


7 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Tzuriel Levantine









Aries Taurus Cusp


Drg / Ast / Drk


Alc / Crp / Gather


O Likes

- Heights
- Fish
- Laying under the sun
- New friends that he makes
- Training
- Castor

X Dislikes

- Thieves / Liars
- Crowds
- Not being able to protect a living thing
- Teaching / Major Communication
- Very hot weather

 [ History

The Beginning..

Tzuriel's parents, a mystery those two were. Their names lost in time. Apparently, they had snow white hair and tail with lavender blue eyes; the complete opposite of Tzuriel as you can see.
Though, the two did live in a tribe with traditional Miqote customs. It was exactly because of that they fled. A miqote's "lover" customs you could say was quite different than that of a Hyur's
would be. Loving one another, Tzu's parents couldn't bear with the idea of splitting, and so they ran off together. The two had hidden themselves in Coerthas Highlands to live a secret yet peaceful
life that they had always wished for. Peace was exactly what was granted to them for the time being. This was all until Tzu was born and grew to the age of eight. He didn't talk much but had
showed a lot of talent in hunting.

It was on a day that Tzu had decided to catch some fish for the family by a riverbank that they had suddenly disappeared. Little Tzu had scampered back home with a couple of fish in his hands.
His heart was beating eagerly and excitingly for the praises that he couldn't wait to touch his wagging ears.


Tzu dropped everything he was holding. It was there he had found the door left opened with blood leading out. No sooner than that, he ran into the house to check. It was left empty aside from a
few blood splatters on the floor and stuff throws everywhere. He then ran back out but everything was too late. He didn't know what had happened. Tzu had followed the trail fora while but it was to
no avail. After some time, a few authorities discovered the scene with Tzu sitting in the snow beside the front door of his house. His ears laid flat against his head and his tail curled around his feet as
he tightly hugged his knees.

Then he gazed up at them...

Time Passes...

After the incident, Tzu had found out his parents were killed by no good bandits that were also harassing others that lived nearby. They had offered to try and find a new home for him. But while they
had their heads turned, Tzu ran off. As he ran the thoughts flowed through his head,

'I won't let that happen again...'
'I'll become stronger..'
'I'll find them.'

Years have already passed. The struggle of living alone and becoming a mercenary had taught him many things but one; the comfort of a friend. He had worked with many, seen many, and even dined
with them.  Yet he had never forged anything that you could call a friend. As he had grown older, he found how disgusting people were. Even if they were not bandits, they were all just the same.
They all lied through their teeth. They all sneered at those who were lower than them. They all were scum.

But that was all until he met someone in particular.

One mission, he met a lalafell(?) who had rushed to heal him during battle. At the time, Tzu didn't bother to remember the person or care. But when that same lalafell returned to him at the
end of the battle, he was thrown at loss. 'What did this lalafell want? Money?' He thought to himself instinctively. Instead, the lalafell had asked to check his wounds. Hesitant at first, Tzu
nodded when it came down to it. Usually when he would walked off, no one would have come to try and find him just to heal his wounds. He had always treated his own wounds. Yet this
random lalafell healer decided to come after him. Maybe there was some nice people in the world after all. When Tzu had thought this, his ears started to wave up and down out of a happy
thought. But then he killed his own happiness by thinking it might have been some kind of manipulation. With that, Tzu thanked and went off on his way again.

And has fate would have it, Tzu met him again and again. Each time, this lalafell by the name of Castor, continued to go after him to heal him. Each time, Castor never failed to make sure that
Tzuriel was okay. Before Tzu could realize it, he grew fond over the cute little lalafell. Of course, only as a fellow friend. (I'm lazy)