
Jean Evelyn Wilson (Pulse)


Determined • Brash • Strong • Caring

Jean grew up in Manhatten, NY and was a big fan of Captain America. Since she was such a big fan, she decided to become a superhero herself. She became a martail artist, as well as had some technology that helped her become her dream.

She became an Avenger, fought along other heroes, and helped save the world time and time again. Through many trials, she retires for a short time, only to be brought back because of Bucky Barnes, who she had to hide from Tony Stark and protect during Civil War. She took part in the Infinity War and survived the Snap, and fought during Endgame.


  • 80's rock music
  • Training with Capt. America
  • Her snide remarks
  • Lounging around


  • Tony's nickname for her
  • Fighting in the field
  • Her weapons breaking
  • Flying
"write a quote here...."


Growing up in Manhattan, Pulse was a fan of Captain America since she was young, and read comics and books about her hero constantly so she could learn more about him. Inspired by his patriotic heroism, she decided that one day she wanted to be a hero herself. Her father, an inventor who would later lend some of his help to Tony Stark, made fist weapons that relied on a new technology that created force fields when they made impact with a solid object for her and had her train in martial arts across the world to help her achieve her dreams. After years and years of practice and hard work, she was confronted by Nick Fury to join the Avengers, a new team of heroes that would help protect the world from dangerous threats. She leapt on the offer and joined immediately, and met Tony Stark, who by now had met her father and had new pulse fist weapons and matching boots. She met all the heroes and was introduced to Capt. America last, who had already been told about her deep aspiration for him and how he inspired her to become a hero in the first place. Too smitten to even talk to her greatest hero, Pulse avoided him the best he could, but eventually warmed up to the idea of working alongside him the more Tony picked on her and gave her hell for avoiding him. The two trained together and got along well, and she became a solid part of the team. She got along with everyone well, except for Tony of course, who always found a way to give her shit or tease her for something. When Loki came, she made the decision to fight Loki one on one so the other heroes could have time to protect civilians and close the portal he made in the sky. She was badly beaten and Loki forced her to watch an illusion of everything falling apart because she failed to defeat him, relishing in her emotional and mental torture. After she broke, he threw her back to the other Avengers and Tony took her to a safe haven in his tower so she could safely put her thoughts back together . After Loki's defeat and arrest, Pulse retired from the Avengers and from being a superhero as a whole. However, Tony kept close tabs on her.

Driving her motorcycle down an old back road one day, a steel rod was thrown into the wheel of her bike and she crashed hard, finding the Winter Soldier standing on the side of the road, his eyes on her and ready to fight. Since she had retired, she never had her weapons on her, so she had to run the best she could, only to have Stark's car come up and take her away quickly. Stark revealed the Winter Soldier had been hunting him and Capt. America for a while now, and had found her as a result. Distressed from being attacked and now knowing she was going to be hunted down until she was killed, she freaks out on Tony, telling him she should have never joined the Avengers and that it only brought pain and distress to her. After a harsh fight between Tony and her, she leaves the car and goes home alone, waiting for the Winter Soldier to show. But it never happened. She later found out the it was Bucky Barnes, Capt's old friend, and the two had disappeared. This led to Tony coming to her house often, asking her if she had seen them at all and to call him if she does. Soon she was pulled into trouble once more, for Steve did show up, and asked her to hide Bucky. Angry with his question, she tells them that she never wants to see them again, only for her to cave and agree to hide him. Bucky and her were awkward with each other and both seemed to be afraid of his metal arm that had nearly killed her not too long ago. She always watched her back and would jump whenever he showed up in a room unannounced. He would watch her like Steve told him to do and noticed her love for her record player and her rock tunes. Confident with his knowledge of how records worked, he found a way to bond with her over it and she taught him how the newer technology worked, along with helping her around the house and cooking. The two became friends and her fear of him melted away, until his attacks started. Every now and then, something would set him off and she would come home to him thinking he was the Winter Soldier again. He even managed to break into her old gun safe and nearly killed her. Determined to help him, she proceeded to teach him different skills and ways to ground him when these things happened, and she became very fond of him, so fond that she became a superhero again to protect him from Tony when Civil War broke out. She proceeded to be by his side when he became an ally and Infinity War broke out. She fought along Black Panther and the others in the fight against Thor's sister and Thanos, only to lose and see Bucky disappear in front of her eyes. Her heart broken, she decides to stay an Avenger when Tony walked away and she stayed by Steve's side, trying desperately to save all of the others that disappeared after the snap. When Endgame occurred, she stayed behind to watch over the headquarters while the others retrieved the stones and watched Thanos's return. Enraged with seeing him again and still overwhelmed with what he had taken before, she used all of her strength in a brutal one on one fight with him. She was close to giving her own life up to stop him, she sees the return of Doctor Strange and the rest of the people who had disappeared. Overwhelmed with joy of seeing her friends return, her eyes locked onto Bucky and her strength came back to her. She fought long and hard alongside Bucky and Sam, and watched Thanos's demise. The death of Tony Stark was a hard one to her, and she felt a lot of guilt for turning on him and fighting with him again and again over becoming a hero again, but she knew he died a hero, which was the best death he could have possibly gotten. He helped bring Bucky back to her and stopped Thanos, and she was ever grateful. The final pain she had was when Capt. America returned to the past, but knew it was for the best and was happy to see him go back to the life he was promised, and promised him she would watch over Bucky and Sam for him, hinting that she wasn't planning on retiring any time soon.


• Patriotic colors

• Uniform inspired by Captain America and Danny Sexbang

• Long hair during prime years, short hair during retirement

• Hair grows back after Civil War

• Cocky when young, jaded after retirement


• Her favorite album is Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses

• She has a massive records collection

• She's allergic to shellfish

• Her birthday is July 4th

• She owns all the vintage Capt. America comics

• She owns a fifty's dress from her grandmother




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