Viltau Espino




  • Viltau Espino

  • Nickname[s] Vil, Vivi
  • Age 11.5 Solar Sweeps / ~24 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Orientation Homosexual Homoromantic
  • Height 5'7
  • Blood Colour Indigo
  • Trolltag honestlyDignified
  • Symbol Meaning Anchor Cross
  • Lusus Water Vole (MIA)
  • Strife Specibus clubKind, pistolKind
  • Occupation Event organiser, Caterer, Chef
  • Residency Lives in a large mansion by a lake

♥ Jikiro Takami || ♦ n/a || ♠ Kitaer Imolai


A hedonist by nature, Viltau is always seeking to be entertained. He's excessively flashy and loves to show off, but behind his pretty face and charming facade lies a personality that's rotten to the core. He has a lack of empathy towards other trolls, seeing them as only being worth anything if they can be useful to him. He works to his own code of morals, and values results above all else. He's not adverse to manipulation, bribery, and exploiting others' weaknesses in order to get what he wants. His temper is dangerously destructive, and he likes to break things and cause trouble when bored. He idolises the villains in the movies he watches, and studies their mannerisms and techniques to recreate for his own amusement later.


► Event organising / Throwing parties
► Cooking (particularly baking cakes and other desserts)
► Classic novels and movies
► Recreating iconic scenes from his favourite novels and movies
► Fashion
► Torture
► Jazz music
► Golf
► Conspicuous consumption


At his core, Viltau is a very hedonistic but also pragmatic individual. He operates on his own sets of morals, valuing what will bring the most entertainment in the most efficient way above all. While this may occasionally align with him acting helpful towards others, he is more often than not likely to cause trouble. He has little to no empathy for others’ lives, and sees people as either pawns for his own schemes or potential sources of amusement.

In his quest to obtain the desired results, Viltau has no qualms against using underhanded or even morally reprehensible means. He will manipulate, bribe, threaten, and exploit his way into getting what he wants, even when dealing with close friends and acquaintances. He’s also naturally very violent-minded, and will torture or even murder those who stand in his way. He believes revenge is a dish best served cold, and that some people simply deserve to die. He dislikes people who think they know better than him at his job, and those who are no longer useful to him.

Viltau cannot stand being bored, and greatly fears being consumed by ennui. He gets restless when he has nothing to do, which often manifests in destructive ways. Idle hands are the devil’s playthings, after all. His destructive impulses often result in him breaking things or harming others, usually with the excuse that being able to replace what he destroys will give him something to do. This fear of being bored also makes him prone to utterly dedicating himself to his work, and will often plan highly detailed and painstakingly complicated events solely so that he’ll have something to do for a couple of weeks. He’s no stranger to going a couple nights without sleep due to being so engrossed with his work.

When interacting with others, Viltau puts on a pleasant smile and a highly artificial disposition. He speaks in an overly polite and verbose manner, and does not show much emotion outside of that well-practiced cordiality. He loves emulating iconic villains from his favourite novels and movies, and tends to litter his speech with quotes for dramatic effect. Even when angered, he won’t drop the polite attitude, coming across as a very tranquil fury as he breaks your fingers mid-handshake. This artificiality extends to his general appearance. He is incredibly superficial, and dedicates hours to ensuring his hair and clothes are perfect. He loves to flaunt his wealth as much as possible, and enjoys purchasing extravagant things for others so he can remind them about how rich he is.

Despite his flashy appearance and his love for hosting overly-excessive parties, Viltau is surprisingly introverted. There’s only so much small talk and social interaction he can handle before he feels the need to retreat from public view. Towards the end of an event, he can often be found alone in his library or has already retired to his respiteblock to sleep. He also gets sick of the repetitive discussions that come with conversing with a lot of different people in a small amount of time, so he’ll leave before he gets too annoyed.

Further interactions with Viltau may also reveal the numerous hypocrisies that make up his character. He despises Subjuggulators and considers them to be a disgrace to the indigo caste due to their excessive violence for the sake of violence, but has no issue indulging in those same desires and will even (reluctantly) wear the paint if required for events they have employed him for. He looks down on other highbloods who believe themselves to be superior solely due to their caste and abuse their power unnecessarily, but will still mingle with them and enable these habits. He hates people telling him what to do and trying to make him conform to their standards, but is a severe control freak himself.

However, one of the few non-contradictory views he holds is that on the proper treatment of employees: He abhors highbloods who partake in slavery or put their workers in slave-like conditions, as he believes that the most efficient way to obtain dedicated employees is to keep them happy and pay them well. He is very protective of all his employees, and if one of them is harmed by someone else he will ensure whoever hurt them will never see the light of day again. Those who reach permanent full-time employment are his most trusted employees, and their lives are practically priceless to him.


Viltau’s childhood was not unusual for someone of his caste. His lusus, a water vole, wanted him to follow in the footsteps of his ancestor, who had a legacy of working for the Empire taking down rebel groups from the inside out. Viltau was never interested in that, but he followed along with it in the beginning. He was enrolled in various classes related to becoming a part of highblood society and made to interact with other young trolls of his caste in order to make contacts and prepare for the future. However, being an overweight and bookish kid with a prominent stutter made him a prime target for bullying. The other indigos were relentless, and his lusus forcing him to continue to attend these classes and highblood play-dates as a means to learn to uphold his ancestor’s legacy did not help ease Viltau’s misery at all.

