This One



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:


Other Names:

This One


Male (he/him)


20+ (Aster A.) / mid 20s (post-SSA)




How Do Magic: Defying Gravity

Creation Date:

July 14th 2013


This One is a member of a very secluded and thoroughly distrusted hivemind species. He encounters a teleportation spell after a transport vessel purportedly crashes on the planet and is launched across the desert where he isn't in range of the hivemind. Once he's retrieved, he's reintegrated, but keeps having troubles - hours of laying alone and isolated left him with a sense of self.

It isn't long before he's brought in for correction, and he snaps. He manages to tear through the facility and locate another transport spell and fucks right on outta there. The spell happens to be a direct transport to Aster Academy of Fracture City and when he apparates on campus, laying pitifully on the ground, it's quite a scene. He's taken in, representatives of the Bar-Japhet visit and mark his eyes, and then he's left to his own devices. He has to go through a myriad of various therapies in order to be able to so much as walk on his own. He picks it all up quickly thanks to muscle memory, but none of his functions were learned, just shared by the hivemind.

This One attends Aster Academy, where he learns Balance magic, tries to figure out how to be a person, and makes a few friends - most notably his best friend Calvin; a happy-go-lucky guy who likes to drag the antisocial This One around to all sorts of activities. He's sympathetic to This One being so othered and learns his extremely subtle mannerisms quickly.

Once he graduates from his primary degree, This One hangs out in Fracture City to continue his social training and learn everything else he possibly can about the sarlem's style of magic. While technically both he and Calvin own the apartment, Calvin heads off to spaceship academy and they're several light-years apart. Upon Calvin's return, they start to split their time between living on Fracture and gallivanting around space while accidentally being heros.

Social Connections

Calvin - bestie, effectively platonic soulmate

Prof Oskar - more or less adoptive father figure

World Context

HDM & Japhet lore coming soon!

> 6 foot exactly

> His eye tattoos signify 'betrayer' (+) and 'outcast' (,,)

> none of note yet

||  Favorite Art & Another  ||  Primary Ref / Flat Colors  ||  Height Ref  ||

Primary Notes
> ear antenna are stiff and straight, though flexible when bumped - and he carries his ears low, unless on alert
> no eyebrows, just tattoos
> only one iris, tends to be in his left eye, + shaped pupil
> he has claws that match his hair color, they're just hard to see!
> tail has a slight taper to it

> 3-layer outfit: undershirt, jacket, waist compress
> only 2 earrings

Other Stuff
> Stocky build, a little bit tall but has very tight posture
> This One's expressions tend to be either a very subtle or alarmingly exaggerated - he has long, sharp canines, if needed

This One appears assertive and poker-faced but is quite the anti-authority rebel type under his blank mask of a face. While he doesn't usually initiate, he will reciprocate his friends' physical antics and has a very sharp wit with a tongue to match. He acts in his early 20s and is basically just a well-meaning college asshole.
