Alice Mizuki



7 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




16 (as of GAA)


January 1



Significant Other



Pallet Town


Alice is a fiery trainer who never backs down from a challenge. She is almost infallibly optimistic, and even when she loses she tries to use the experience to get better. She is very determined and refuses to give up hope, and has a unique ability to inspire the same hope and determination in her Pokémon. She gets bored easily when having things explained, and learns best from hands-on experience. She is fiercely loyal to her friends, family, and Pokémon, and will fight tooth and nail to protect them. She has a tendency to refer to her friends with short, often monosyllabic nicknames derived from their real names (but only if their name has more than one syllable).


Alice was born a few months after her father began traveling to further his research on Pokémon. He never returned, and so Alice was single-handedly raised by her mother. However, he made a point to call and video chat regularly. Little Alice easily befriended the neighbor boy Red, and the two were nigh-on inseparable. They shared a deep-seated love of Pokémon, and Red taught her everything he learned.

When Alice was 6, Red and a few other kids were dared to spend a night camping in Lavender Town. Alice insisted on accompanying them, believing that she could handle anything Red could. The group ended up a little too close to the Pokémon Tower and were relentlessly harassed by ghosts. Red managed to fend them off, but Alice narrowly escaped being seriously hurt and was left with an intense fear of Ghost-type Pokémon.

Red, Green, & Blue:
As 11-year-old Red sets off on his Pokémon journey, 8-year-old Alice wishes him luck. He gives her a Poké Ball-shaped locket as a token of their friendship. After a few months, she decides to go to Viridian City in order to meet him after he beats the gym there. She sets off with a Growlithe escort courtesy of her mother, but upon reaching the city and seeing that Red isn't there yet, she decides to explore and ends up lost in the Viridian Forest. She is attacked by a few wild Pokémon but is soon rescued by a strangely friendly Eevee. The Eevee leads her back to the city and to her mother's Growlithe, and she decides to just go back to Pallet Town. They pass the gym just as Giovanni is exiting. After learning that the Eevee is wild, he hands her a Poké Ball to catch her with. She decides to name her Masami. He then offers to escort them back to Pallet Town. On the way, he tells her that she reminds him of his son, who went missing a long time ago. Once at her house, he says that she seems to have potential as a trainer and that he hopes to see her challenging his gym one day. Alice tells him that she hopes he finds his son so that they can meet and become friends. That night, she wishes on the brightest star in the sky that it all will happen.

Alice, now 10, sets off on her Pokémon journey, aiming to become strong enough to help find and rescue Red after his disappearance. As she leaves Pallet Town, she meets Yellow, who she thinks is a boy due to her hat. Alice asks Yellow to let her know when "he" finds Red. She spends the majority of this arc taking on the Kanto gyms. Along the way, she catches a Pidgey that she names Madge and evolves to Pidgeotto, and a Rhyhorn that she names Rocky. She decides to skip the Viridian Gym due to Giovanni's disappearance leaving it leaderless, as she'd rather have a proper gym leader challenge. She is present at the surfing contest in Vermilion Harbor when Lance attacks, as she had just beaten the Vermilion City Gym the day before. When the Elite Four's armies begin attacking Kanto, Alice helps fight in Viridian. Yellow calls Alice once she has defeated Lance in order to keep her promise of letting her know when she found Red. Alice and Red reunite in Pallet Town.

Gold, Silver, & Crystal:
After about a year, Alice decides to continue her Pokémon journey in Johto and begins challenging the gyms there. In this journey, she catches a Magby that she names Blaze, and evolves Madge to Pidgeot and Rocky to Rhydon. She arrives in Ecruteak City just after the Gym is destroyed, but after learning that it's a Ghost-type gym, she decides that she probably would have skipped it anyway. She encounters both Gold and Silver periodically throughout her journey. She finds Gold obnoxious and Silver cold, but despite this ends up somewhat befriending both of them. She meets and befriends Crystal as well. She finds a true rival in a boy named Kyle Rivers, and the two constantly challenge each other to friendly battles in order to level up their Pokémon, as both have unusually small teams.

