Aiolos Hummel



7 years, 8 months ago


  • Aiolos Hummel

  • Nickname[s] Aio, Aioli
  • Age 11 Solar Sweeps / ~23 Years
  • Gender Male
  • Orientation Bisexual Biromantic (Male preference)
  • Height 5'9
  • Blood Colour Blue
  • Trolltag indefatigableCourier
  • Symbol Meaning Fast forward movement
  • Lusus Antelope
  • Strife Specibus boomerangKind, bladeKind
  • Occupation Courier, Youtube/Twitch Streamer
  • Residency Penhouse apartment, Block 136

♥ Bennie Bonnat || ♦ Poludi Lassam || ♠ [Crushing on] Skreia Kraise


Aiolos is an easygoing guy who loves to have fun, but his interpretation of 'fun' includes being rude and bullying others just as much as it includes more materialistic forms of entertainment. He's tactless and judgmental, and not afraid to tell people what he thinks of them. He likes to mess with people, but more often than not his jokes go way to far and he ends up hurting them instead. While he tries to put up a 'coolkid' facade, those who are close to him knows he's just as nerdy as the people he makes fun of. He's horrendously stubborn and sees admitting his issues and apologising for his faults to be a weakness, but this stubbornness also manifests into an unbreakable willpower.


► Music
► Video games
► Singing and dancing
► Running, Being free to go where he pleases
► Collecting clocks, metronomes, and anything else that makes noise
► Parties
► Hanging out at bars and clubs
► City life in general


Aiolos would consider himself to be a very chill guy who loves to crack jokes and be the life of the party. He’s the type of person who is almost always able to come up with playful insults and retorts without much thought, and it’s very hard to break his stride. However, when it comes to his comments, he is completely lacking in tact. He always says whatever is on his mind, which is often a snarky remark directed at the other person. He doesn’t really care what others think about him, and tends to assume that everyone else can deal with insults as easily as he does. It's just a silly joke after all, he’s not actively trying to be malicious. He dislikes people who are incredibly stuck-up or get offended easily, and as a result he tends to get along better with lowbloods than the stuffier highblood castes. He likes to playfully bully his highblood friends for being a bunch of stupid rich kids, despite also being a stupid rich kid blind to his own privilege.

Aiolos’ other primary defining trait is that he is stubborn to a fault. He will never back down from any fight, whether it be a physical brawl or a petty argument. His willpower is practically unbreakable, and he has the endurance to back it up. If an argument does turn physical, he has little to no fighting skills but will keep getting back up until either the other person or his own body gives up. He very rarely compromises on his own views either, and on the few occasions that he has he refuses to admit that the other person was right. It’s easier to come to a quiet agreement to drop the argument and move on than it is for anyone to get Aiolos to admit he has lost.

Aiolos also does not like admitting his own feelings, even if they are immediately obvious to everyone else. He has his own image he tries to uphold, mainly of a cool and chill dude who bounces back no matter what anyone throws at him. This facade is easily crushed when he’s around people he’s interested in romantically, but to admit he has a crush on someone is to admit weakness. He’s secretly a hopeless romantic, always leaving anonymous gifts at his love interests’ doorsteps or pretending any of presents are things he ‘just happened’ to obtain for no reason and needs an excuse to get rid of them. His inability to admit romantic feelings also causes him to flipflop between quadrants a lot, particularly the flushed and black quads.

Aside from that, Aiolos is a very social troll who prefers the company of others as opposed to being alone. He has a wide circle of acquaintances who he barely knows the names of, but since they all tend to go to the same bars or hive parties they all know each other in some way. However, he feels most at home with his closest circle of friends, who if he’s not already hanging out with is probably sending snapchats or dropping memes into the groupchat. He can handle being alone just fine, but being alone and bored makes him incredibly antsy. It’s hard to sit still when everything is so quiet.

Contrary to what the rest of his personality may lead one to believe, Aiolos surprisingly doesn’t have much of an ego or inflated opinion of himself. He acknowledges that he is very skilled in some areas, but also knows that he’s fairly average at everything else. He does find interacting with egotistical people to be somewhat annoying, but thinks it’s even more fun to take them down a peg or two and prove they’re not as amazing as they think they are. As much as he likes working hard to better himself so he can stand toe-to-toe if with competition, if he knows he’ll get a rise out of them by deliberately throwing a challenge or bringing them down to his level, he’ll take it in a heartbeat.


