
4 years, 5 months ago



Guess th' cap'n just wanted ye, I don't be knowin' if that's jolly, or bad

Strength [4/5]

Speed [3/5]
Intel [2/5]

Agility [1/5]
Health [4/5]

Skill [5/5]
Toryn tilted his head "So...if th' only way to live be to turn human...than ye do it, I mean, 'tis not like it gunna kill ye" He inwardly laughed at his choice of words, though on the outside his face was still calm. "'n if every human ye've met be mean, then clearly, ye've never met a lady." he tilted his head "Wait no...some 'o them can be pretty nasty too" He looked down at her tail That's a lot of scales to shed he thought she's right about that, 't'would make a large mess, but it would be sweeped away quickly. If there is one clean place on this ship, it's the holding cells Toryn kept watching the mer. Seeing that she seemed to be uncomfortable he decided to make an attempt to make her feel better "Well, I suppose ye could stay a mer...after all, 'tis not like ye'd die a slow painful death or anythin'" then he frowned "'s what happens if ye stay a mer...uh...just...uh...just forget I said anythin'"


Toryn is a quick study, though he does tend to run his mouth. He has a hard time disobeying the captain, but he does love the sea, so he doesn't mind obeying every order he's given. In fact, he rather enjoys it. Toryn is easy to accept trust, but he has a harder time giving trust. When confronted by a pretty mer though...well, that trust comes a bit easier.
  • The Ocean
  • Card Tricks
  • The cap'n
  • Mutineers
  • Land
  • Smoke
Since Toryn was 15, he left the land and harbors behind and joined the crew of a pirate captain. He served mostly as a cabin boy, before earning his way up to boatswain. He obeys the Captain, and has seen several people try to overthrow the man. He's stuck by the cap'n through it all, and knows the captain sees him as a loyal pirate (as loyal as a pirate can be anyways) which is why he was chosen to guard the prisoner Mer.
