Primrose (Crystal Healer)



4 years, 5 months ago


Name Rosie
Age 25
Height 5'5"
Build Curvy
Race Mirn
Gender Female
Orientation Bisexual
Role Medic
Tail Glowtail


The Crystal Healer

Primrose is what you would expect of a typical glowtail Mirn, in that she takes on the medic role with dedication, but that’s where anything that would be considered ‘typical’ about her ends. Although she keeps a very level head in any situation she finds herself in, she will always be her father’s daughter too and that comes with a personality that lights up the room. She is quick to smile and laugh, talkative, engaging and she always finds a way to complement just about everyone in the room. When other people feel happy in her presence is when she is the happiest.

That said, if you do ever find yourself on the receiving end of her care when she is in work mode and she feels like you aren’t taking your health seriously... Well let’s just say that other Mirn warn that getting into that position isn’t such a good idea. The word scary usually seems to be the most appropriate to describe her when that happens, not that anyone usually believes it until they see it for themselves. Her nickname however, comes from the fact that she uses lightly coloured rose quartz crystals during her light-therapy healing sessions.

The one person who usually gets spared her stern side is her younger brother, Alder. They have been inseparable since he was born and their relationship has only gotten stronger over time. When he is with her, he’s a little more well-behaved, she on the other hand tends to find herself in more adventurous situations than she’d find on her own. All in all, she is a beautiful soul that wears her heart on her sleeve without any regrets.


  • Gadening
  • Singing/Dancing
  • Perfumes/Sweet Smells
  • Reading
  • Fire
  • Her Family


  • Getting caught singing/dancing
  • Being scared
  • Her family getting injured
  • A messy home



Rosie is very much like her mother in general; sweet, warm, friendly and no nonsense when she is in charge of your care. But she also takes after her father, inheriting his sense of humour and playful attitude. Both of which she keeps to herself unless she is outside work, just like he does. She is very confident in her abilities and in herself as a whole, so she isn’t easily swayed by talk. Actions however have a very large impact on her opinions about people, and as such they are what she uses to judge a person. Due to her profession and the people she meets because of it, she has also developed an uncanny intuition about people. It gives her a general sense of who they are and she is hardly ever wrong.

She will usually take it upon herself to help anyone she meets who is injured and she won’t take no for an answer. Taking care of others is the one situation where she can be considered stubborn. Unexpectedly though, she can be more than a little clumsy. She has a habit of walking into things and people, usually because she is lost in thought. She is also very easily scared by things like unexplained noises or going out into the forest, much to her annoyance. But she will also be the first to run into an obviously unsafe situation if she suspects someone might be hurt.

When she isn’t busy, she likes to indulge herself by going to Hestian’s bakery for sweet treats and then heading over to the Tree of Stories. Her favourite perch is over on westward side of the tree, facing The Eddy where she can almost always be found cracking open a new book. When she isn’t reading though, she’s usually happy to just sit and watch the other Mirn around her, making up little stories about their lives in her head. Though it’s a pastime she doesn’t find as entertaining now since she knows most, if not all, of the Mirn living in Sunrise.


The excitement of having her father come home from an assignment was probably the first memory Primrose had. That and her mother then proceeding to tend to what minor, or not-so-minor, injuries he had sustained along the way. Meanwhile, little Primrose could usually be found sat close by, helping her mother and scolding her father, as seriously as she could, for getting injured to begin with much to their amusement. The only thing that would end the lecture was a solemn promise from him that he would be more careful next time, which always garnered a satisfied smile from her that was quickly followed by a tight hug and a flurry of kisses.

Primrose, who grew to affectionately be called Rosie by all the residents of Sunrise, was born to a relatively normal family. Though ‘normal’ wasn’t exactly the word she would use to describe them if you ever bothered to ask her yourself. Her father is definitely not what one would expect of a typical combat-oriented tailmouth Mirn. An exceptionally skilled warrior and tactical expert. While on the job, he and his tailmouth work as a devastating unit that few others would willingly choose to go up against, but the moment he is off duty it’s a different story entirely. He can almost constantly be heard making jokes, reminding his team to loosen up and spontaneously bursting into song, with a 99% chance of dancing following soon after. He prides himself on not taking life too seriously, a trait which most Mirn who have seen him in combat seem to find hard to reconcile, though they accept it nonetheless.

