Paris Kanta



4 years, 5 months ago


Age: 30

Height: 6’0”

Species: Cupidmorph

  Note: In the past, this species was infamous for being prostitutes and servants due to their ability to shapeshift into ones sexual desires and their exceptional ability to see people’s physical weaknesses. They are often found in brothels and around the streets, however, for the cupidmorphs who are trying to break away from such a past and present, they are often discriminated against and degraded. Like Paris, some are even forced into the brothel line of work simply because of their race or because their parents’ will.  

Birthday: July 21

Relationships: He used to have Lucas, Gabriel, Loca, and Miles as regular clients back when the gang was still together. He eventually becomes very good friends with Lucas. Has never been in a romantic relationship and probably never will. 

Parents: His parents worked in the brothel that he would later work in, and even works in the same room that his mother did. He was born in the brothel, and escorting was all he really knew. 

Personality: He is a skillful haggler. He is also very polite, and he does not have a sense of humor. However Lucas is the only one who seems to be able to make him laugh. He is calm and very level headed. Intelligent yet naive to the world around him. 

Backstory: Paris was born in a well hidden brothel in the heart of the Capital zone. It was a fairly nice brothel, clean, well maintained, and rather high tech.  However, the surrounding area wasn’t the safest as crime ran rampant with little to no control. Furthermore, because the business was in such an official rich and wealthy part of the city, they’ve always had a steady flow of clients, and they have an extremely strict policy of keeping clients’ identities very well hidden, even using codenames when booking appointments. 

     His parents were harlots at the brothel, but he spent a lot of his time in his mothers room while his fathers was working next door. The boss had been given his mother time to take care of Paris when he was a baby, and his parents loved him deeply and spent a lot of tike with him. 

    It was hard at first. He was a rather rowdy child, and was a rather large baby and ate a lot, but his parents managed to push through, even getting help from their boss with some supplies. Some workers even brought gifts like pacifiers and baby toys. A lot of the workers loved Paris as well. His parents weren’t completely engrossed by their work, even if they enjoyed their work they did not want their son to still be a very young child and have to deal with adults, since theyve seen and experienced how much that can scar someone. 

     They took care of him the best they can, and tried to show him this lifestyle and engrave it into his mind thinking this was the safest they could get without being killed. 

      Growing up, he was taught about the ways of the brothel, being able to wonder around after everyone finished working and learn and explore the different ways to treat and please clients. He used to be fascinated by it all, and he would watch his mother and father work through the closet screen and take mental notes. He was amazed by how they incorporated their ability to shapeshift for certain patrons, and the more he watched, the more he was eager to please. 

     Anyways, cupidmorphs typically think about money, desires, and sex. This is simply how the species process things. However, Paris wasn’t like this. He was very smart and learned how to speak quickly, and he taught himself many other things like how to read, sometimes sneaking out just to see if he find something to read laying around in the streets. 

     He spent a lot of his time reading news papers, billboards, and whateven books he could get his hands on. His parents would gift him books as well, and even the boss and workers would give him things to read. 

      This carried on into his adulthood, and he had grown to be very intelligent as he had found and read books of many kinds. 

        Eventually when he looked old enough, he started taking in customers. His third eye, like all cupidmorphs, is able to visualize exactly what the other person desires for a physical appearance, and what will please them the most. Because of how much he learned from his parents, he was able to change and please with only minimal effort. 

     Although, he was a beautiful young boy who can switch genders as well, and he ended up sometimes being told he was enough and they’d rather lavish his body than a fabricated one. 

    He quickly grew to hate the job. He hated being touched by the filth that some of the customers carried. But he dealt with it, doing his job effectively and becoming quite popular amongst the patrons. 

   He was able to get a lot of money, however, as kind as the owner is, she was greedy, only leaving the workers a small amount and taking the rest of the money to herself or putting it into the brothel. Because of this he struggled to feed himself when he needed, but after a meal he can last a long while before needing to eat again. 

    Paris’s hatred for his job only grew over the years, but his popularity grew, and he tried to leave on many occasions and run away, but the owner had anyways been able to bring him back, or the crime in the area was awful enough that he was forced to return for his safety. Eventually he gave up. He was just a sex worker. No one is going to help him. Why would they? 

    One day, he finally was able to collect enough money for himself to go out to the market, and he informed the owner of his goings before leaving. When he was walking around the market place, he felt a bold hand grope him as he walked, and he noticed it was a regular customer of his.

     Being polite, he had a conversation with the man, but it went no where, many crude comments being made to him and his hands continued to wonder over Paris body as he tried to continue shopping. He was used to this, and used to how no one seemed to care.