Madilyn Briggs



4 years, 5 months ago



Name Madilyn April Briggs
Called Maddy
Alter Ego Frequency
Age 24
Gender Female
Location Bronx, NY
Birthday December 2nd
Species Mutant
Occupation RadioShack Employee
Height 5'4"

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Microwave Generation & Manipulation -

User can create, project, shape, and manipulate microwaves, (electromagnetic waves with wavelength between that of infrared light and radio waves). This ability has different effects depending on what it is used on. A mutant with this ability is usually more powerful than your average microwave oven; able to melt substances, and even boil human blood, if necessary/they are strong enough.


  • Joins up with the Brotherhood of Mutants on some occasions
  • Likely would have went to Xavier's School if her mutantion was discovered earlier/Xavier would have gotten to her earlier
  • Has multiple universes/versions, as Marvel does (Movies, Reboot Movies, X-Men Evo, etc.)
  • Has potential for a very powerful mutation, but does not put in the work to train it that way
  • Faceclaim is Allison Mack

Madilyn was born into a fairly average family, of her mother and father Linda and Gregory Briggs. She grew up normally, in a relaxed, suburban neighborhood on the east coast. All was well until one day, when she was eight, when her father was involved in a violent and explosive incident with a band of “mutants” (which Maddy didn’t understand at all at the time.) Out of fear her mother packed the two of them up and moved them to upper New York, after filing for divorce.

Years later, Maddy entered middle school at the same time that her new step-brother Aaron entered high school. Her mothered had remarried, to a successful man named Walter Brant. Around this same time though, Maddy’s mutant abilities began to show. They began with small incidents, interference while listening to radios and music, or causing a younger cousin’s plastic army man to melt when she was extremely frustrated. Over the years, though, it expanded into a larger problem, once causing the microwave oven in the kitchen to explode.

Becoming frightful and understanding what these powers meant for her and what she was, Maddy found solace in her step-brother. Aaron explained what was going on as well as he could, and showed her his powers of fire manipulation and the few tips he knew on how to control it.

Maddy felt she had everything under control during her time in high school and as her step-brother left to study abroad. That was, until one day when she was secretly experimenting with her abilities, only to have her mother come home early and spot her. Maddy, in a panic state that mirrored her mother’s, tried her best to explain and calm her mother down. It was all for naught though. Her mother, when she could finally find her words, wanted Maddy out of the house as soon as possible.

Spending the rest of high school hopping from couch to couch of friends’ and saving up money from part time jobs, Maddy was fortunate enough to find an apartment in a lower class part of New York City.

Years of barely getting by and using her powers to help her make ends meet (when it came to heat and electricity,) a man by the name of Charles Xavier sought her out. She was stunned when this man came to her apartment one evening, and extremely unsure. His offer was one she couldn’t entirely trust. While she was proud of her status of mutant, feeling it gave her a leg-up in life, it seemed to do more harm than good when others were involved. She ended up telling him she’d need time to think it over, but only as an excuse. She decided to live on independently as she was doing.

Now 24, Maddy has been finding that the mutant and anti-mutant movements have been on the rise. While remaining a strong chaotic-neutral on the outside, on the inside she feels it is probably time to pick a side and stand up for mutants like her.


  • 80s Music
  • Alien Aesthetic
  • Nicknames
  • Pizza

  • Birthdays
  • The Government
  • Dolls
  • Fish