Alice decides to enter the Pokémon League at the Indigo Plateau. This is also when she learns that Green has become the Viridian Gym leader. She runs into Gold and Crystal in the crowd, and follows and aids them when they confront Sham and Carl in the Control Room. In this fight, Blaze evolves to Magmar. She is locked in with them, but they soon escape. Alice races to help evacuate the spectators as Gold and Crys battle the Masked Man, who has control of Ho-Oh and Lugia. Misty, Blaine, and Surge arrive with the Legendary Beasts of Johto, and Alice returns to observe the battle and aid Gold and Crys the best she can. Eusine arrives with the Invisible Bell as well. The Masked Man eventually flees with Gold in pursuit. Everyone realizes at roughly the same moment that the villain is really Pryce, the Mahogany Gym leader.

Crys and Alice head to Ilex Forest with the Legendary Beasts and meet up with everyone else for the final battle. In the fighting, Masami finally evolves to Espeon. Pryce captures Celebi with a special GS Ball created using Ho-Oh and Lugia's feathers and then uses Celebi to go back in time. Alice is just as surprised as everyone else who had been clueless when Yellow removes her hat and reveals herself as a girl in order to save Gold from where he had been trapped in time by Pryce. As Gold, Silver, and Crys follow Pryce, Alice wishes them all luck. She uses Masami to lend her strength to Gold's ultimate attack against Pryce. She is horrified when Gold is seemingly lost in time, and physically tackles him off of Celebi's shrine in order to hide her tears when he returns. Once recovered, she turns to Green and challenges him to a battle at his gym.

Ruby & Sapphire:
At some point, Alice returns to Kanto to challenge the Viridian Gym, and receives the Earth Badge from Green, completing her set of Indigo League badges. She is now only missing the Fog Badge from the Ecruteak Gym in order to complete her Johto League badge set.

FireRed & LeafGreen:
Alice travels to Viridian City, intending to visit Yellow, and runs into Silver, who is looking for clues to his past there. She offers to help him, and they soon run into Yellow as she is exiting the gym. Yellow also helps them look for clues. They are soon attacked by Sird and Orm of Team Rocket. It becomes a 3-on-2 battle, as Alice refuses to stand by while her friends fight. After the battle, it is revealed that Silver is Giovanni's son, and Sird and Orm take advantage of the children's shock in order to kidnap Silver and escape.

Yellow and Alice follow them to the Rocket airship, and upon boarding it, begin searching for Silver. They get lost, however, and end up in the stadium where Red and Mewtwo are fighting Giovanni and Deoxys. Red is as surprised to see them as they are to see him. As Giovanni collapses from his illness and is taken away by Orm, Alice sneaks after them. She waits outside of the room as Silver and Giovanni speak with each other. Everything is disrupted as Carr takes control of the airship, intending to crash it and kill everyone on board. Alice rushes in, intending to help them get to safety. Subsequently, they are all sucked into one of the black holes Red has Deoxys create in order to get everyone else off of the ship.

Upon exiting the black hole, the group finds themselves in a flaming piece of wreckage that had broken off of the ship. Masami forms a psychic barrier around herself and Alice to protect them, and Alice watches in awe as Giovanni shields Silver from the flames. They are eventually rescued by Green, who helps Silver to accept Giovanni as his father. Alice realizes that the wish she made years ago has come true. Giovanni is sent off to recover, and the three trainers head off to meet up with the others. Mew keeps the Team Rocket airship from crashing, thereby saving Red, who had stayed behind to try and do just that. Sird reappears and attempts to capture Deoxys. The Dexholders and Mewtwo jump in the way, and Alice would have too if Masami had not blocked her. The Dexholders are turned to stone, and Sird flees as Mewtwo gives chase.

Somewhere in this chapter, Alice catches a Seedot she nicknames Leafy. Gold also gives her a Wynaut that he hatches, and she nicknames her Psy. This gives her a full team of 6.

HeartGold & SoulSilver:

Garnet, Amethyst, & Amber:
In the midst of HGSS and ORAS, some of the Pokédex holders, most prominently Green, have gone missing or are otherwise unable to be contacted. Several Pokémon have been displaced from their natural habitats as well, some even appearing to have crossed regional borders. Alice and Red are working with Professor Oak to find out why all of this is happening, but so far their efforts have turned up nothing. Professor Oak soon takes Alice aside and gives her a Pokédex. He explains that he and Professor Elm had decided that it was time for a new team of Dexholders. These new Pokédexes have the most advanced tracking system yet, connected to all existing Pokédexes, in order to hopefully make finding the missing Dexholders easier. Such an advanced tracking system means that Oak would rather give them to trainers he knows and trusts, rather than new trainers as in the past, so he can be sure that the feature will not be misused. Alice's optimism and hope along with her love and care towards her Pokémon and the other Dexholders led Oak to believe that she is a perfect fit.

