


4 years, 4 months ago



Name Bonjirazzei
Alias Bonbon
Age Teenager
Build Tall and extremely fluffy
Species Wookiee
Gender Female
Sexuality ?
Occupation Jedi Padawan
Theme song TBA
Relationship status Single
Design Notes

  • Bonbon's fur is very soft and very, very thick.
  • Her eyes are pink but you can barely see them under all the folds and fur.
  • Her voice is very deep and low-pitched.

Bonbon is a sweet, sweet girl. She's kind and friendly, but very shy, and insecure - because she was bullied a lot for her unusual appearance. She loves napping, picking fresh fruits and eating them, and hugging people (she hugs her master, Syd'Onii, a lot, which is why her clothes are always covered in fur). She's very selfless, and a bit naive a time, but she's working on becoming more mature and more confident in herself and in her skills.


  • Bonbon's sash was made by her mom. She's been carrying it since she was taken in by the Jedi. It was originally a blanket...
  • She's shy, but loves contact once she gets to know people. She loves to give hugs.
  • She met her master, Syd'Onii, as she was lookinh for her Kyber crystal during her Gathering trial. She found it at the foot of Syd'Onii's ice tomb.
  • As a youngling, she overheard a master making fun of her and saying he would only ever take her as a padawan if she were to shave all of her fur off. She cried a lot that night.

Bonjirazzei "Bonbon" is Syd'onii's padawan - during her Gathering ritual, she was guided to Syd'onii's ice tomb by the Force, and found her kyber crystal at the foot of the tomb. After Syd was recovered and properly integrated into the Jedi order, it seemed obvious that Bonbon should become her padawan.

Bonbon is the only pup of her litter who made it to adulthood. She was born and raised on Nar Shaddaa, in a refugee "city". Most of her siblings died of illness due to the bad living conditions on Nar and the rampant poverty and lack of hygiene. Her mom was eager to send Bonbon to the Jedi as soon as it became apparent that she was Force-sensitive ; knowing this would mean a chance at a better life for the young pup.


  • Training with her master
  • Napping
  • When people compliment her on her skills

  • People who make fun of her appearance
  • Most Dark side users