Rezeict Lobo


Basic Info


Maned Toucan Gryphon


Rez, Rez8

Age | Birthday | Sign

Adult | May 26 | Gemini

Gender | Pronouns

Non-binary pangender (trans) | any pronouns (he, she, they)



Height | Body type

160 cm (5′ 3″) | chubby, curvy, anthro or feral


Introvert, shy, quiet, loner, awkward, sensible, people-pleaser, lazy, silly, curious, creative and naughty


Pansexual and panromantic



Relationship status

Married to Norok (a bit open)


This character is the current fursona of Rezeict / Cari Rez Lobo. Created in May, 2018. I got a fursuit of this fursona on June 16, 2019!

Rez is an adult Maned Toucan Gryphon, which is a mix of Maned Wolf and Toco Toucan. In Portuguese language, their species is called Tucano-guará.

▲ Physical Description: short, very chubby and curvy. Has kinda big breasts, but might wear chest binder. Can be anthro or feral. Has a large serrated toucan beak that is curved downwards. The beak is very light in weight. They have big fluffy ears, dark brown eyes, kinda big eyelashes, wavy/curly mane and hair, fluffy fur on chest, avian scaly arms, digitigrade canid legs, canid paw feet and a canid tail with soft feathers on top, at the base of the tail. Rez's beak has 3 purple stripes on both sides and the beak tip has a pink/blue spot. Rez's upper beak also has a purple stripe in the middle, which ends at the beginning of the pink/blue spot. Rez has a heart shaped light marking on the butt. Despite being a Maned Wolf mix, Rez's legs are short and chubby. Their small paws have four toes with dark claws. The hand claws' natural color is white. Rez has a pink hybrid tongue, instead of a typical toucan tongue. They can have toucan wings or be wingless (wings are optional). Most of their body is covered in a combination of fur and feathers. Their face is feathered, the ears are furred. Rez uses contact lenses to correct their severe myopia since they can't wear cool glasses due to their large beak (but they would prefer glasses). Rez might wear earrings.

▲ Vocalizations: besides talking in Portuguese and English, Rez can produce feral vocalizations. Purring ("rrr"): toucan sound made when pleased or when gently refusing something. Croaking ("cree"): toucan sound similar to that of a raven. Made when displeased or sensing danger. Happy Whining: when happily greeting someone. Growling ("grrr"): when angry. Roar-barking ("rwow"): long distance communication.

▲ When angry or threatened, their mane hair stands up. They might peck at things and people that they like, it's like poking. Aside from that, Rez is bad at conveying their emotions. They don't know how to express themself. Rez is very shy and feels embarrassed about everything that they do.

▲ Is transgender, therefore they are not the gender that was assigned to them at birth. They are also non-binary, which means they are not exclusively female or male. Their gender identity is pangender (being all genders possible to them, including female and male). Their pronouns can be any.

▲ Is pansexual and panromantic, which means they can potentially feel attraction to any person, no matter their gender or sex. Is polyamorous and can potentially feel romantic love for more than one individual.

▲ Likes: art, drawing, movies, series, cartoon, chilling and being lazy, 3D modeling, nature, zoology, botany, ecology, succulents and cacti, diversity, stars, nebulas, triangles, cute stuff, colorful stuff and rainbows, creepy and spooky stuff, monsters, hanging out with friends, gifts, Halloween, comics, creepypasta, hobbits, dwarves, witches, medieval theme, retro style, SCP, Alternate Reality Games (ARGs), Marble Hornets.
- Food: sushi, broccoli, eggplant, shimeji, chocolate, milk, barbecue, açaí, watermelon, banana, tapioca.
- Music: Mystery Skulls, Studio Killers, Simon & Garfunkel, Enya, Vangelis, Electric Light Orchestra, Imogen Heap, DAOKO, Ken Ashcorp, Gorillaz, Daft Punk, Die Antwoord, TeddyLoid, Queen, Electro Swing, Chillhop, Jazz.
- Movies & Books: The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Marvel movies, horror movies, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Holes, Oldboy, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Miyazaki movies.
- Series & Anime: Steven Universe, BoJack Horseman, Samurai Jack, The Office, Orange is the New Black, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Madoka Magica, Marvel series, One Punch Man.
- Video Games: Pokémon, Undertale, Okami, Ib, Silent Hill, What Remains of Edith Finch, Life is Strange.

▲ Dislikes: crowds, large groups of people, loud noises, hot weather, dry weather, fungus and mold, feeling dirty, fanny packs, people who hate pigeons, chickens or avians in general, people playing around with fire without being safe, bigots, haters. Arugula, champignon, cashew apple, cashew juice.