


4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Riley

Gender; Female

Sexuality; "Girls are cute---but so are boys---but---I have university...."

Backstory: Riley is a 21 year old feline, who lives in a renovated mansion while attending college nearby in the city she grew up in.

As a young child, her father walked out on her family, not wanting a new child. Then she grew up with her older sister and incredibly busy mother, practically being raised by her older sister.

At ages 6-7, Riley frequently had to walk herself to and from school, due to her mother's schedule and sister also attending school. She never minded much, knowing her neighborhood was safe and her mother constantly teaching her a safe path. Though, one day, the young kitten found herself lost from home due to exploring. Guilt struck her, realizing what her mom had said about straying from the path home, and how awfully dangerous things could be. But at the same time...She knew it was just another new adventure! Riley quickly ran around the paths, finding what appeared to be a very scary, old abandoned house. Fear struck her, but she knew she couldn't pass up the opportunity to explore!

And so she did, looking at the dirty and old furniture that was scattered about the old first floor. Though soon after, she quickly remembered the need to get home and scurried off, promising to come back sometime to herself.

And Riley did, a few times infact!


During her time in highschool, Riley found herself having a lot of relationship problems. She struggled with her sexuality, and fighting with other teenager girls over dumb boys. She would frequently ask Louis for help, even if the painting could only really offer a metaphorical shoulder to cry on and some occasional advice. She felt too guilty to go to her mom with such stupid problems, especially with her mother struggling with finances.  She'd talk to her sister over the phone from time to time, but it wasn't as helpful to her.

Riley continued to work hard through school, only ever using Louis '''occasionally''' to cheat on math homework. What?! Everyone cheats, geez... Anyways, Riley graduated happily from her school, applying to the nearby college in the city for a language degree. Though this brought with it the demand for her to move out soon by her mother, who while loving her dearly, couldn't support her much anymore as she was going to move to a different city soon that she could afford. Riley quickly came up with the idea to renovate and purchase the old abandoned home, and quickly explained it to her mother. Her mother was concerned for a moment, but slowly agreed to help her anyway she could, even getting her older sister and aunt involved at some point.

By the age of 21, Riley was moved into the home with Louis, and was happily enrolled to college for her degree.

She hopes to write children's books one day, and make enough money to help her mother whenever possible.

Riley also still wonders somewhat, if there's anyway to get Louis out of those paintings...

Would he even want that??