Meztli Bailey



4 years, 5 months ago



Meztli is a Silver Wings Hospital inpatient who's been in treatment for 2 months following an injury to her wings and shoulders. She's under the care of Dr. MacLeod, and lives in room 905. Meztli is super cheerful, optimistic, and hopeful. She comes off as confident and suave, but is very calculated, and puts a LOT of effort into coming off as cool. She fears that she's overcompensating for something, and is trying too hard to be seen as enjoyable to be around, when in reality, people really think she's great to be around. She loves to spread positive vibes, and usually has something nice to say about someone else! She's rather oblivious to others' feelings, and isn't good at reading a room, but tries her absolute best! She tends to be a bit all-over-the-place, and doesn't like to sit down and focus on one thing, and likes to multitask. She's very smart and has a great memory, and can easily recall things. She also is very good at explaining things to others, and loves to teach other people about what she's passionate about. She devotes herself a lot to her interests and hobbies. In particular, she's super into trivia, puzzles, and tabletop gaming- she loves things that challenge the brain. She also knows a lot about birds, and she has 2 pet pigeons at home (named Tiffany and Eleanor). She loves to learn, and loves to gain new knowledge, and is always up to learn. Outside of the hospital, she lives in Equinox, on the Constellation Islands, where she was born and raised. She lives in an apartment by herself, right in the heart of the city, exactly where she wants to be! She's a college professor at Equinox University, and she teaches math. She's known by her students for making lots of cheesy jokes, but good cheesy jokes.


Meztli is 5'10" and weighs 185 lbs. She has dark and warm skin, and long, fluffy dark brown hair. As with most magical humans, the whites of her eyes are the same color as her magic (golden yellow). However, unlike other magical humans, she has 2 sets of wings (instead of 1). Her lower, secondary set of wings are purple, which are the same color as her pupils. She has sharp canine teeth on both her upper and lower teeth. Her custom patient gown at the hospital is pastel yellow with alternating rows of light orange dots and light red triangles along the sleeves and the bottom. She gets cold easily, and tends to wear a sweater over her gown, which is bright orange with bright yellow dots and darker orange triangles on it. She tends to wear patterned socks of any kind, and orange fuzzy slippers, while in the hospital.

  • 💖 Math
  • 💖 Birds
  • 💖 3000s pop music
  • 💖 Trivia
  • 💖 Puzzles
  • 💖 History
  • 💖 Earth sciences
  • 💖 Tabletop gaming
  • 💖 Science fiction
  • 💔 Pork
  • 💔 Public transportation
  • 💔 Mushrooms (as food)
  • 💔 Frozen food
  • 💔 Humidity
  • 💔 Onions
  • 💔 Bright lights


Meztli Bailey
Trans woman (She/her)
Ethnicity and Race
Constellation Islands native
Magical human
30 years
Hourglass shaped, chubby!
Warm bright colors (mostly oranges and yellows!), dresses for the fall
Equinox, Constellation Islands
College math professor













Meztli and her twin brother Amaru are the only children born to their parents, George and Winona Bailey. Through her childhood, Meztli and her family lived in a house in Equinox, in the Constellation Islands. They lived together, with Meztli's maternal grandmother. Meztli and Amaru both went to the same private school in the area. Meztli was always popular, and had a lot of friends she could easily rely on. She always excelled in subjects like math, and she always loved to do new things. She was actively involved in the robotics club in her school, and got closest to people she met there. She and Amaru both came out as transgender when they were in their early teenage years, and, as is the norm in Threa, they were accepted by people in their lives. Meztli decided to go to Equinox University fairly early on- Winona was a professor at Equinox, and Meztli was always super close with her. She went to get her master's degree in mathematics. She graduated and began working at Equinox University, teaching calculus. She moved out of her parents' house, but stayed in Equinox, moving into an apartment. Things mostly were going well for her until sometime in late 3017. She got into a wreck when biking to work, which injured her neck, shoulders, and wings. She was transferred to Silver Wings for longer-term rehabilitation and care.


Estelle Liu

Meztli is super close with Estelle. From the beginning of her stay, Meztli has felt at home around Estelle. They saw a lot of eachother through a shared friendship with Marilyn. As a result, Meztli bonded a lot with Estelle, and found herself sharing a lot of her personal life with her. Estelle, at one point, had romantic feelings toward Meztli, unaware that she was straight. Upon sharing her feelings, however, their relationship only improved. Meztli appreciates that Estelle can be so vulnerable and open with her, and, in turn, offers that vulnerability to Estelle as well. They feel like they can share anything with eachother, and feel like they can rely on eachother for anything.

Landry Okeke

Meztli absolutely adores Landry. Unknown to Landry, he's exactly Meztli's type of guy. Chad introduced Meztli to Landry, thinking they'd hit it off, and they instantly did. Meztli, being a hopeless romantic, fell hard for him really fast. She doesn't see him as often from him being on a different floor of the hospital, but she tries to make time outside of treatments to go on that floor anyways, so she "unintentionally" runs into him a lot. She tries not to let it show that she's super into him, but she's not particularly the best at that (being a bad liar and wearing your heart on your sleeve really doesn't pay off sometimes). She really thinks that seeing him brightens her days, and loves having any chance to be with him.


Marilyn Delacroix

Marilyn and Meztli are good friends! Chad introduced Meztli to Marilyn, and they hit it off pretty quick, especially considering their shared bond with Estelle. It was because of their shared three-way friendship that Marilyn began organizing "Girls Nights" for the 3 of them, which provided a reason for them to become even closer! Meztli always likes to make time in her schedule to hang out with her. They're pretty similar, and they're good friends!

Cedar Woods

Meztli sees a whole lot of Cedar, for some convoluted reasons. Since Meztli hangs out with Landry, who hangs out with Chad, who hangs out with Cedar, they've actually gotten pretty close! Meztli likes to talk to him, she likes to listen to him talk about his interests. She sometimes joins in on the movie night he organizes in Chad and Landry's room. Meztli thinks Cedar is pretty cool, and loves to hear what he has to say!


profile html by Hukiolukio