Erica (CafeTG)



2 years, 10 months ago


Erica Janome 

Female- She-Her// 22 // 170 cm // ?? kg// Light mint eyes// light pink-mint  hair // bday - December 18th

 Cafe: The Firey // Suzaku-
Ranged Class - Spears (throwing)
(she is so bad at close up any melee spear main be crying )

Cafe Role : Staff.
Cafe Specialty : throwing items without breaking things. Sweets bakery- frosting arts, tidy up spaces.
Favourite Food / Drink:  macarons./ pink lemonade


  1. candid 坦率 instinctive 本能的 , hot-blooded, Decisive果斷
  2. Conscientious 認真的 Determined 堅決.strong willed 
  3. Impulsive 浮躁 fierce 火爆, Provocative 挑釁 , short tempered.


Erica is pretty straight-forward with her hot-blooded feelings and expresses it with no lies or sugar coating.  Its really easy to tell if she is looking down on you or cares about you deeply. She has a sharp instinct and is quick on being decisive on her actions/ decisions. As well as a strong desire of seeing happiness on the ones she cares for.


She is determined on whatever she sets her mind to do with a conscientious attitude and mindset. Believing in giving in everything she got can have a result being doubled-up worthy. Her strong-will is a pulse on keeping herself focused on the task no matter what the surrounding is trying to distract her.


When her pride or something /one she cares about gets challenged or trampled, she will fiercely defend it til she gets the opponent beat to the ground. Can be pretty short-tempered on receiving taunts and actively provocate others first. Her impulsiveness is her flaw and her strength as the same goal is to get stronger than before. 


Grew up in an orphanage from a far away region of forests- she rebels a lot if she is “adopted” without being with her  twin sister, and even if they are both welcomed into a family they are sent back soon. Despite that ruckus she causes during these adoptions and fights picking up with other kids to defend her pride. Erica is fairly ok behaved in other aspects.

 As soon as she hits 18 on legal age for jobs, she immediately starts looking for one to get her away from that system's grip and to also get her little sister out with her. Her first luck was during her part time jobs here and there she caught up on a business man's planning of moving branches outside the country, she eagerly volunteered herself and got recruited, even if its just the lowest position she is holding tight onto the chance to move to a different city.

In the same year as Erica moved to Topaz city- the company she is starting to get used to vanishes- leaving no trace and leaving  many confused base workers confused. She struggled for 3 years, taking any jobs she could find and do to save up money in order to have her place in the city to stay.

After successfully bringing her sister in (little sis herself also got through scholarships to get accepted into Topazes community college program ) and settled down together. Erica decides to find a more stable job to support the living expenses of the two, and that's where she tries her luck in sending her resume to the Kinjishi cafes. 

Random facts

  • Has a younger twin sister named Calluna who is enrolled in a community college program in Outfit design/ Fashions. 
  • Her side hobby includes sewing, baking happened to develop to a professional level after her side job hunting in topaz city led her to a sweets bakery.
  • Has a dislike on snakes/ scales, basically reptiles with the reason of being bitten before, and a man she despises very much 
  • Self believes she can still put up a pretty good fist fight, though she developed a strong accuracy in throwing brooms since childhood as to stop the big bullies getting too close to gain advantage in the long fight.