As he drowned his sorrows in books and sweets to distract himself from the bullying, he found himself enjoying the villains in his stories more and more. They were smart, powerful, ambitious, vengeful, and more than a little dramatic, which appealed to Viltau’s own nature. He was also becoming more interested in the culinary arts thanks to his classes and love of food, and a certain book about a mysterious man who remade his own life and threw extravagant parties inspired Viltau to do the same. He decided to start working out and monitor his diet to lose weight, started putting far more care into his appearance, took up more cooking classes, hired a speech therapist so he could help fix his accent and stutter, and devoured every single book, film, and theatre production he could get his hands on. He began seeking out contacts in entertainment and culinary industries rather than his lusus’ approved future Fleet Commanders. This caused their relationship to deteriorate, and finally came to a head when Viltau broke into the professional field of event organising and catering at the age of six sweeps. Angered by his blatant disregard for The Swindler’s legacy, Voledad officially disowned Viltau as his charge and disappeared into the wild. Viltau could not have been happier.

Now without his lusus constantly trying to force him down a predetermined path, Viltau began climbing up the ranks of highblood society on his own terms. He started by taking on event organising jobs for other highbloods to build up a client base, then moved onto throwing his own parties. The wild nature of these parties and Viltau’s love for pop culture theming became incredibly popular, and after about a sweep and a half he became the go-to troll for anyone wanting a truly unforgettable event. While riding this high of newfound success, there was a thought at the back of his mind that he could not shake off: Revenge. He wanted nothing more than to show off how much of a better troll he had become compared to his childhood peers, and exact payback for all the abuse he had suffered at their hands. He found their contact details, extended a polite invitation to lunch to ‘catch up’ on the sweeps they had missed, secretly slipped some knock-out drugs into their food, and…

… Viltau would rather spare everyone the details, as admittedly his first foray into full-blown torture was very sloppy. Regardless, the remains of those trolls were a great centrepiece to his next Halloween party.

Viltau has since refined his hobbies to almost perfection, both his practical hobbies and his more murderous ones. He met his first full-time employee, Eichio, when he was employed by the yellowblood’s previous boss to assist in hosting a party. The job fell through rather violently thanks to Viltau no longer being able to put up with his attitude, resulting in him beating the troll to death with his own weapon and then burning down his hive. He happened to meet Eichio again a couple perigees later, and offered him a job. Eichio has been working as Viltau’s bartender, musician, and housekeeper for around a sweep and a half now. In that time, Viltau has also employed two more full-time workers: Klavir, a musician; and Gerrel, a jack-of-all-trades worker like Eichio. Currently, Viltau feels mostly content with his life right now. Business is booming, he’s still able to come up with new and interesting ideas for his parties, and he’s established a good circle of acquaintances and contacts for everything he needs. And yet, there’s still that small concern in the back of his mind, wondering what would happen if his current lifestyle starts feeling boring...



► His voiceclaim is Ewan McGregor / Christian from Moulin Rouge.
► He speaks with a 'Hollywood' accent which he learned through acting lessons, but will slip back into his natural (heavy) Boston accent when angry or upset.
► He spends a lot of time on his appearance in the morning, dedicating hours to his hair alone.
► His hair is caked with so much product that it won't move even in extreme weather conditions. While it's nice to look at, it's pretty gross to touch.
► He uses honey shampoo, and likes using other sweet-smelling products.
► He's filed and re-shaped his horns so that they don't resemble his ancestor's as closely.
► He works out a lot to maintain his figure as he's terrified of gaining all his weight back. However, thinking about his weight tends to stress him out, and he also tends to overeat when stressed.
► He has the type of smile that doesn't match his eyes. Behind his pleasant vibe lies one that is very artificial.
► He has a very ugly grin and laugh when he's being genuine. Or at least, ugly compared to how he usually looks.
► He has a scar in the centre of his right hand and another on his waist, after getting stabbed by Belamy.


► When he's bored he breaks things so he has an excuse to go remodel his entire hive yet again.
► He hates seeing others looking disorderly or dirty, and won't hesitate to fix up their clothing if needed. At the same time, he hates being dirty and messing up his hair is a death sentence.
► He gets really sadistic when it comes to getting rid of trolls who have either pissed him off or stopped being useful to him. He's kidnapped lusii or someone's quadrants before, and then cooked and served them to the person during a lovely banquet before, and has also chopped people up into pieces and periodically mailed them to their partners.
► He dislikes it when people request his band play the same song twice at parties.
► He's very impulsive when it comes to spending money, since he's so rich that the value of items has no meaning to him.
► He frequently worries about what he'll do with his life once throwing parties gets boring since without them, he's nothing.
► He also has a lowkey fear of dying without making a name for himself, and wants to make sure he leaves some sort of legacy behind.
► He still secretly has an obsession with counting calories, and will resort to exercise binging if he fears he's putting on weight again.
► He bites his hands when he's frustrated or nervous.

