Cecil Brown



4 years, 5 months ago


Cecil has 3 main acts that he switches from, as the fellow can snap from yelling at someone to sweetly flirting with them if it benefits him. Though, here is a description of one of the three: Everything seems to be a game with him. From playing with people's emotions to his own life… it’s all for the end goal of making his ego inflate, or to see other people’s reactions… no matter how far he must go for that. He is always urging people on, as he wants everything to go in the route that is the most interesting. While this might be harsh on people’s feelings (as he frankly couldn’t care less if someone feels something for him) it would take a lot for Cecil to care. He can usually be seen flirting with people, as he is rather fond of toying with people’s emotions, he’s found it the best way that he can get hold of the strings above people and play them like the puppets he thinks they are. There’s a kind action here and there, the occasional words that make it seem like he’s more than just a pretty face and a smart tongue, but that’s only to keep the illusion going on for seconds Longer.