out of Dark Waters, eventually unifying all of the clans he could find and liberating them from the hellhole that they lived in, with much stuggle, of course. He ended up needing to go to war to gain territory outside of the deep sea, and once he had gained some, he built his people a capital city, being crowned king in the process.

Like many Merfolk, Kolzos was very new to just about everything in the world outside of Dark Waters, having never seen things like the sky, or the sun. This has caused him to want to explore this new, strange world that he now calls home.


Zoya is an Alkonost, and a Forest Dweller, someone who comes from the Forest of Despair, that Kolzos met not too long after leaving Dark Waters. She tried to kill him when they first met, but after failing and eventually talking to Kolzos, due to him constantly trying to speak to her, she came to realize that he was not as evil as he looked. Over time, the two grew close, Zoya being the one to teach him how to read and write. It was not long after becoming close that the two began seeing each other romantically, eventually getting married as well.


Umbros is an intelligent Merfolk originally from Dark Waters who was taken by Water Elementals and kept prisoner most of his childhood. This prison is where he met Kolzos, and grew to idolize him, deciding to dedicate himself to his cause in any way he could, becoming one of his closest allies, and friends. His eagerness to assist Kolzos, and his genius and intense curiosity, led to the Warlord training him to become one of his Leviathan Hunters, and giving him the role of Lead Relic Researcher for their people. He soon was introduced to Armii, who he would work alongside with in his pursuit for knowledge, and eventually fall in love with.


Armii is from one of the first clans Kolzos unified, she is the daughter of the Chieftain of her clan. She is also the the lead Armor Crafter of Kolzos' army, personally designing the Bone Armor set that Kolzos wears. She, and her mother, supported Kolzos after hearing his plans, however her father was against them. Often disagreeing with anything Kolzos thought of, however he went along with the plans so long as they didn't become too risky. After the capital was built, Armii soon worked alongside Umbros, eventually falling for him and marrying him.

profile html by Hukiolukio