Hobbies and Favourite Things

► He has a ridiculously huge sweet tooth. He'd live off desserts if it was healthy to do so.
► He can't stand bitter or sour food, and often adds sugar to things that don't really need sugar. Sometimes he'll purposely add a lot of sugar to his meals when dining with other people as a 'power move'.
► He likes to host theme parties based on what is popular in the media. He's hosted more Great Gatsby parties and Hunger Games-esque tournaments than he can count. He also enjoys murder mystery parties involving the guests being killed off one by one until the killer is discovered.
► Despite his hatred for Subjuggulators, he secretly enjoys the jobs he gets from them as they let him be as over-the-top as he wants, leading him to prepare some seriously cruel acts for entertainment.
► He prefers to wait until movies are released on DVD / Blu-ray instead of going to the cinema, despite being a huge fan of movies. If something is going to be released that he absolutely cannot wait for, he'll buy all the seats in a session so he can enjoy it alone.
► He dreams of one day being able to recreate the 'Stuck in the Middle' scene from Reservoir Dogs (minus the Mr. Blonde dying part), but has yet to find a suitable person despicable enough to torture.
► He gets offended if you insult a movie he likes, especially if he's in the middle of making a reference to them.
► He loves jazz music, and plays the saxophone (which he has lovingly nicknamed Mr. Tootles).
► He knows how to waltz and dance the charleston.
► His favourite holiday is Halloween, and will go the entire perigee with little sleep dedicated his time to planning the greatest party of the sweep.


► His hive was originally an exact replica of Gatsby's mansion, but it has been remodeled so many times (including to match the mansion from Baz Luhrman's adaptation) there are only few similarities now.
► He changes the interior of his hive often or alters entire rooms into completely different living spaces based on his mood or if he gets a random idea he wants realised. One time he changed a guest bedroom into a ball pit.
► While all rooms can be accounted for on floormaps of his hive, and all the dimensions are exact, it seems that his hive may contain secret passages to other rooms, though Viltau won't confirm their existence.
► He remodels his garden every couple perigees, usually based off whatever movie he's recently enjoyed.
► He had a green light installed on a pier on the opposite side of the lake so he can dramatically stare at it from his bedroom balcony.
► He also introduced crocodiles and piranhas into the lake's ecosystem for no particular reason.

... And Everything Else

► He's allergic to cat fur.
► He traded 250 sweeps of his total lifespan to a demon in exchange for rescuing his matesprit from a different entity.

♥ Jikiro Takami ♥

[ Matesprit - "Dressed to Impress" ] A somewhat surprising development, but Viltau has always been a fan of surprises. He adores Jikiro's calm nature, and how he never fails to impress him.

♠ Kitaer Imolai ♠

[ Kismesis - "Kittau" ] The Sherlock to Viltau's Moriarty, if Sherlock was equally as villainous and murder-happy. They're always engaged in some petty competition.

Eichio Maccau

[ Employee - "Otamatart" ] Viltau's longest-serving and most trusted employee. Really needs other hobbies.

Gerrel Mitius

[ Employee ] Viltau's other highly-trusted employee who also needs other hobbies. Viltau likes trying to provoke him.

Klavir Ievery

[ Employee ] Viltau's main pianist, and the third of the full-time employees. Is always practicing at the hive because he also has no hobbies.

Godost "Cheese" Lyvere

[ Apprentice ] A nervous troll who approached Viltau asking for an apprenticeship. Viltau enjoys messing with him more than teaching him cooking skills.

Jameth "Jamie" Abnale

[ Friend ] Jikiro's kismesis, and now also one of Viltau's good friends. He greatly enjoys messing with him in the most petty ways imaginable.

Klerik Amdzah

[ Friend ] He's stupid. Viltau finds that to be a surprisingly refreshing change from his usual company.

Vetise "Velour" Tselao

[ Contact / Friend - "Razzle Dazzle" ] Viltau's main tailor and costume designer. They have lunch together quite often.

Dismas Teufel

[ Contact / Friend - "The Beautiful and The Damned" ] Kitaer's assistant who Viltau is constantly locked in multiple games of 4D chess with. They get along too well.

Tuuya Vannyn

[ Contact / Friend ] Viltau previously hired them to dispose of any Fleet-related nuisances. They've remained friends after Tuuya retired as a bodyguard.

Belamy Alchys

[ Former Friend - "Strawberry Shortcake" ] Their friendship was precarious at best, but finally it (violently) ended over one too many passive-aggressive remarks.

Davitt Cesare

[ Acquaintance ] Viltau's go-to lawyer whenever he needs some loophole to allow a particularly gruesome party idea to go ahead.

Katrin Rissah

[ Annoyance - "Knife Party" ] Viltau can't stand her, but begrudgingly attempts to get along with her thanks to her connection to the majority of his friends and employees.

The Phantom Thief

[ Annoyance ] Famous thief who keeps stealing pieces from Viltau's art collection. Somehow, the idiot hasn't noticed they're mostly prints.

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