Qiang Shu



4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Qiang Shu

Tribe: Fire

Kingdom/Colony: Weapons Master Phoenix Army

Relationship Status: Searching

Familiar: Youke

Personality: Qiang Shu has a strong heart, always looking for those who are willing to do the right thing. Qiang does not care much for fighting, but if he feels that his love ones are in harm’s way he will stand to fight. In a fight he may seem distant, but Qiang can be quite calculating as he’s always looking for an opening on his opponent, as his hours at his forge has given him a way to clear his mind from distractions.

He will always ask a series of questions to those who seek him out for his skills in blacksmithing. As he does not want his crafts to do harm, and if he deems you worth of owning his creations he will forge you what you desire. He feels that he has been woven into this world with the sole purpose of finding those with the purest of hearts and helping them to defend themselves against those who wish harm upon the world. Qiang Shu takes this task very serious, as he sees his skill set as giving those who deserve it a surviving chance.


Qiang was an eager student willing to learn the craft from Forge. However he seemed to always fall behind the one that came before him, Maximus. Doing his best to win the same approval from his master, Qiang trained every waking moment he wasn't learning from Forge. He did exercises every day so that he could mine more ore. He struggled at first, but soon his hard work began to pay off.

When he forged his first blade he felt a connection to it. Although it was imperfect, just like with learning his craft he kept up with it. Making adjustments here and there until he was satisfied with his first work. He keeps his first blade around as sentiment, as well as a reminder of how much work it took him to become a master at crafting the sword. All the while he still experiments with the craft of the sword trying to find different ways and methods to make them. Once mastered improvements can always be made. It was a bit of a saying Qiang had come to tell himself after finishing a task. With that he began to find ways to improve to do so he started to dabble in swordplay, adding it to his daily regiment. He continued to improve not just with sword making but with other items as well such as armor, and accessories, giving patience to the smallest detail.

As his master became more consumed with his work, Qiang followed letting his own training consumed him, clearing his mind more then ever with each passing moment. It was in these moments where he gain a meaning for his crafts. In the solitude of his work he found that his swords were not weapons or tools, but a means for one to defend themselves, enlightenment was the word. It was after this moment that he began to chose whom he would forge for, rather then taking tasks blindly.

Most of his works became unused or reforged to make improvements to them. His mindset so focused on perfecting his craft as well as strengthening himself, what was set in motion in his tribe was quite overlooked, until it came crashing to him. Forced to destroy most of his work he fled, unwilling to let his work fall into the paws of Shen, and thus his story continues.

Plot Plans:

During the War: Although I see him more of a side character who works behind the scenes I would like for him to get into a few battles of his own. Perhaps when his closest friends and Feng are in danger. During these fights I would like for him to gain a few wounds, maybe lose a limb.

After the War: He’d stick around with the fire tribe, after all Qiang does see Feng as part of his family along with the other members. He will stick around and keep an eye on Feng to make sure he rules with a virtuous soul. After the war Qiang will retire from making weapons and armor and focus more on small things like jewelry, things that will not harm others, as he will believe that there has been enough blood shed already. He will also refuse to pick up another sword again.

Love: I do wish for Qiang Shu to find his mated one and start a family, when this will happen it will be hard to tell. I think it might be interesting to have him find love during the war and maybe lose his first love. He’d be reluctant to love again but then finds another who would support him through the rest of his days.

Apprentices: Like his master before him I would like for him to maybe take on a few apprentices and teach them the art of blacksmithing. If this happens during the war he will pass on weapon and armor making however, the apprentices he gains after the war he will only teach the craft of accessories ect.

Colorist: Thalion

Obtained by: Fire Tribe FC Contest

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[ ○ ] || Honing an Edge || [ Current Word Count | 1004] || Qiang Shu || Complete RP's Included in Link: # 1 ||

[ ○ ] || [Meta] The Dragon Awakens || [ Current Word Count | 1680, 694] || Smaug, Qiang Shu || Complete RP's Included in Link: # 2 ||