✦ Nero ✦'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use


___________ADOPTS & DESIGNS TERMS OF SERVICE___________

If you own/co-own any of my designs, obtained from me or third parties, for sale, trade, payments or gifts, you understand and accept these terms.

♡ References and extra art that comes with my adopts cannot be edited.

♡ I must be credited for the design and original artwork, you will include me in the credit of future re-designs and references. (Do not remove or cover my signature/watermark)


♡ A profile on toyhouse.com is required > ONLY ONE PROFILE PER DESIGN <

♡ You are free to resell your character for the price you spent on it. Artwork no money was spent on, should not be included in the final price of the character.

♡ The price of my designs only increases for the extra art it gets, their value does not increase when traded.

♡ If you redesign one of my character designs, please do not sell them as seperate designs.


adding this section due to an issue of a scammer and many affected users

♡ From now on: each oc can have ONLY ONE verified toyhouse profile

♡ I am not responsible for scams or theft regardling co owns, do it at your own risk

♡ for your security, verify that you are receiving the verified profile in toyhouse after the purchase, which will prove your ownership. and avoid sharing ownership with more than one person to avoid confusion and scams...