Selah Squirtle



4 years, 5 months ago



Selah Squirtle








5’2” ft







Selah Squirtle is part of an idol group named Bálványok that currently travels across Xygoroth via world tours!

Whenever she and her team aren’t out there performing elaborate dance moves and showing off their stellar vocals, they’re usually residing somewhere in the underground Nunuke Society.


Selah is a cool and collected girl - or at least she tries to be. That’s how most people perceive her to be anyway. She was born with a very flat voice that doesn’t ever fluctuate unless she’s singing, so that probably helps. But when speaking, she’ll deliver her words in a soft monotone, and that can usually cause misunderstandings.

She’s also a passive listener and a pacifist at heart. She’s very gentle and empathetic, especially with people that she knows. She might even feel bad for the enemy sometimes, that’s just how she is.

She tries to not show herself being emotional and sensitive, since she cares about how people, but she really is. She’s damn good at putting up a calm front, but she’s got a big heart deep down and is embarrassed by it.


Like most Nunukes, Selah was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense, though she’s never had to use it before in a serious life-or-death fight.


For most of her life, Selah had always known her friend Bella Bulbasaur. They met in daycare one day, after Bella had accidentally throw up on her lap from eating too much apple sauce, and continued to be friends even throughout high school.

When Selah started going through puberty, she noticed that she found only girls attractive. She was in denial of being a lesbian at first, especially since she grew up in a big family and was expected to bear kids someday. They’d sometimes gush about how amazing it would be if she were to give them grandchildren in a distant future.

However, she eventually gave up on trying to be straight after having a failed relationship with a guy named Zeke Geek. It just wasn‘t gonna work out.

Her family would be okay with her adopting someday if it ever came down to it. It’s fine if she didn’t want to bear any biological children of her own, especially since Nunuke culture is so accepting with adoptions.

So no, that wasn’t the worst part.

The worst part was when Selah discovered that she harbored unrequited feelings for Bella.

Why were they unrequited, you might be wondering?

Because by the time Selah had found out about her feelings, Bella was already going out with her ex-boyfriend Zeke.

Before even agreeing to go out with him, Bella even consulted in Selah and asked her if it was okay with her dating him. She would’ve refused if Selah had told her that she was uncomfortable with the whole ordeal.

And Selah was uncomfortable, but for a whole other reason.

However, she didn’t want how she felt to get in the way of Bella’s happiness. If dating Zeke made her content, then so be it.

She couldn’t help but subconsciously avoid Bella more after that though. She tried distracting herself by improving on her dancing and singing skills, something she’d always loved to do as a kid, but her crush was still excruciating nonetheless. Her feelings didn’t lessen just because of the distance, much to her dismay.

She used to sing and dance quite a bit with Bella, but nowadays she was determined to pursue that sort of passion by herself. She didn’t even feel comfortable enough to look Bella in the eye.

Then, one day, Selah found out that she got accepted into an idol group during her senior year of high school. She was surprised to receive such big news, she had only auditioned to get more practice with being on stage, but regardless, she was really proud of herself.

Much to her shock, however, she was now teammates with Bella.

Bella had also gotten accepted in and was to work closely alongside Selah from now on.

None of this was helping to lessen or remove Selah’s feelings for her at all.

It would be a while before she and Bella eventually rekindle the flames of their friendship again, but they do manage to after their manager convinced them to talk things out.

They’d eventually go on to establish a friends-with-benefits thing once Bella revealed that she and Zeke had broken things off on bad terms and that she’s been sexually pent up nowadays. Since Bella admitted to swinging both ways, Selah hesitantly suggested that maybe she help her with any, um, bodily needs in the meanwhile.

This went on for a while, with them reliving their friendship again (but with spicy benefits to add on top of all that). After a while of just relieving each other’s sexual urges, Selah couldn’t handle just being fuck buddies anymore and confessed to wanting more.

She kind of just broke down while saying all of this. She knew she was risking a lot just by being this vulnerable, but her heart couldn’t taking having Bella and not having her at the same time.

Instead of looking awkward or humming out an uncomfortable noise, Bella just wrapped her arms around Selah and pulled her in a tight embrace.

Then, she began to pepper her forehead with a trail of pecks before their lips met in a long kiss.

Selah was stunned. They’d never kissed before, but if they were now, then that meant that Bella didn’t mind her feelings as much as she thought.

Now they’re currently dating while still going through the motions of being a popstar idol. Life will never be like a straight road ahead, there will always be some twists and turns in the form of obstacles somewhere, but at least Selah isn’t alone in this journey.


Selah’s always been fascinated by the sea, probably because it reminded her of all the pleasant summer vacations she had back when she used to visit her grandparents (they lived in a beach house). If she weren’t an idol right now, she’d probably be studying as a marine biologist. Whenever she’s able to frequent the surface of Xygoroth and see the ocean, she feels nostalgic and at peace.


5647983?1577258086 Bella Bulbasaur

lover and teammate

3738456?1578903628 Darwin Bode

close friend

3739349?1556559646 Haru Paz

close friend

5651615?1577324579 Zoey Zimmer

friend and teammate

5610393?1589051579 Kesha Bonquish

friend and teammate

5343955?1573520978 Jelene Laoshi

her manager

4529713?1589084867 Rochelle Couture

friend and outfit coordinator

4179289?1560134240 Zeke Geek

cringey ex-boyfriend

4598002? Denise Drama

their nail technician

I just don’t like feeling like a burden.
