


4 years, 5 months ago


Overly friendly, nosy, compassionate (in his own weird way), and tries a bit too hard.

Fielder is a faerie that works at a smaller scale compared to Rue and Diem. He travels town to town, typically to bars, festivals, or parties. He’s drawn to people. Whether they’re mourning, celebrating or if Fielder just wants to talk to someone, he’ll invite himself over.

He leaves a bottle of his own brew next to the person he wishes to talk to and if they choose to commune with. If they choose to drink it, they’re put under a spell where they see him as an important person they used to know. Of course, reactions vary and Fielder is there for it all. After the conversation, they feel like they’re waking up from a dream. Fielder gets to feel like he had a connection with someone, as brief as it is.

He tags along behind Rue and Diem, careful not to get in their way. Whatever they’re up to, there’s bound to be someone he can talk to.

There’s only been a handful of people who have ever seen him for what he really is. Fielder holds onto those people as tight as he can.