Aiolos grew up in a very typical blueblood way, living a life of luxury with very little hardships. He’s always been a very social troll, and living in the heart of Block 136 was a great way to meet new people. His first friends were his neighbours, the two other highbloods and one midblood who lived in the other penthouse apartments on the top floor of the hivestem. He was closer with the two trolls who lived opposite his apartment, Velour and Liiore, than his next-door-neighbour Mikiel, no doubt due to his easily-irritable personality. Aiolos loved antagonising Mikiel because he thought it was funny to set him off, but with Velour and Liiore around their arguments never got out of hand.

While the group functioned perfectly fine in the beginning, the relationship between Mikiel and Velour had started to sour over time, but Aiolos was not aware of it until things finally came to a head when he was six and a half sweeps old. During a video game night, Velour stealing a victory from Mikiel was apparently the last straw after perigees of smaller annoyances building up, and the resulting fight became physical. Mikiel lost control of his psiionics, badly injuring Velour and turning Aiolos' living room into a literal freezer. About a sweep and a half later, Liiore also had a falling out with Velour due to the pressure he had placed on him to become an idol, and shut himself in his hive for a couple perigees. These two incidents greatly annoyed Aiolos because he was left out of the loop entirely, but he didn’t want to also lose his friendships between everyone. He’s still friends with Velour and Liiore to this day, and his ‘friendship’ with Mikiel was unaffected by the fallout, but it took a long time before their interactions stopped feeling awkward.

In the midst of these events, Aiolos met the troll who would become his long-time moirail, Poludi, when he was seven and a half sweeps old. On their first meeting, Aiolos was rude to him as he tends to be towards new people, but Poludi instead thought he was funny. The two ended up bonding over an interest in video games, although Aiolos would pretend to think they were stupid because he wanted to appear ‘cool’. Poludi quite obviously saw through this facade, and became a primary influence in helping him chill out and learn to accept his hobbies. They started a Youtube channel together (referred to as “BIFFS-VOO” by fans and eventually adopted as the actual name due to the original title being incredibly long), bringing in their other friends for guest appearances and group videos. Later on, Aiolos also began doing solo streams on Twitch, seemingly embracing his own nerdy hobbies.

… Though, he’ll still deny it if you ask him about them up-front. Some things never change.

Over the years, Aiolos has learnt to become more open about his feelings in general and to make it clear that he does care about those he’s close to, primarily thanks to his relationship with Poludi. When he was younger, Aiolos had a strong disdain for anonbloods because he thought they were cowardly for hiding their blood, but hanging out with Liiore after he decided to go anonymous, as well as trying to tolerate being around Poludi’s crush Kalpan has helped him soften up to the idea and understand why people do it. He’s also been learning to watch his tongue more when his joking around genuinely upset his blackcrush Skreia, and they had a temporary falling out because of it. After they put that behind themselves and started hanging out again, Aiolos has become more aware that even his jokes can be hurtful and that he needs to be more patient around others. Although, despite him growing up and getting his act together, he still refuses to confess his feelings to her. Because being the one who folds first and confesses is the real loser.



► His voiceclaim is Arin Hanson / Egoraptor.
► His hair is so flat and straight it's impossible to style properly. Even his hairdresser moirail has problems making it look decent.
► He wears shorts all year round, no matter the weather. He can't stand wearing pants.
► He owns quite a lot of merch from his favourite video games that he'll occasionally wear on his streams, as well as merch from his own gaming channel.


► He can't sit still for too long, and is always tapping his foot or drumming his fingers against a surface to keep himself occupied.
► He can't stand silence and always requires a sound of some sort to stay relaxed, whether that be music or the ticking of the clocks and metronomes he collects.
► He loves having his hair played with.
► He prefers to settle arguments between friends using video games, typically fighting games or other competitive games.
► He gets addicted to mobile phone apps really easily, and drops hundreds of caegars on whatever game he's obsessed with at the moment.
► He's terrible at fighting, and relies on outwitting his opponents or tiring them out by endlessly running around them.
► He's a bit of a neat freak and hates it when people put drinks down on the table without coasters or leave clothes lying around without folding them or putting them in their right place.
► He's never had to deal with being short on money or not being able to buy whatever he wants, so he doesn't understand how people can struggle to make ends meet.
► He's strictly monogamous, and strongly believes in the concept that everyone has one soulmate for every quadrant. He looks down on people who have multiple partners in the same quadrant, and people who have broken up with their partner and started dating someone else.
► He keeps many decoy wallets and fake sets of keys in his bag to deter pickpockets.
► He has a fear of birds after being chased by Errett's lusus. He doesn't mind them when they're on the ground, but as soon as they start flapping their wings he gets jumpy.
► He also has a fear of falling, in particular falling off a great height and injuring his legs. The concept of parkour terrifies him.