Alice spends the following morning investigating around Pallet Town and ends up speaking to and reassuring a worried Daisy. Alice is forced to take shelter in the lab as a heavy storm starts battering the small town, and Masami remarks that something about it feels off. Alice tries and fails to get a hold of the Johto Dexholders. Subsequently, she comforts a frustrated Red while the storm rages on, and they resolve to continue searching elsewhere together once it dies down. Before they can leave, however, someone knocks at the door to the lab. Kyle, Alice's rival from her Johto journey, and his younger sister Amber had been mysteriously transported to Pallet Town from New Bark Town when an almost identical storm popped up there. Red and Alice begin to make connections, and soon come to the conclusion that the displaced Pokémon and the missing Dexholders could more than likely be attributed to the strange weather patterns, and the timing of two particular storms could indicate that Green was carted off to Snowpoint City in Sinnoh. Suddenly the lab is attacked by an unfamiliar Pokémon. Amber identifies it as a Grumpig before Alice's Pokédex can register the scan, and with Kyle's help, they drive it off. Oak, impressed with their skills, gives the remaining two Pokédexes to the siblings, and the four Dexholders set off to Viridian City to investigate Green's gym and meet up with Yellow.

On Route 1, Alice processes the fact that she's officially a Dexholder while Red advises Amber on how to deal with Cherri, the stubborn displaced Cherubi she had caught back in New Bark Town. The group in general bonds over their past experiences as trainers. They reach the Viridian Gym as another storm starts up, and after taking shelter inside, begin searching for anything that might give a clue as to what might have happened. They find nothing, however. Upon exiting the gym, Red gets a call from Bill, and after reassurances from the new Dexholders that they'll be fine on their own, he leaves to help out, kick-starting his part in ORAS. Alice takes Kyle and Amber to respectively replace and repair their broken Pokégears and gives them the other Dexholders' numbers that she has. While waiting, Alice ends up recounting the fight against the Mask of Ice in Ilex Forest and subsequently discovers that Kyle and Amber are Gold's next-door neighbors. However, where Amber considers Gold her best friend and like a second brother, Kyle very much disapproves of him. As they exit to head into Viridian Forest, another storm pops up, too quickly for them to escape, and they are whisked away to... Sandgem Town in Sinnoh.

After figuring out where they are (and a very intimidating encounter with Professor Rowan), they decide to head to Canalave City in order to take a boat to Johto. Kyle decides to try calling Green, which actually works, and they arrange to meet up in Canalave in a few days' time. Amber expresses disbelief that they can make it until the other two remind her that since they aren't challenging the gyms, it won't take as long as is typical for the average trainer. Traversing the routes to Canalave ends up in Amber catching a Zigzagoon, Kyle teaching said Zigzagoon Surf, and Amber surfing down Route 218 while Madge flies Alice and Kyle across. The Zigzagoon earns himself the nickname Lightning for his troubles. Once they arrive, they meet up with Green and wait at the docks for a boat to take them to Johto. While waiting, Gold calls Alice, earning himself an earful from his worried friend and also revealing that he is also in Sinnoh. He agrees to meet them at the docks as well. Once he arrives, he is heavily berated by Amber for never calling or visiting, but nevertheless, they are both glad to see each other.

On the boat, they encounter a couple of trainers identifying themselves as members of "Team Terra," who are handing out flyers and pamphlets advising people on how to deal with the storms and displaced Pokémon. Gold is immediately suspicious, but the rest are unsure as the Team Terra members are seeming to do a lot of good. Amber plays up her status as a new trainer to get them to tell her their HQ location, which turns out to be Saffron City. Green is highly miffed due to Saffron's history as Team Rocket's HQ, while Alice feels it makes things easier since she knows the city well.

