Zeyi's Comments

Oh gosh, any chance you'll take art for him? Please, feel free to look around here for examples!! Looking forward to your reply!

yeah sure! Feel free to make anything for him, 

Great! What would you like and who?


Just a bust of them would be great :]

got it!! I'll submit the art on their profile ASAP! Thank you for the chance!

alr! And np!

3 Replies

can offer $10-$15,,

Heya, would u be interested in someone from either this account or _Trashmouth_Sales_ for this cutie, 







And https://toyhou.se/3461181.-gumi

Please make sure to read the tag guide in the welcome folder before taking a look around uwu 

Thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u! 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️♥️

Hi there! So I went ahead and took a look- the ones I saw did have Off Limit tags so I understand if it’s a hard no but I did like https://toyhou.se/6580424.vincent , https://toyhou.se/5607337.maurice , https://toyhou.se/8010104.beri 

I’d have to think a bit but they were pretty neat ! The others I saw were sentimental or ,, yknow 

Hm, I could tentatively trade Vincent and Maurice, but that really depends on who ud be willing to do in return ^^'

Who would you say? I’ll def think on it:0

Hm, I definitely love cassel, so maybe we could do him, zeyi, koaru and gumi or something like that hh

The only problem is I don't know who I'd trade for this offer cause it's probably too much for Vincent and too low for Maurice aaah

Would u possibly be able to add something on? (for either just Maurice or for both) 

I'm fine with anything as an add on! (other characters, art, money, da points, vouchers,...) 

200 DA points? ;w;

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hi! So actually they aren’t PayPal only , I’m looking at pretty much anything ^^

im interested in them!

anyone in my th interest you?!
i also have a sale account sad_2

 tysm for your time!

i hope you have a nice rest of your day c:

Hello! Thank you so much for your interest! Right now I don’t think I saw anyone that really interested me at the moment, but thank you so much 🥺✨💕