Riley Tobi



4 years, 5 months ago



Name: Riley Tobi

Age: 16 

Height: 5'6

Weight: 120 Ibs

birthday: April 9th, Aries

Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical description: Riley is slim. His skin is clear, and not pale. He's got a natural rose tint to his cheeks. His eyes are a golden brown. His hair is layered and messy. He usually just slaps a headband on and says that's good enough. He doesn't style his hair, so the part is just however the hair falls.

Fears/phobias: Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces)

“Im here for a good time not a long one"


Riley is courageous and confident. He rarely gives up when faced with an exciting challenge, and will keep trying to find new ways to come out successful. He's not sneaky, or overly intelligent, but he's creative and determined. He's sociable and approachable, and doesn't like to say no to new experiences. He has a habit of fidgeting when he's anxious or bored. When he's stressed, he'll paint on his skateboard.


Riley likes Learning/trying new things, Skateboarding(even though he sucks at it), Spicyfoods, Socializingmaking friends, Dogs, Just having a good time man

Riley dislikes getting bored, Bullies but who doesn't dislike bullies? Ostriches, Smallspaces, Milk, Work

“Theres always a solution! Sometimes you just have to look really hard"


Riley grew up in a stuffy neighbourhood, and being an energetic, excitable kid in such a boring place was stifling. His parents never left him explore, they never let him run around outside or play with his friends. They absolutely despised the idea of him having free will, as if it would take their little boy away from them. He grew up with the growing desire to just experience anything and everything, and even came to resent his parents a little for keeping him tied down.

But with age comes with intelligence, and with intelligence comes cleverness. He would devise ways to sneak around going unseen, because if even one person saw him around these parts they'd immediately report to his parents. He got pretty good at it, but he was sure that's only because his parents thought they had a firm hold over his desires and didn't suspect anything.

Highschool granted more leeway for his adventurous nature. His parents couldn't keep such a close eye on him or his activities, and he absolutely revelled in the opportunities.

"Theres a whole world out there!"