On the other hand, her mother is a very soft spoken needletail Mirn, widely considered a botanical genius, particularly with medicinal plants. She has a very warm and friendly personality, always greeting everyone she meets with a smile. As nice as she is though, there was always something in her eyes and the way she spoke that made people think twice about crossing her, a trait which made her perfectly suited to being a medic. It was her example that led to Rosie becoming the highly regarded medic she is now, an achievement both her parents are very proud of.

The last member of her family is her little brother Adler, who can most accurately be described as a wild-card. He is a ball of unending energy who can usually be found making trouble wherever he is, the exact opposite of his sister. He is most often found playing pranks around the village and when it seems like he isn’t in the middle of setting one up, it’s almost guaranteed that he’s planning one. The only person that seems to have any sort of influence over his actions is Rosie and he will usually stop if she asks. But he doesn’t give their parents the same deference, much to everyone’s confusion.

Growing up, her father made a tradition of taking her to Storm Lake for camping trips whenever he was home between assignments. They’d spend the time swimming, fishing and playing games while he told her stories about the people he met and places he visited while he was away. Their days usually ended with them sat by the fire while he sang her favourite lullabies till she fell asleep. The tradition expanded to include Alder when he was old enough and it is something they still do at least 3 - 4 times a year now.

When they were at home though, she could usually be found reading or helping her mother with everything from cooking/baking to growing her herbs and flowers in their garden, activities that she came to love herself. Her mother had even decided to dedicate a whole section of the garden to wild roses in every colour found in the basin, a project she had started with Rosie when she had first shown an interest in gardening. She used the project to teach Rosie how to use her magic and glowtail to influence the plants growth, which she picked up quite quickly. The result was Rosie’s impressive control over her magic and a beautiful and healthy rose bush that bloomed year round, though her mother never failed to remind her that the most beautiful rose she had would always be her little Rosie.

When Alder had been brought home, Rosie took to him like a magnet, making it her responsibility to make sure he had everything he needed. She could usually be found reading to him and teaching him how to do things as he got older. The relationship they built is still strong till now and is something Rosie has always been very happy about. She does however find that she has a hard time staying mad at Adler regardless of how much trouble he has caused.

Nowadays her parents have both taken on more educational roles, instructing younger Mirn who are interested in combat and medicine respectively. They both still go out into the field, with her father going on assignments he deems too important to delegate and her mother helping with attending to the more critical injuries they see at the clinic.



Charisma 90%
Kindness 100%
Temper 40%
Integrity 100%
Courage 70%
Humor 80%
Self-control 80%


Attack 20%
Defense 20%
Magic 70%
Resistance 90%
Speed 60%
Stealth 60%
Stamina 80%


Health 80%
Confidence 80%
Intelligence 100%
Manners 100%
Optimism 90%
Luck 50%
Resourcefulness 80%

Skills & Abilities

Skill Name

ekjnflwdncirlfnrf je lirjnfiewfk e ifkelfi3f iufneknflei ifneiwlnf3lf ijn3lfnr3loifnr.

Skill Name

ekjnflwdncirlfnrf je lirjnfiewfk e ifkelfi3f iufneknflei ifneiwlnf3lf ijn3lfnr3loifnr.

Skill Name

ekjnflwdncirlfnrf je lirjnfiewfk e ifkelfi3f iufneknflei ifneiwlnf3lf ijn3lfnr3loifnr.


ekjnflwdncirlfnrf je lirjnfiewfk e ifkelfi3f iufneknflei ifneiwlnf3lf ijn3lfnr3loifnr.





Rosie met Rei by chance in Hestian's bakery while on her way to her favourite reading spot. She saw her bandaged arm from a recent injury and demanded that Rei let her see it. One thing led to another and now Rosie often finds herself trying to convince Rei to be more careful...and teach her some people skills in the process.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.
