
  Basic Info 

Gamino Julix Slienna - 28
Color Type: Single Color Common. Blue wax and blue liquid. Defective, wax doesn't flow throughout body. Makes him slow and have a lack of energy. 
Shell Type: Surface Jellu/Thin-Skinned
Birthplace: The Julix River, Zosnia. 125 have formed so far. Taken in by local lodge, eventually being sent off to a Care Center for his defect, to keep him safe and help him. 

Despite his birth defect he's very friendly and open about himself. He can act slow and groggy at times due to his wax not moving. He loves making new friends and hanging out. Total daydreamer. Dreams of going to Earth and being normal.  

A Jellbian that was made with a defect, his wax never flowed like the rest. A rare defect in Jellu's. Sent to a care center where cracked and other defects like him lived. Lives out his days playing games and watching things on his Communicator. Tho he tends to drift off in thought, daydreaming if he had energy to run and play, to rave like the other's. Likes to stare out windows and sit on swings, losing himself in thought. He daydreams of Earth and the life he could have but never will. For the rest of his life he will stay a defect. If only his daydreams were real.