Hobbies and Favourite Things

► He frequently goes through the packages he's tasked to deliver and takes anything that he or his friends would like.
► He runs a Youtube channel with his moirail called 'Burning Flamewrath Super Vidya Ultracastpods', more commonly known as BIFFS-VOO. They have a decent fanbase, but nowhere near the level of subscribers as the most popular channels.
► He also streams on Twitch, mostly on his own but sometimes his friends play with him.
► His video game and music collections are massive, neatly organised in alphabetical order and separated by genre and console.
► He's broken many video game controllers and phones from raging too hard at games before, but has gotten better at managing his 'gamer rage'.
► He likes any kind of music he can sing or dance along to, but his favourite genres are rap and dance/electronic.
► He can rap and beatbox like a pro.
► He owns many musical instruments, but all he can play is Wonderwall on the guitar. He's determined to be good at something, though.
► His favourite dancing styles are breakdancing and other forms of street dance. He also knows how to ballroom dance, but thinks it's stupid.
► He holds all the Dance Dance Revolution records at his local arcade. It's the one game he's unbeatable at.
► He spends hours practicing rhythm/music games at the arcade, and knows many songs off by heart.
► He's very active on social media, and takes frequent selfies of him with his friends and uploads pictures of what he's doing to his Twitter and Instagram accounts. He probably sends about 20 Snapchats a day.
► He throws parties at his hive fairly often, inviting everyone in the area. His hive has been completely trashed on multiple occasions.
► He's a social drinker, and gets tipsy pretty easily. He sobers up pretty easily as long as he paces himself.
► He's a very affectionate drunk, and likes hugging or hanging off people whether he knows them or not. Has kissed a lot of people he probably shouldn't have.
► He buys a lot of cheap and easy to make meals like ramen and mac and cheese because he's not that great of a cook and eats out more often than not. He can make fantastic pancakes and bacon and eggs, though.
► His favourite pizza flavour is Hawaiian. Anyone who dislikes pineapples on pizza is weak and natural selection is coming for them.


► He lives in a penthouse apartment in Block 136, one of the four penthouse suites in that particular hivestem.
► His apartment is one of the two larger ones, and features a second floor that he's converted into an entertainment area for parties.
► He has two 'gaming rooms', the main lounge area for both recreation and recording youtube videos, and a separate room where he does his streams. The lounge area has a massive built-in TV, a state-of-the-art sound system, and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves containing his entire video game and music collection.
► There is a small room at the back of his hive for his lusus to sleep, and he often has to take it out for walks because there's no room for it to run around.

... And Everything Else

► He can dance and run in heels.
► Mind control psiionics or chucklevoodoos have little effect on him because he's literally so stubborn not even external influences (magical or otherwise) can change his mind.
► He'll never turn down a challenge, no matter how stupid.

♥ Bennie Bonnat ♥

[ Matesprit - "Friends with Benniefits" ] It took literal sweeps, but Aiolos finally admitted he's deeply in love with her. She's weird, but she's his weirdo.

♦ Poludi Lassam ♦

[ Moirail - "BIFFS-VOO" ] The man, the myth, the legend. Aiolos doesn't know what he'd do without his closest friend.

♠ Skreia Kraise ♠

[ Blackcrush / Future Kismesis - "Skraiola" ] Aiolos is totally not crushing on her shut the fuck up.

Conroy Grospe

[ Best friend - "Aio Conditioning" ] Aiolos' closest friend, aside from his moirail. A cool guy who makes real cursed Spore creations.

Henrik "Badger" Bannas

[ Good Friend ] Another member of The Squad™. A real cool guy, even if they started off on the wrong foot.

Raziel Kazoku

[ Friend ] A weirdo Aiolos befriended when he was doing a delivery job. Has terrifying psiionics.

Liiore Dariya

[ Neighbour / Friend - "Games Done Quick" ] One of Aiolos' childhood friends. He's quite protective of Liiore, knowing what happened to him.

Vetise "Velour" Tselao

[ Neighbour / Friend - "Diamond Dust Zone" ] Aiolos' other childhood friend. They occasionally collaborate on Youtube videos together.

Mikiel Giacho

[ Neighbour - "Cool Runnings" ] They've known each other since they were kids, and Aiolos has always enjoyed annoying him.

Kalpan Sewick

[ Acquaintance ] Poludi's flushcrush. Aiolos initially didn't like her, but they're on good terms now.

Raesul Mercur

[ Acquaintance / Friend ] Aiolos seems to end up seeing her at the clubs and parties he frequents. They get along well after a couple drinks.

Yargun Chatar

[ Boss ] The owner of the courier company Aiolos works for. He lets him get away with a lot of shit.

Errett Sachin

[ Ugh ] Shitty terrible customer whose lusus chased Aiolos after he kicked his weed delivery onto the roof.

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