


4 years, 4 months ago



  • Storyline - Age of Lights
  • Gender - Female
  • Age - 27 years old (by the end of the AoL)
  • Height/Build - Thicc af
  • Color - Peachy
  • Friend - Jackson/Patience
  • Enemy - Mojo, Californian and US Military
  • Theme - Sometimes beauty is a detriment
  • Trademark item - Pink glasses


Cadence is a loud, proud, passionate, and well-spoken young woman who lives in The City during its heyday.  She has a very talented way with the written and spoken word.  With this gift, well actually well-honed talent, she speaks against the injustices her current less fortunate denizens experience.  

She was born to a single father.  Her mother had given birth but quickly she separated from Cadence's father, leaving him and his girl.  She's been talkative since she was first born, crying her baby words out. Those that dont exist except to babies.  Being from a single parent family, especially with a rather strict father, gave her a hard shell.  She's grown to be very strong but also blunt.  She's used to tough people, shitty behavior from classmates, rude strangers and disgusting comments from perverts.  While she finds it that no girl or woman should ever experience what she did, she does her best to make sure it happens to as little people as possible.  She's of the "nuclear option".  Call someone a shithead publicly and flip them off while walking away as soon as it happens.  However, unless it's a direct attack against her character or a cart blanch insult/comment, she's very well spoken.  During her time in high school and the first few years in college before dropping out of being a communication major, she directed her focus and concerns to the modern world.  Issues of technology, environment, human rights, war, and the economically downtrodden.  

Ever since speech class in middle school, she's loved public speaking.  Speaking to her deepest passions.  It originally started out as a love of just talking things she liked.  As she got more into history, particularly the exhaustive history of her home city.  With this she learned about the giant earthquake that leveled Los Angeles, upon which The City was erected.  Those still living there were bought out of their homes to make way for quick and easy to build apartments and large, metallic, cold machines. The same poor that lived on skid row and south central and the now struggling downtown were all shoved down further into the broken cement.  Cadence was furious.  In high school, she joined the debate team to further sharpen her argumentative skills.  Her first public rallies, still as a teenager, were directing attention at these people.  Worst, people shouted her down.  At best, no one really listened.  She still continued. Unfortunately, she still didnt know a lot and would routinely get defeated by fellow classmates or even the stray pissed off enough stranger.  She never approached anyone directly: her protests were directed at the vague immediate public.  She extended her work into college.  Bored by the incessant bureaucracy and inability to feel like her voice was heard, she dropped out.  

However, she was noticed.  Actually by a groupie of a famous cover band.  She was 21 at this point.  With the comment that the lead drummer, Henry, really liked her passion and energy and would like her to be apart of his group. Now, his group, while a cover band, also used their platform to speak about things while having fun.  She got together with him and there was an instant flame.  Very quickly the two became both socio-politically and romantically involved.  The relationship was like the relationships of previous rockstars.  Wild, fun, dangerous and historic.  She would serve as the muse to his songs and he would spread her message of inequality and doom about the world.  Her interactions with Henry and his band sent her name to the top of the weekly music news cycle.  Oddly enough, she even began to eclipse the band's image.  While at first it didn't seem to bother him, it eventually got to the point crowds would scream her name and for her cause over Henry.  He internalized and felt he was becoming old and irrelevant, despite his same age as her.  So he turned to The City's worst sugary addiction: Fizz.  Within months, he had become addicted and only 9 months after initially meeting him, he had overdosed in his large, personal sunroom, dying from both intoxication and heat stroke.  The band quickly withdrew from the limelight as did Cadence.  While he never blamed her, she still felt guilt.  Mostly because she didn't even notice he was getting worse.  She was too elated with being able to help spread awareness.  She never drank as it felt it dulled her senses.      

Fast forward a few years and the Mind Haven (MH) and Weather Machine take center stage.  At first, she doesn't notice, having taken a job as a writer for a local online newspaper.  But as more and more stories began to occur with these machines, specifically the MH, she busted out of her shell. This time, someone else had picked up her laid down baton: Jackson.  Everyone adored him.  He was intelligent, well-mannered and incredibly passionate.  Not to mention handsome, damn. But the previous reasons are why Cadence sought him out.  They quickly got along, realizing their shared passion for their fellow human and their combined hatred of Internet 2.0.  Their relationship remained platonic and one of equal respect.  The high point of both their careers came at a MH rally.  The speaker, Mojo, was the lead PR manager for the company.  He began speaking about the issues of glitches and lacks of failsafes, leading to premature deaths of users of the MH.  But he was shaky, disheveled and overall just mostly pathetic.  Jackson and Cadence (JC) began to boo which lead to the rally being cancelled early with him shouted off stage.  The supporters and criticizers of the MH only further polarized, leading to a tenuous, and at time, violent relationship between the two with Jackson and Cadence leading the attackers front and center.  Rallies continued like this for awhile with JC always preaching against physical attacks and only using one's words to speak truth to power.  And using their words to educate and convince, not condemn or condescend. 

The final moment for them, well and for the Age of Lights basically, came another few months later.  Yet another feeble attempt by the MH to gather some PR credit or at least dull some of the criticism.  But this one was different, Mojo was not the same.  In fact, he didn't even look himself.  At all.  The crowd was loud as he walked onto the stage at a snail's pace. He shambled up to the microphone.  Now the crowd quieted down, mostly out of confusion.  As he came closer, eyes began to widen.  Mojo throatily moaned into the microphone with barely any amplification.  Everyone stayed deathly quiet until one person screamed at the top of their lungs.  Mojo's arm had just fallen off. Out of no seemingly obvious way.  The crowd immediately dispersed and scurried away.  Except the two main rebels.  They ran up on stage to get a closer look.  Mojo was a disgusting amalgamation of skin, flesh, string, stitches and metal.  His green skin was sewn together in crude patches. His eyes were sunken and facing opposite directions.  His finger bones were showing and a sickly stitch held his head to his neck.  Mojo slowly turned to face each of them before collapsing into a sickening pile. They fled the scene after calling the police.  Mojo was the first human to be reanimated after death of a few days. 

The mask of the Age of Lights was fully ripped from its disgusting face.  The MH lost all credibility as it was highly rumored that they had engaged in not only reanimating the dead but also reanimating an employee who suffered from anxiety about speaking during crowds and was clearly overwhelmed.  He had died from unmentioned causes days prior.  Jackson immediately retired from public life, blaming Mojo's story on himself.  He felt he pushed Mojo to this point.  Cadence still felt they were doing right until a few supporters quickly disposed of Jackson, stealing him from their shared apartment one day.  Cadence fled in fear to small, unassuming apartment where she remained.   Like Jackson, she too has been missing since the Lights Turned Out. She's presumed dead or missing.

A completely enamoured fan finds her centuries later to continue on her legacy.

Look details

In terms of clothes, Cadence dresses somewhat conservatively. She is a fan of bright pale colors, a symbol of the Age of Lights colors

"Last of the American Girls", "She's a Rebel",  "Troubled Times" - Green Day
"Beloved" - Mumford and Sons
"Zombie" - The Cranberries