Gulthuk, the Chef



4 years, 5 months ago


Gulthuk's history is rather shrouded in mystery. Some assume he was forged in the fiery pits of one of Obtulon's personal fits, others assume he crawled out of the White to terrorize those with timelines. Whatever the case, all who know him know best to stay out of the way. His title, the Chef, is incredibly misleading, as he doesn't make food for others. He gorges himself using the stomach across his distended to consume everything in his way that isn't a wall. Even showing no will to cease at the upper echelons of Jugon's Army.  
Anything and anyone who enters his horrific maw never see the light or time of day ever again. Disappearing into the never ending spiral of white, only to be forgotten indefinitely as their body, mind, memories, accomplishments, impacts in the world of the living, and life in general are scrubbed clean from the timeline. Never existing, only becoming food to a terror that will rip the whole damn thing apart if let.

Voice Claim: N'zoth -