35$'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use


HARUKA'S TERMS OF SERVICE -ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION MUST BE KEPT PRIVATE biological names/addresses are not to be shared or discussed on either party's end outside of the business transactions. meaning my name/address or yours are not to be mentioned to anyone. you must blur my personal info if you intend to use it as proof of purchases. I will not conduct business with anyone who decides otherwise. -for trades you must complete your half first unfortunately ive been scammed too many times so those people ruined it for everyone. :"( -Do not hassle me or be disrespectful please. youre welcome to ask any question you may have but do not pressure me -I have the right to decline trades/comms if i do not wish to do them. excluding those who initiated business and were accepted. -please do not edit my artwork in anyway shape or form and do not trace my original work. you can ask me to make edits if i am able to or draw a new reference yourself. you may edit the design just not the artwork created by me (Haru/carbonated-stardust) -you can resell/trade my designs but not for more than you paid unless you have extra art (if you traded but added no monetary value you are prohibited to sell)  . please be kind and try to exclude gift art as they were gifts. -revoking designs after we've traded is prohibited. if you do this you will be blacklisted -Refunds are only acceptable if its kindly discussed with me privately and that I have made a mistake. otherwise once youve paid, youve paid. -I am a slow artist. please be gentle with me. please do not take inspiration off of my ocs. that means themes/colours/style ect. I dont like it regardless if youre my friend or not. please respect that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE RESPECT MY ART. i work really hard on my designs/work in general - so please do not reference/trace/repost them without permission. if you need help with drawings designing a character feel free to ask me! thank you~ (youre not allowed to use images ive created what so ever unless you own the character and paid me for it.) do not remove my watermark or reupload without permission please and thank you.

if I notice you have broken my Tos I will legally get involved. no questions asked.Â