


4 years, 5 months ago


  • Rhianu Ellis

  • nickname Rhia
  • age twenties
  • gender female
  • species half-fae
  • - -

shy • timid • quiet • kind • compassionate • empathetic • friendly • helpful • generous • trusting • naive • forgiving • optimistic • pacifist

[Note: Rhianu is not meant to be an accurate representation of the mythology/folklore she is based on.]

Rhianu is a very shy young woman with social anxiety. Because of this, she tends to spend a lot of time on her own, and is very uncomfortable around crowds. However, she cares a great deal about all living things, and she likes to help people when she can. Once getting past her timidness, she is actually very friendly. It just takes a lot of time for her to get to a point where she's comfortable with someone.

Despite her timid nature, Rhianu tends to be very trusting of others to the point of being naive, and she is extremely forgiving. She believes everyone has some good in them, even if it's hard to see.

height 5'3" (160 cm)

build short, on the thin side, small bust

pronouns she/her

s.o. asexual

dob Aug. 31

sign Virgo

alignment neutral good

mbti ISFJ-T


  • helping people
  • flowers
  • animals
  • nature
  • lakes/fresh water
  • soft music
  • singing
  • flute playing
  • wood carving
  • travelling
  • reading


  • violence
  • crowds
  • disrespecting nature
  • being unable to help


  • healing (basic training in using herbs and potions for healing/curing wounds and ailments, and is studying to learn more. She is also learning to use healing magic.)
  • flute playing
  • wood carving
  • archery (rarely used due to her dislike of violence)


Rhianu's father was a human orphan who was found and raised by the tylwyth teg. Being raised among fae, he eventually met the woman who would become his wife and Rhianu's mother, a gwraig annwn. They were loving parents who raised Rhianu to treat others with kindness and compassion, and taught her skills such as archery, music, healing, and wood carving.

Rhianu became an orphan herself as a child. While travelling with her parents, they accidentally found themselves in the territory of a very territorial fae who didn't give them a chance to explain themselves (or maybe just didn't believe they were there by accident), and Rhianu only survived because her parents were able to save her. After that, she lived with her fae family until she grew up.

Now she frequently travels between the fae world and human world, and tries to help whoever she can. She continues to study the things her parents taught her, particularly the healing arts. She lives in a small log cabin (built by her father) near a lake in southern Wales, but spends more time travelling than she does at her home.



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