


4 years, 6 months ago


Personal Description

Name: An Tang Huang
Nicknames: Hua , Iron Man ( given by Firefly )
Date of Birth:  August 7th
Gender: male
Status:  Alive
Hero Name:
Occupation:  first year student at UA

Background: When Huang was a young kid only a few years old his parents who were heroes not necessarily pro heroes disappeared and no one could find out what happened to them or confirm if they were alive or dead. Huang was put into foster care for only a week when his Aunt Firefly showed up and adopted him. With Firefly and Zen is where Huang grew up and they did a good job of it hes a good kid he never did drugs or smoked or drinked he really didn't want to disappoint them. Huang never asked them about his parents even as a child when he still remembered them some people claimed that some where in his mind he knows what happened to them but if they were right he didn't remember time had claimed all memory of them. And maybe that was for the best.


Hair Color:  brown
Eye Color: one brown one gold
Height: 5'6"
Huang has long brown hair thats tied back into a ponytail that could make some girls jealous. Hes got a cute ahoge on top of his head and one brown eye on the left  and one gold eye on the right. Huang likes wearing clothes that look nice but are comfortable to wear at the same time he doesn't like looking sloppy and hates uniforms of all kinds


Huang is, in general, a rather dry person, both in his emotional response and in his humor. He has a tendency to be sarcastic in most situations, even ones that don't require it - some speculate that it's in these situations where Huang is sarcastic the most. He tends to be unmotivated, but once he gets down to doing something, he will put his best into it. In this way, he is perhaps a combination of traits from both of the people he lives with, but his fierce and unwavering loyalty - that can often lead him to violent behavior on part of someone he cares about being slighted or insulted - is what sets him apart from them. Though he is quick to snap when people insult his friends and family, he is very much thick-skinned when it comes to people insulting him specifically, simply allowing such insults to bounce off of him with no more than a sarcastic response to them

- mythological creatures and cryptids
- hand writing letters
- hugs
-rpg games
- dream catchers
- ghosts and paranormal things

- uniforms
- being  told what to do
- being active
- sports  and any physical activity  
-  cant keep plants alive not even cacti
- drama

being a sassy little shit  
also writing

Quirk and Abilities

Quirk: Properties of Light
Type:  Mutation
Description: Properties of Light is a mutation quirk that manifests visually as the user's hands being made of prism glass. This glass can store light to be used by this quirk. Whilst light is stored, the user's body temperature increases and they glow - brightly out of the clear parts of their body, and more faintly but still noticeable through their skin. The active application of this quirk lies in the emitting of this stored light as either a bright flash or a hot beam

- Can be charged in natural or artificial light
- Light can be stored for later
- cannot break
- Can temporarily blind people with a flash of light

- No control over storing light, beyond covering up the glass parts of his body
- User still has a comfort range for heat, so though this quirk is absolutely more effective in summer, it also hurts to use due to the additional heat
- Cannot gather moonlight and can only gather light that exists on the visual spectrum




Zen is Huang's aunt Firefly's partner and helped to raise Huang they have a close family bond but Zen isnt  his uncle though he does call him that to tease him witch he doesn't disappoint in his reaction to it

Momoku | good friend
Moku is a kind determined young girl in the support class who also happens to be blind. Shes an interesting person who Huang finds fun to hang around

Love interest:  



-When his quirk is active his hands , hair ,  and freckles glow brightly wile the rest of him glows softly
- Huang does not want to be a pro hero
- Never needs a flashlight or any kind of lamp because he can generate his own light
- Always picked to go first into dark places  
- Likes hugs
- Gives off warmth
- Lives with Firefly and Zen
- Has reading glasses and he looks adorable in them but doesn't believe it
- His favorite color is maroon
- Will tease people
- Firefly and Zen like to ruffle his hair most times they see him hes fine with it
- Has freckles as a side affect of his quirk, you can get freckles from being out in the sun his freckles also glow when his quirk is active
-The only part of the uniform he wears is the jacket only because he has to if it was his choice he wouldn't wear any part of the uniform


" My sarcasm comes free of charge "
" Let me write down all the reasons why I will NOT be doing that "
" Aw did I hurt your feelings ? "