
Nanaka Suzuki


female • fifteen


assertive • blunt • confident

"Your Opinion Wasn't In The Recipe"


Talent: Patissier (Pastry Chef)
Height: 149 cm / 4'9"
Birthday: July 7
Blood Type: A-
Zodiac: Cancer
S.O.: Lee Tsukioka / Rie Shimazaki
Family: Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki


  • Pastries
  • Lolita Fashion
  • Anime


  • Mind Games
  • Bullies
  • Being blind as a bat


Nana is blunt, judgmental, foul-mouthed, and takes shit from exactly nobody. However, she does want to play fair at everything she does, even if that means putting herself at a disadvantage at times. She’s not really in touch with her emotions, often hiding behind her bluntness to mask what she truly feels. She's actually a big softie, but doesn't want anyone to know that she is.

Nana is a “hafu” - she’s half Japanese, and half Afro-American. She is bilingual, being fluent in both English and Japanese. She also speaks with an accent, dropping g’s and fusing words together wherever possible.

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