Arima Castell (TV Tropes)



  • Action Girl: As the hero, this is a given.
  • An Ice Person: Not only does she bond with Aegis, an ice spirit, when she becomes a SoulWeaver, but she also has a natural affinity for Ice magic, which only becomes stronger through her bond with Aegis.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: She has absolutely zero sense of when to quit a battle, which sometimes actually results in disaster.
  • Awesome McCoolname: Look at the name Arima Castell and say with a straight face that it is not a badass name.
  • Badass Longcoat: Her SoulWeaver outfit. It even has a furred collar!
  • Beehive Barrier: The shield skill from her SoulWeaver class is this.
  • Berserk Button: Hurt (or kill) someone close to her? You're as good as dead.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The "redhead" to Tondra's "blonde" and Alexa's "brunette."
    • Alternatively, the "brunette" to Tomix's "blonde" and Riadne's redhead.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: She really can't keep herself from helping people in need, even if it results in overextending herself.
  • Dragon Rider: Using her Dragon Amulet, she can artificially grow her dragon Erion to adult size and do this.
  • Family Eye Resemblance: She and her brother both have highly expressive dark gold eyes. The color was inherited from their mother, but hers have lost the expressiveness.
  • Flash Step: "Soulblink," a technique that SoulWeavers can use to travel at incredible speeds while trailing energy behind them. Arima leaves an icy blue trail due to being naturally Ice-aligned and also bonded with Aegis.
  • Fusion Dance: Can do this with Aegis after becoming a SoulWeaver and bonding with him. It's called synchronization.
  • Good Is Not Soft: She'll often tell people off for being generally stupid. She's especially hard on Rose members in Book 3.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When synchronized with Aegis, her eyes glow a bright icy blue.
  • Hero Protagonist: Exactly what it sounds like.
  • Human Popsicle: The finale of Book 2 results in this alongside Xan and Warlic. The beginning of Book 3 sees her finally breaking out after a 5-year Time Skip.
  • Hurting Hero: The Void Ship saga hits her hard. She still hasn't completely recovered.
  • In-Series Nickname: Spyre, her older brother, calls her Ri.
  • It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: Saving the world is cool. But everyone blaming you when things go wrong because you can't be everywhere at once? Not so cool.
  • Magnetic Hero: Most people she encounters end up at least respecting her, if not outright liking her as a person.
  • Parental Neglect: Her parents lauded her older brother Spyre as a blacksmithing prodigy, but openly hated her for her natural magical talents and general non-prodigious existence. There's a reason she chose to be a Warrior despite having powerful magic...
  • Scars are Forever: Fighting the Spidermancer during the Arachnattack war left her with serious scarring on her back, scarring not even Warlic could fully heal.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: She didn't even consider romance an option before meeting Tomix.
  • Soul Power: The entire point of her being a SoulWeaver. She can sense and directly attack enemies' souls, and can also weave a special indestructible cloth using SoulThread created by her SoulAlly.
  • Stealth Pun: Arima is a Basque name that means "soul." And she becomes a SoulWeaver.
  • Triang Relations: Type 7 with Tomix and Riadne during the Book 1 Ravenloss Saga. Both Riadne and Arima end up falling for Tomix, who initially crushes on Riadne before realizing that he loves Arima. This ends up peacefully resolved by Book 3—Riadne has fallen in love with and married Izaac by the time Arima returns to the scene.
  • Unknowingly In Love: Arima has no idea what romantic love feels like, having grown up in a cold home with only her brother openly caring for her. When she begins feeling more intense feelings for Tomix, she initially brushes them off as their friendship growing stronger, and ultimately ends up just confused until the fight against Greed, where Tomix's injuries send her into a blind rage. Only then does she realize what her feelings truly are.
  • Weapon of Choice: Scythes. It's extremely rare to see her wielding any other type of weapon.
  • World's Best Warrior: She's basically responsible for containing and/or defeating every major threat to Lore to date.