Hanna Silvestrov-Snow



4 years, 8 months ago




Name Hanna Caroline Silvestrov-Snow
Called Hannabanana, Bun, Han
Age 16 years old
Gender Female
Race Vampire
Birthday December 11th
Alignment Neutral Good

Hanna Silvestrov-Snow has always loved ice skating. Her grandparents, Richard and Viviana Silvestrov would always take her when she was little to distract the girl from her parents's divorce. She's the youngest of three children, having her oldest sister Heather Miller along with her older brother, Christopher Snow. Hanna is originally from Kinder, Pennsylvania, but moves to Moscow, Russia with her grandparents due to them gaining custody from her father. Hanna begins to train professionally in ice skating while still visiting her mother's side of the family in the summers.  

Her faceclaim is Elena Radionova.


  • ice skating
  • painting
  • brownie brittle
  • video games


  • skateboarding
  • tomatoes 
  • being in trouble with her grandparents
  • disappointing people


Hanna Caroline Silvestrov-Snow was born to Lucida Royce and William Snow on December 11th, in Kinder, Pennsylvania. Hanna was the youngest of the three, constantly being babied by her older siblings, Heather Miller and Christopher Snow. However, by the time Hanna was only four years old, her parents's marriage began to slowly crumble apart, leaving the decision about Christopher and Hanna up to the court. It was decided that Hanna would go with her father during the school year and see Lucida in the summers, vice versa with her brother, Christopher. Not too long after, her grandparents, Richard and Viviana had decided that their son, William, could not raise a child effectively while trying to run a business, thus taking Hanna for their own as they journeyed back to Moscow, Russia. 

moving to russia

Hanna absolutely adored Russia when she moved at the age of five. She's incredibly close to her grandmother so it's no wonder the child became accustomed to Moscow very quick. She began to attend a school specifically for ice skating and ballet, learning Russian by the age of seven. Hanna spent most of her time with her instructor, Valentina Romanov, who became like a mother figure to the girl as she began to age. As she got older, Hanna began to become better and better at ice skating, entering professional competitions and stunning audiences in Russia. 

Summers in kinder

When Hanna visited Kinder in the summers, it was like a whole new world for the blonde. Instead of being on a strict schedule and diet for her competitions, everything was much more relaxed as she spends her time going to the infamous diner "Elma's" with her siblings and rollerskating with her sister Heather. Hanna has a rather large collection of video games at home with her mother, Lucida, so Hanna normally stays up until late hours of the night playing, sometimes having her friend Derrick over to play with him. Hanna also sees her father in the summers, due to her grandparents having override his custody. 



Viviana Silvestrov [ grandmother ]

Viviana Silvestrov has one of the strongest relationships with Hanna. She is Hanna's grandmother, who got her interested in ice skating in the first place. Viviana provides for Hanna like a mother would, only wanting the best for Hanna. She however, despises Hanna's maternal family, causing problems when Hanna goes for the summers. She'd prefer to Hanna to stay in Russia with her and Richard.


Heather Miller [ sister ]

Hanna and her oldest sister Heather only see each other in the summers, but they have an incredibly close relationship. They text constantly and she is who Hanna goes for most things, whether it be just plain giggles or ranting. While they aren't similar, Hanna absolutely adores her sister and would do anything for her. 

Lucida Royce [ mother ]


Whenever Hanna visits in the summer, Lucida makes sure that Hanna enjoys their time together, whether it be by going out to eat, or staying home to watch a movie. Lucida despises her former parent in laws and makes sure that she allows Hanna to do what they previously wouldn't. Hanna loves her mother, and enjoys spending the summers with her. 


Valentina Romanov [ instructor]

Valentina is Hanna's ice skating and ballet instructor. She is who Hanna spends most of her time with during the school year, as Valentina helps Hanna perfect her talent. Hanna sees Valentina as a mother figure and while she is strict and harsh at times, Hanna still loves her and understands it's for her betterment. 

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