


4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Time wolf X wolf


Adelaide, Aoife, Waylin, Richard


Jodie, Dixie




- Like that of a cat

- Kind

- Caring

- Snappy

- Little bit moody at times


- Play around

- Chase things


- Too much physical attention

- Being told what to do

"Dixon wait up" Waylin said, chasing after him. This pup is more of a trickster, messing around and he is super fast. Almost everyone thought that this guy is like a cheetah, with a catlike appearance, almost 90% of his acquaintances would think that he is a cat, it could also be maybe because of his cat like personality, normally the type that likes cuddles, maybe?
He has very strong bonds with Waylin, not too good with Richard, which probably explains why he doesnt interact with him often, the other two pups, Aoife and Adelaide were kind to him, pretty likeable.

Note: This story is written from Dixon's point of view

"What are you doing here just to create messes!?" Richard screeched, with his fiery eyes looking into mine which is very intimidating, considering the fact that he has his own laboratory with all his inventions, he could simply whip out anything at me, sometimes even threatening to kill me, very few times he does show he cares about me, though sometimes i get pretty jealous when i came across him hugging Aoife and sincerely tells her how much he loves her, but i grew out of it pretty quick, no one could change anyone's personality.
I felt intimidated by him, but i still managed to gather up some courage to call out on him "Look nerd, you shouldn't put your beakers and measuring cylinders next to the shelf, thats why they broke, because of you! Take some responsiblility!" I walked out and slammed the door, leaving Richard very irritated that he has to clean the mess.

Lately i have been seeing Adelaide spending alot of time with my parents maybe i should hang out with them and get some time together?
I walked towards their door and peeped through the crack between the door before entering. I only saw my Mum (Dixie) and Adelaide in the room, not wanting to interfere with their activity, i decided to play along "Hey mom, hey Adel, what are yall playing?" "Oh, we are playing the staring contest, whoever blinks lose" Adelaide reply.
I stared at them as they were playing, looking around to see if my other mum, Jodie was here.
Adelaide and Dixie must have a fun time together, might as well not ruin their moment, i turned around and exited the room.
I was about to go out for exploring, and simply to also go hunt for my own meal, thats when Aoife came up to me and gave me a headache, she came and reminded me to go and help hunt for her meal, too. Its super annoying to be in charge of always hunting for Aoife's meal when my parents dont let her do it for a while, trying not to express my irritation, i turn around and left our territory to procede to hunting.
While hunting, i saw a sort of flying machine, maybe it could be Mummy Jodie? She has that kind of machine that could fly too, but i cant remember what it looks like, i approached the machine, taking small steps towards it and also admiring the appearance of the machine.
Thats when i felt a wolf gripping onto me, i turned around, hoping that it was someone i know. But it wasnt, in fact this was a wolf that looks completely different from anyone i knew " You are....little Dixon? Right?" My eyes widen when he said my name, i tried to not be intimidated by his dominance, but i just could not gather up the courage to stand up to him like i did with Richard. "Who are you?" The wolf could clearly tell that i was nervous and scared. "Dont worry little pup, im your Mom's friend, Im Jodie's friend, she told me that i have to take care of you"
I got perplexed as he said that, Jodie has never instructed anyone to follow me before, what makes her do it now? "But, But AH!" I screamed as the wolf carried me into his space ship or space car or whatever, but now it wasnt the time to think about what this weird flying vehicle is, in fact it is now the time for me to scream!
I could not find ways to walk out of this, the wolf simply took me and chained me to the pipes at the back of the ship, I could barely even move, i struggle to free myself from the uncomfortableness of this chain, its just really uncomfortable, I even tried to use my teeth to bite on it, but its just made out of steel, there is no way i could even break it. Just as i was about to give up, I saw a blue ray of light came out of nowhere and Richard appeared "Richard what are you doin-"
"Shhh" Richard covered my mouth before I even get to ask, he took a lazer pistol out of his coat, aiming it at the chains and it broke "thanks Rich" i quickly turned around, to look at the predicament we are in as i thanked him. But i did not expect Richard to be so quick-witted and agile.
Richard instructed me to follow his lead, i have to accept it even though i do not trust him, but it was simply my only option to get out of here. We managed to reach the entrance, but as we were about to open the door, the wolf that tooked me away earlier had appeared again
"Going so soon little puppies?" The wolf said with a smirk
"Who are you to think we are puppies!?" Richard replied, sounding more angrier than his usual tone
Richard took out his lazer pistol and fired at the wolf, however, little did he realize that the wolf manage to dodge the bullet and took away his gun
"Now your hopeless, no one else can help you" the wolf gave a menacing laugh, Richard stood in front of me, even though i could see that his legs were shaking, he places his paw around me as an attempt to calm me down. I could not believe that Richard was even trying to sacrifice himself to save me, normally he would put the blame on me when we got into trouble, but this time it was like as if he was a totally different wolf.
Richard shut his eyes and tugged on my fur even harder than before, he was ready to accept his death, i couldn't let myself see him disappear infront of me and i tried to turn the tables to sacrifice myself instead, but little did i know that Richard has an iron fist, i couldnt free myself from his grip.
As soon as the wolf aimed the lazer pistol at Richard's forehead, this time, however, Jodie came from on top and landed on the wolf, as a way to distract him, giving Richard and I some time to flee and hide behind her before the wolf manage to fight back
"Sacha what are you doing trying to take away my children!?" Jodie barked, glaring at Sacha as a way to tell him to not get in their way. Sacha searched for the lazer pistol, but Jodie manage to take it away before he find it. "FINE Jod, you win okay! Just get out of my ship and go back home!" He turns around in disbelief, couldnt believe that he lose his chance of killing her pups, he decided to not even try, as the last time they had a big fight, Jodie managed to win real good defeating him by a large number.
Jodie escorted Richard and I back to her car. "Mum who was that?" I asked, couldn't hold my curiosity in, i just really waned to know who that mysterious wolf was "He....He was just an old friend" Jodie replied, turning around to look whether we had sustained any injuries
"Oh yeah and Richard, how did you find me?"
"Our sister Aoife has told me that you havent been back for long, and i managed to track down your location, thank goodness you were still alive or i will be the one to blame"
I couldnt make myself forget the memory of how that mysterious wolf look, with heterochromia eyes, it simply scares me ever since he gripped and pulled me into his ship, thankfully I was finally saved, I cuddled Jodie , glad that she managed to save the both of us in the end.