

4 years, 4 months ago


18728132_yAVgBR24rV7N56u.pngCHUU  THEY THEM  LESBIAN
likes to pretend they're bold, but really get embarrassed mega quick! instead focuses on setting people up like a wanna-be cupid.
a princess and part of a loyal family, but prefers to live a normal life to avoid responsibilities
puts too much effort into their fashion, sometimes stays home for days because they don't wanna get dressed but also refuse to leave without looking cute.
listens to kpop a lot! they're an orbit and reveluv, (this is NOT me projecting i swear) their bias is olivia hye and irene!
puts on hair extensions sometimes!
falls in love super easily, will see a hot woman that works as a cashier at hot topic and will think about her for weeks!
has adhd and will go on for fucking HOURS about their interests to any poor soul that wants to listen. also loves hearing their friends' interests
loves candy!! has very little appetite for anything other than snacks, ends up being obviously unhealthy for them!
cries very easily, either by being too happy or very sad. they're very constantly overwhelmed and feel emotions very strongly.
either talks too much or not at all due to fear of annoying others, has a hard time being serious in conversation but can be very low-energy at times.
a ray of sunshine! loves all their friends and will do anything for them to be happy, usually always smiling when in public.