Bo (Elliot)



4 years, 8 months ago


Heyo, it's Bo's older brother, Elliot.

Yea man he ain’t a gril.  

Yea he's also boba ice cream but not necessarily a healer.

He's been dressing like a girl ever since Bo was born, thus he calls him his "older sister" or "sis" which Eli doesn't mind. Even the neighborhood kids call him "auntie" and "Auntie Eli".

Elliot's eyes are always closed when he's not working.
Since his job pays him a lot, he usually spends some on clothes.
His occupation you ask? That's a secret. ;)

Elliot's choice of weapon isn't a staff that most healers would be pictured using. He has an ice lance that's as light as air but hits as hard as an enchanted blade.

If you ask him how many brothers he has, he'll always say 3. 

Elliot was the one who taught Bo how to fight, but as a result, Bo ended up being pretty bad at healing, as it took too much energy.

Whoopsie. :P

Unfortunately, Eli learned the hard way that Bo can't cook for his life, thus he is the one who makes their meals. x.x