Kaymi Bellefonte



8 years, 3 days ago


Full Name: Shadow Kaymi
Nick Names: N/A
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Shadow
Date Of Birth: February 24th
Current residence: Monochrome
Criminal History: Saving humans that aren't suppose to be saved
Occupations: Servant of Lord Angelos, Shadow Sister bounty hunter 
Physical Appearance: Pale skin, pointed ears, uncared for appearance 
Hair: Long, messy purple hair
Eye Colour: Green
Clothing Style: Clothing that is easy to run/work in, and still looks nice in her mind
Primary Outfit: A long dress with slits in the side, green shorts, boots, a necklace with a purple stone
Birthmarks/Scars: N/A
Siblings: Gumi (Sister)
Other Family Members: Victin (Father), Tajsy (Mother), Kadence (Cousin), Unnamed uncle or aunt, Mary (Wife), Faren (Sister-in-law)
Children: Sally (Adopted Daughter)
Pets: N/A
People Who Don’t Sit Well With Her/Him: Faren, Gulliver 
Friends: Kipper, Luna, Shane
Best friends: Mary, Shiori
Love interest: Mary
Romantic History
Sexuality: Bi

Relationship Status: Taken
Crushes: Mary
Dreams/Life Goals: To get out of servitude, thus helping the Shadow Sisters grow as a "business".
Voice: High pitched, bratty sounding, a similar voice to Siesta 410 from Umineko No Naku Koro Ni

Likes: Mary, Sally, winning, strawberry cheesecake, ice cream, pie, cooking, playing games, reading, affection, being complimented and praised, her appearance, singing, swimming, nostalgia, human holidays, the light realm, snow, brushing her hair, brushing other people's hair, when Gumi wants to be around her, cuddling, music, skating, daydreaming, the thrill of being a bounty hunter
Dislikes: Kipper, Faren, boredom, losing, being punished, getting yelled at, Mary being affectionate to people other than her, being insulted, being mocked or teased, not getting what she wants, being depressed, Sally and Gumi ignoring her or being angry at her, disapproval, failure
Fears: Being alone, her father returning, being a servant forever, Sally growing up, burning