Paris Lombardo




Paris Lombardo

spies in disguise fan character :^)
Basic Info

Name Paris Lombardo

Age 21
Gender Male
Nicknames N/A
pronouns He/him
Height 5'8
Birthplace Venice, Italy
Birthday December 31st 1999
now Lives inVenice, Italy
OCCUPATION                    Works part-time at a flowershop but currently training to become a gondolier
Design Notes

  • greeeeen eyes !!
  • his hair is more fluffy on the top,, i didnt really portray that well in the main ref

website counter

  • Paris is a Spies in Disguise fan chara! I'm still working on how I would incorporate him into the story  --> thinkin of having him help out lance n walter when they went to Venice in exchange for a free visit to America haha ?? ,, maybe even having him get a job at the agency??? its a huge wip
  • He currently lives in Venice, Italy! 
  • In order to become a gondolier, there is extensive training one must complete. Paris is currently training! For now, he's helping out a local flower shop. 
  • He adores animals. He can often be seen feeding the pigeons around Venice. 

Paris is insanely ambitious and a bit rebellious at heart. He desperately wants to leave his hometown and is always itching for a way out. 

He is an extrovert and incredibly sarcastic and brash. He loves telling it how it is and doesn't like to waste time. 

However, as often as Paris loves talking about quitting his gondolier training and running away, he most likely wont. He's insanely loyal and is easily plagued by guilt.


  • The outdoors! + everything that comes with it.
  • Pigeons
  • Music + dancing
  • Romance, all that mushy affection, chick flicks, etc

  • Greasy foods
  • Unhygienic people
  • People with large egos and think they're better than everyone else

Paris grew up in a middle class family in Venice, Italy with his younger sister and parents. His father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so-on were all gondoliers and Paris's father wants nothing more than to pass on the tradition of guiding gondolas to his only son. 

However, Paris wants nothing to do with that. He wants to travel the world by boat and meet all kinds of people. Maybe even visit America one day.

a phat wip :,) ty for taking the time to read about my love!!