Freda Frost — “Opal”



4 years, 5 months ago


Hero Name/Civilian Name: Opal / Freda Frost

Age: 21 y/o

Pronouns: she/her

Powers: Ice and snow creation and manipulation 

Alignment: chaotic good 

Backstory: A magical since a young age and is currently fairly well-known as a hero. She enjoys her job, but she’s still learning how to deal with so many eyes on her. She pretends she doesn’t care what others think, but she’s pretty sensitive to criticism and negative comments. Prefers working with a team rather than solo. 

She originally became a hero at age 16 because she thought it looked fun and she had no other passions in life that could get her a well-paying job. She quickly found out that hero work isn’t as glamorous as it may seem. The sudden attention she was attracting brought praise along with criticism and straight up rude comments. It was a lot to deal with, but Freda couldn’t bring herself to quit. For once, she felt respected and confident in herself, which wasn’t a feeling she was used to in her everyday life. Being a hero for 5 years has given her fun and fulfilling experiences, but more importantly, it has helped boost her self esteem and morale. She feels important, wanted, and memorable as a hero. However she might base her self-worth a little too much on being a good hero...

Extra: Hates hot weather. Gets crushes very easily but never acts on them. Works part-time at an ice cream shop in the summer and a coffee shop in the winter, which is ironic considering she’s lactose intolerant and hates the taste of coffee.