


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Callé Augustine


Halfling Shadow




Female | Bisexual


High Merchant, Lady Callé, Madame Augustine, Knight Enchanter Callé


Potion Sales Business Owner


Knight Enchanter | Stave Wielding


6'2, 130lbs, sparkly hazel-green eyes, long, dark blonde hair with long hime bangs, scar on her left eyebrow, multiple scars on her hands and fingers from time as a laborer/slave


Occasionally ties red ribbons in her hair, sometimes clips her bangs back. Wears cuffs and earrings on her long elf ears, tends to prefer revealing clothes, lots of jewelry, body paint and necklaces.

Tattoos, Piercings, etc

She has as simple ankle tattoo, three dots to honor each dead member of her family. And a series of otherworldy letters up the inner part of her right arm, she won't admit where they're from.


Saesra (mother), Dimitre (father), Leaf (elder sister)


She takes in animals injured from the ravages of war


Counting money, trying on clothes, writing, painting, swimming, animals, swimming, her gold, staring at herself, seeing those she dislikes in pain, Snacks, being praised, Salty things


goblins, children, fanatics


Her actual strength, plan making skills (when she ACTUALLY comes up with a plan) having quick smart ideas when everyone's at a loss, cares deeply for her friends when it counts, generous when it counts, gives helpful advice...when it counts 


unreachable when angry, has a short fuse, jumps to conclusions/assumes a lot, inner-paranoia, over-reliance on powers, underestimating her friends and enemies



Calle was born on the outskirts of Vintern in the farmland of Meyrune, she lived a peaceful life with her mother, father, and elder sister. Her father Dimitre concocted potions and salves from the local flora and from his own garden, which happened to be very big and full of blossoms during the season. Dimitre was one day approached by a soldier asking if he would accept money for such rich, fresh medicine. Dimi put a lot of thought into it, and soon after opened his own store. It did extremely well, and he opened another shop in Talvis. Then Hemsburg, Drossel, and even had a line of potions strung out among travelling traders. Encountering a large amount of wealth, Cal's family moved far from bumpkin Meyrune and to the populated city of Talvis. On the way to the city however, the family was ambushed. Dimitre was killed in the skirmish and the survivors were taken to a labor camp. After months of grueling work, Saesra collapsed. And so Leaf and Calle were left with only each other. 

One night, Calle heard strange voices coming from the camp overseers tent. Something had drawn her in, as if in a trance she pulled back the curtain. What she saw was the overseer, kneeling in front of a summon circle drawn in blood. A rift had opened above the circle, and a being of some sort was climbing through. Upon her entry, the overseer turned, and started angrily toward the girl. As if not of her own will, Calle lunged for a cheese knife on the table beside her and savagely stabbed the overseer. The otherworldy being simply watched as this transgressed. Covered in blood, Calle approached the summoning circle. It observed her, amused, then spoke. "Since you seem to have killed my summoner, is there something I can do for you instead?" Calle remained silent. "The power to escape this place perhaps?"
She nodded. The being smiled.
When Calle woke, she was in a sea of ashes. At first she thought the overseer had overpowered her and now she was dead, but then the reality set in of what had happened. Whatever power she had obtained had engulfed the entire camp in flames, everything except herself was destroyed. Teary eyed, she attempted to search through the ashes for her sister Leaf to no avail. Devastated, she continued her families journey to Talvis to run their business.

While attending a meeting at the royal castle, she overheard someone plotting to murder the prince, but is unable to identify who they are. She returns to the meeting room to warn the Prince, but the attack is already in progress! Calle uses her powers to quickly throw the assailant off and rushes to the Princes side to see if he's alive. There are marks on his throat, but he seems to be relatively unharmed. The assassin goes in for another attack and Calle turns toward them, shocked to see Leaf rushing toward her. Just as they recognize each other, King Linde enters the room due to the commotion. He has the two thrown in the dungeon, assuming the sisters were working together. Prince Jen explains the situation and how Calle saved his life, and the King begrudgingly releases her, still wary. After doing some digging into her past, Linde becomes intrigued about the labor camp incident. He offers to Knight Calle for her valiant act in saving the Prince, mostly so he can find out more about her powers.
Calle continued to extend her business empire and now has profit in multiple trades. After the situation with Leaf at the castle, she became more collected and reserved, barely showing emotion. She disappeared into her work and became a cold person. Due to her wealth and earned titles, she had suitors knocking often on her door. She gave none of them the time of day. A girl of eighteen shouldn't be nearly so frigid, people whispered. Calle paid no mind to them. There was no profit to be made in their whispers.

Prince Jen- since she saved his life, he's become her number one admirer. 

Graeme Wolfsbane- the stylish and suave Knight Captain of the Royal Guard. Calle has always had a crush on him and he's pretty much the main reason she agreed to become a Knight.

Forewood Family- Their parents were business associates so Calle and Anka were always told to play nice, and that they were the same age so they should be friends. Calle didn't much like being forced into a friendship, but she did happen to like Anka's company, so it was alright. People didn't always treat the Augustine family with respect due to their humble farmer background, but the Forewoods were able to be civil and Calle appreciated their acceptance. Calle has genuine admiration and respect towards the entire family.