


7 years, 8 months ago



Name Jade
Designer Soggydoggies
Gender Female
ObtainedBought from byrd of chickensmoothie for 3 vr pets
Significant Other Mitchi
Rules May gift or trade
Species Tiger

RoleLiiving Jade Sculpture


  • Her stripes do not need to be exact, the color and patterns seem to reflect off the surface of her fur like jade- and can change. 

Jade is a shy girl with a lot of heart, she tends to hide from those she  doesn't know and get flustered easily. She loves very deeply, and  shares her smiles with others. She can sometimes be a bit oblivious or  vain, but she'll always apologize for it afterward, as usually she  doesn't even realize she's exhibiting such behavior.Likes staring at herself in her own reflection. 

Like her outer shell, Jade is a beautiful individual on the inside too. A little shy, but endlessly loving and lovable in return. Her main goal in life is just to spread good cheer wherever she travels, and many that meet her also note that a lot of good things happen after you meet her! Perhaps she's good luck...

She is generous and willing to learn, though can sometimes block herself with her own ego when it comes to making strides in understanding and seeing others. 


  • Given that she used to be a statue, she has a deep rooted fear of becoming one again, of being frozen in time unable to interact with the world around her or her family.
  • She does, incidentally- tend to zone out staring into space-almost like a living statue, at times. It makes people uneasy but she doesn't even seem to realize she does it. 

Jade was created by an artist in ancient china, a  tiger made of -jade, of course. She spent hundreds of years in the  artists gallery, after his passing, and many generations gone. She was a  relic of the past, a family heirloom passed down through the family in  the home. Eventually, the family fell on hard times and she had to be  sold. However, on the way to her new home, being transported, the box  fell from the truck and the jade tiger statue toppled down the mountain.  Breaking on the rocks, her leg shattered, her tail a thousand pieces  over the forest floor. She could not weep, but if she could she would  have expressed her sorrow for the entire country to hear.

Though this didn't go entirely unnoticed. A goddess stood on the  mountain, her bare feet hopping over the stones as she walked to the  statue, picking up its shattered head, split from its body. "What  impeccable craftsmanship." she'd utter as she moved to gather the  pieces, and put together the intricate statue. One shard of jade at a  time. It took a while, years even, to find all of the pieces. But it was something to do right? And a goddess didn't mind such matters of time.  She repaired the statue to its former glory "Almost lifelike!" the goddess was the creator, aways astounded by human creations as they  sought to replicate the things she'd made, she found herself fascinated  by the statues features and form. And so she decided to grant the statue  life. It pleased her in this form, the only thing she felt that could  make it more beautiful was to give it genuine life. So she could watch  her find her place in the world, find her family and home, and  experience all the wonderful things. Something that made Serafina happy, should be allowed to be happy in return, by her account. And so Jade was born, art so beautiful that the gods themselves felt it deserved a life in which it could share that beauty with the world. 

She spends most of her time wandering the wilds with her mate, Mitchi, but she enjoys visiting human temples as well. She is a little bit of a showoff in doing so-she likes the attention, but she knows a good balance.


  • Attention
  • The Sunrise
  • Lavender
  • Mirrors/reflections

  • Mud/mess
  • Displays of anger
  • Being insulted
  • Heavy rain

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.