In Johto, Alice finally manages to get a hold of Crys. Crys is glad to hear that they're alright, as she had been caught up to speed by Professor Oak, and tells them that Silver has gone to Ecruteak to visit Morty. She offers to meet them all there, and Alice is happy to have a chance to see her in person again. The group reaches Ecruteak before Crys, and Green elects to stay at the Pokécenter to wait for her as the others go off to the Burned Tower to help train up Amber's Pokémon. They return to the Pokécenter and find Crys has arrived, and the group starts heading towards Ecruteak. On the way, they run into Ruby's dad, Norman, who had been left behind in Johto during Ruby's Hoopa transportation shenanigans. It turns out that Silver has been warned by Morty about the Delta meteor heading towards Hoenn, and the group ultimately decides to split up in order to help out. Gold, Silver, Crys, and Norman stay in Johto, while the rest head to Kanto. They subsequently split up even further, with Green and Kyle heading to help mitigate any extra damage that meteor shards may be causing while Alice and Amber go to Saffron City to stake out Team Terra.

On their self-imposed stake-out mission, Alice and Amber befriend a group of scientists who work in the research lab across from Team Terra HQ. Through these scientists, they ultimately learn that Amber and Kyle's father actually works for Team Terra. Alice wants to use this as a way in, but Amber insists on a stealthier approach. Ultimately, they disguise themselves as two new trainers named "Garnet" and "Sylvia Gray" in order to try and infiltrate the group, and catch low-leveled Pokémon to make the front more convincing. Their bid for membership is surprisingly successful, as Amber uses a highly energetic persona to throw Admin Tina off while Alice pretends to act like Silver to try and concoct a completely different persona from her normal self. The two spend roughly two weeks as members, during which they discover that Team Terra's custom Poké Balls seem to severely disorient a Pokémon upon capture, and also that regular grunts know next to nothing about what the higher-ups are doing. Eventually, they encounter Wally, disguised as "Jade," who had decided to infiltrate Team Terra himself after being dumped in Saffron City by one of the natural disasters. A nearby grunt manages to spot Alice's Pokédex, and she and Wally make a break for it on Rocky while Amber saves face by acting betrayed and pretending to faint in shock in order to stay undercover a bit longer. Alice and Wally take a moment to properly introduce themselves before calling and regrouping with the other Dexholders, who have long since finished up with the Delta event.

Alice and Wally relay all that they've learned and what led to them being made. Understandably, Kyle is extremely pissed that his sister is still undercover by herself now, but Alice reassures him that she can definitely hold her own until they come up with a rescue plan. After a while of brainstorming, they decide to have Pika fry the surveillance system in the compound while Silver quite literally nabs Amber through the window to her quarters.

[in progress]

With Team Terra defeated, the Dexholders go their separate ways once more. Amber is able to properly begin her Pokemon journey while Kyle decides to finish up the gym circuit. Alice decides to conquer her phasmophobia once and for all by finally challenging Morty's gym, with Gold standing by as "the most annoying moral support ever."

Pokémon Team:

Masami (Eevee/Espeon) ()
Ability: Adaptability/Synchronize
Level: 90
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
- Morning Sun
- Psychic
- Psybeam
- Shadow Ball

Madge (Pidgey/Pidgeotto/ [Mega] Pidgeot) () @ Pidgeotite
Ability: Tangled Feet [No Guard]
Level: 86
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Hurricane
- Twister
- Feather Dance
- Fly

Rocky (Rhyhorn/Rhydon/Rhyperior) () @ Protector
Ability: Reckless
Level: 87
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Rash Nature
- Rock Blast
- Take Down
- Earthquake
- Megahorn

Blaze (Magby/Magmar/Magmortar) () @ Magmarizer
Ability: Flame Body
Level: 83
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Quirky Nature
- Flamethrower
- Fire Blast
- Sunny Day
- Thunderbolt

Leafy (Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry) () @ Black Glasses
Ability: Chlorophyll
Level: 69
EVs: 4 HP / 248 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Bullet Seed
- Razor Leaf
- Dark Pulse
- Knock Off

Psy (Wynaut/Wobbuffet) (♀)
Ability: Shadow Tag
Level: 67
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 248 SpD / 4 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Safeguard
- Mirror Coat
- Counter
- Destiny Bond


  • She has phasmophobia due to the Lavender Town incident, and even a friendly Ghost-type does little to bypass it. She is also afraid of Lavender Town itself and refuses to even set foot in the town.
  • When encountering a wild Pokémon that she might want to add to her team, she always asks it if it wants to join. This has created a special bond between her and her team and is part of why they all work so well together.
  • Her Dexholder title is Inspirer due to her unique ability to stay determined and optimistic, and to inspire her Pokémon with that same determination in order to overcome seemingly impossible odds.
  • Both Rocky and Blaze evolve to their final forms due to trading with Silver (he ain't called the Exchanger for nothin' XD).