


7 years, 8 months ago


Neera is my puella magi OC.

She has always had trouble expressing her true feelings, so she made a wish to kyuubey to be able to be true to herself, and to others. However it seems that being more honest didn't really help Neera at all. She eventually becomes the Witch Mirari.

Neera (combination of the word near and mirror)

Soul gem is in the shape of half a heart and is on her cuff. Placement comes from the phrase "wearing your heart on your sleeve" It means you make no attempt to conceal your emotions, sort of like your heart is an open book, that is anyone can read it.

Her weapon is the throwing knife because it looks like a fragment of a mirror.

Witch name Mirari is the latin word for "to wonder at" which is also the root word in mirage and miracle.

Mirrors in the past were thought to be a reflection of ones soul/heart which is why I used it as inspiration for my puella magi.