Bartholomew Collins



4 years, 5 months ago


Name:                                     Bartholomew Collins

Age:                                         22

Birthday:                                 May 3rd, 1797

Gender:                                   Male

Height:                                    6'3" (195cm)

Weight:                                   149lbs (10.6 stone)

Sexual Orientation:                Heterosexual

Location:                                 Acton, England

From:                                      Acton, England

Physical Appearance

Bartholomew is broad shouldered and lanky.
He has short, dark red hair and almost black eyes.

Personal Information

Bartholomew grew up under the direct tutorage of his father in the ways of banks. When he was three, his father started going over to a much bigger house where a little girl lived. He never saw her parents and asked his father about it and was told that her parents died. Soon he and the girl, Genevieve, began to play together on a regular basis. At the age of 13 he noticed that he had feelings for her, but kept his mouth shut because she was a much higher status than he was. And who would want a little nobody when she could have anybody? Five years later, she confided in him that she had feelings for him and they've been together since.

However, the years had hardened him into a strict business man. Learning the ins and outs of money had made him want to hoard it.

Personality:  Sly | Vain | Pompous | Cultured


  • Money
  • Genevieve's collar bones
  • Pocket watches
  • Meeting important people


  • Bills
  • Book keeping
  • Social events


Genevieve Griswold - Fiancée

Ezra Geldart - Acquaintance
Lottie McCarthy - Acquaintance
Simon Lancaster - Acquaintance