


4 years, 5 months ago


  • Stéphane

  • Age 27 years old
  • Gender Male
  • Species Lamprey merman
  • Alignment True neutral (tends to neutral evil)

First of all, as all my merpeople, Stéphane has an "almost-human" form in which he keeps his lamprey-like mouth that forces him to eat only liquids. He normally sucks blood and can eat some solid food after putting it in a blender. He hides his mouth either with a (surgical) mask or a bandana.

He is a bit pessimistic about merpeople's situation in a world where radioactive water is dumped in the ocean and long-term human activities, like buying a house, doing long specific studies or getting a nice job are already really hard for people who are not registered in a government's system, thus impossible for non-human creatures.

Stéphane used to be quick-tempered and quite violent as an adolescent and a young adult, but grew calmer, especially after meeting his new friends. However, he has almost no consideration for humans and sometimes, when he feels angry even for no reason, he can hunt and kill them. Freaking divers and swimmers out or drowning them (depending if they saw him or not) is a fun activity.

Also, though he despises humans, he's very interested in their cultures, stories, architecture... and loves libraries.


Nickname: Steph
Height: 1 m 78 (human form)
Emotion: Anger
Orientation: Bisexual
Enneagram: Type 8(w7)

  • Hollywood Undead
  • Learning
  • Libraries
  • Drowning people at the beach and causing panic.
  • Humans in general (with some exceptions)
  • Animal abuse
  • Following human laws, 'cause he's no human so they shouldn't apply to him, and unwritten merpeople laws.


Hollywood Undead - Undead
Instrumental Hip Hop " Barbarian " Raw Old School /// [ Hanto ]
Gojira - Silvera
Rage - Empty Hollow
Pain - Bye/Die


When he was 9, his parents suddenly disappeared overnight. He searched them for days but couldn't find them. Instead, he met a hagfish family who adopted him; now he has 4 siblings: Charles, 4 years older than him, Amaury, 2 years older, Alexandre who's the same age, and Maria who's 2 years younger than him.

Charles and Amaury never really liked him because they are pretty conceited, like their father, and didn't want to treat someone of an "inferior race" as a family member. Indeed, in this world, though merpeople don't have real politics, hagfish are seen as some kind of "nobles" since they are very useful to clean the environment and have very few predators, but lampreys are not. However, Stéphane became best friends with Alexandre, who had a bad influence on him. For years they lived carelessly, bullying weaker merpeople...

One day, when they were around 25, Alexandre met Félix near the reef where he and Steph were staying and tried to intimidate and harass him for a few days. One of Félix’s friends, Gabriel, heard about it and came to his rescue. However, when he met Alexandre, he saw a potential friend in him; thus, instead of fighting him, Gabriel just tried to annoy him by flirting with him insistently. Alexandre got really confused and left. The next day he came back with Stéphane, who didn’t really care about this incident and found the situation rather funny, but this time Gaby and Félix were also accompanied by another friend, Gaël. No one actually wanted to fight, so they talked it over and Alexandre ended up apologizing to Félix. After that, since they got along well, they decided to hang out together and became friends. The trio had a positive influence on Stéphane and Alexandre's behaviour.

Now, they travel together around the world, staying near coasts and using their human form to visit cities, learning about human cultures and how to do some human activities. They are cautious and try not to get caught by authorities. To get money they rob the corpses they just killed, or sell things they found underwater.



[ Adoptive brothers, boyfriends ] They are soulmates and officially started dating at 26 years old. If one of them were to die, the other would do no effort to stay alive. They are in a "kinda" open relationship, it's complicated.



[ Friends ] Stéphane likes Félix a lot and wants to protect him. He understands and feels sorry that the younger merman cannot find a meaning or a goal to his life, but doesn't know how to help. Félix is the only other male, after Alexandre, to which Stéphane was physically and romantically attracted.



[ Friends ] They get along very well. They are probably the most mature of the gang. Gaël would love to be a little more than just friends with Stéphane, but it's not gonna happen. Moreover, Gaël doesn't like when Stéphane kills humans out of anger and tries to stop him.



[ Pals ] They get along well but don't have a lot in common, or don't share the same vision of the world.
